[Eurchap] New ASIS&T ESC mailing list

Tamara Heck Tamara.Heck at uni-duesseldorf.de
Fri Nov 9 11:31:50 EST 2012

Dear colleagues,


the European Student Chapter (ESC) has a new mailing list. You can subscribe
to the list here: http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/eustuchap-l


If you want to send messages please use eustuchap-l at mail.asis.org.


We offer the new ESC list to send news and information, which particularly
address students. News may imply job offerings, announcements of student
workshops, special programs at conferences, new master programs, exchange
programs offered by universities etc.


The ESC also re-launched its website:


Please tell your students about our new website and mailing list.


greetings, tamara


Tamara Heck

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Dept. of Linguistics and Information Science

Universitätsstraße 1

Building 23.21/04.67

Phone: +49211-81-14137

Tamara.Heck at hhu.de



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