[Eurchap] Recent Predestinations – End Nov 2008, Tunisia

Alaa Al-Din Al-Radhi alradhi2000 at yahoo.ca
Mon Dec 29 06:44:12 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues / Friends
Kind respects and happy New Year 
Allow me to seize this moment to share with you the attached recent PPTs that I have presented (as being hired as an ITU regional consultant) in Tunisia lately. Feel free to disseminate these PPTs to related interested parties. I believe firmly in knowledge share. 
Your comments and notes are kindly appreciated. 
If I can be of any future help to your mission, that would be my pleasure and honor. 
All Blessings and respects 
Alaa Al-Din (Aladdin) 
Passionate / Advocate of: Internet, Science, technology, innovations and new frontiers. 
+ 962 796347600 
alradhi2000 at yahoo.ca, alaalradhi at hotmail.com 
Excellence is never an accident; it’s always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skilful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities

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