[Eurchap] CfP: ISSOME International conference in Information Science and Social Media Aug 24-26, 2011, Åbo/Turku, Finland

Isto Huvila isto.huvila at abo.fi
Wed Jan 19 11:09:37 EST 2011

Call for Papers for the international conference in Information Science 
and Social Media – ISSOME in 24.-26.8.2011 is open.

We invite researchers worldwide to submit original research within the 
topics of the conference that are listed below. Submissions should be 
extended abstracts of no longer than 1500 words. All submissions will be 
peer-reviewed double blinded. Submission guidelines are available at 

Conference themes

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Social media in information science
- Information aspects of social media
- Library 2.0 and Librarian 2.0
- Social networking sites
- Information Management
- Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Organization
- Reputation Management
- Information Behaviour and Information Use
- Information dissemination in social media

Structure of the extended abstract

- Title
- Abstract text
- References

Abstract text should clearly describe the aims, novelty/originality and 
principal findings/contribution of the presentation. In the case of 
empirical studies, also the method and material should be described briefly.

Observe that no information about the authors should be included in the 
abstract document.


Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2011.


The aim of the first ISSOME conference is to address new modes of 
information behaviour in different contexts focusing the effects of 
social media and technologies in the interactive web. The change process 
is not always straight forward and we need to underline what is really 
changing and what is only a trend. The conference will discuss skills 
needed to manage the new information platform and how to develop needed 
competencies in the information society.

The conference is open to researchers, academics and practitioners in 
the fields of library and information science and social media, as well 
as businesses and organizations developing social media strategies. The 
conference will host invited and contributed papers sessions.

In conjunction with the conference will also be organized a Doctoral 
Forum. This offers a possibility for doctoral students to share their 
ongoing research projects with their peers and well-established senior 

The conference is organized by the Department of Information Studies at 
Åbo Akademi University. It is well established and internationally 
recognized for excellence in research and education. The department 
conducts a wide array of research including research about social media, 
Library 2.0, knowledge management, health information behavior, and 
scientometrics. The department is part of the School of Business and 
Economics and it has strong connections and collaborative 
multidisciplinary projects with other departments in the school.

The conference is organised in association with ASIS&T European Chapter.

Please visit http://issome2011.library2pointoh.fi/ for more information.

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