[Eurchap] Registration open for LIDA, 25-30 May 2009 (Dubrovnik & Zadar)

marija dalbello dalbello at scils.rutgers.edu
Sun Mar 22 14:31:38 EDT 2009

Registration for LIDA (Libraries in the Digital Age) to be held 25-30 May
2009 (Dubrovnik - Zadar, Croatia) is now open.

This year's themes are: REFLECTIONS (changes brought by and in digital
libraries in the last decade) and HERITAGE & digital libraries
(digitization, preservation, access).

The preliminary program is at: http://www.ffos.hr/lida/.

Hope to see many of you in Dubrovnik and Zadar this year again!

Marija Dalbello, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
SHARP De Long Book Prize Jury
School of Communication, Information and Library   Studies
4 Huntington Street
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1071
Voice: 732.932.7500 / 8215
FAX:  732.932.6916
Internet: dalbello at scils.rutgers.edu

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