[Eurchap] [Fwd: [icie] IRIE 06 on Ethics in Robotics]

M.J. Menou michel.menou at wanadoo.fr
Mon May 7 10:11:08 EDT 2007

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [icie] IRIE 06 on Ethics in Robotics
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 21:16:26 +0200
De: Rafael Capurro <rafael at capurro.de>

Pour: icie at zkm.de <icie at zkm.de>,	Guglielmo.Tamburrini at na.infn.it 
<Guglielmo.Tamburrini at na.infn.it>,	Daniela.CerquiDucret at unil.ch 
<Daniela.CerquiDucret at unil.ch>

Dear ICIE colleagues,

IRIE 06 on "Ethics in Robotics" is finally online
We, the editors and guest editors, apologize for this unusual delay.
There were technical and 'human' reasons for it and we had a lot of
papers that we (and the peer reviewers!) considered worth of being
published in our journal.
We hope that our next issues will be delivered at the foreseen deadlines.

- Roboethics: a Bottom-up Interdisciplinary Discourse in the Field of
Applied Ethics in Robotics  by Gianmarco Veruggio and Fiorella Operto
- What Should We Want From a Robot Ethic?  by Peter M. Asaro
- Neo-Rawlsian Co-ordinates: Notes on A Theory of Justice for the
Information Age  by Alistair S. Duff
- When Is a Robot a Moral Agent?  by John P. Sullins
- Fundamental Issues in Social Robotics   by Brian R. Duffy
- Social Robots - Emotional Agents: Some Remarks on Naturalizing
Man-Machine Interaction  by Barbara Becker
- Learning Robots and Human Responsibility  by Dante Marino and
Guglielmo Tamburrini
- Invisibility and the Meaning of Ambient Intelligence  by C. K. M.
- On the Anticipation of Ethical Conflicts between Humans and Robots in
Japanese Mangas  by Stefan Krebs
- In Between Companion and Cyborg: The Double Diffracted Being
Else-where of a Robodog  by Maren Kraehling  (in German)
- 'Rinri': An Incitement towards the Existence of Robots in Japanese
Society  by Naho Kitano
- Robotics and Development of Intellectual Abilities in Children  by
Miguel Angel Pérez Alvarez  (in Spanish)
- On Designing Machines and Technologies in the 21st Century. An
Inter-disciplinary Dialogue.  by Dirk Söffker und Jutta Weber (in German)

As you know, we have a CfP on Ethical Challenges in Ubiquitous Computing
due to December 2007. We will publish the first issue this year (due to
June/July) with the proceedings of the Africa conference.

Please distribute this news as widely as possible

kind regards

Rafael Capurro

Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro
Hochschule der Medien (HdM) - Stuttgart Media University, Wolframstr. 32
70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Private: Redtenbacherstr. 9, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
E-Mail: rafael at capurro.de; capurro at hdm-stuttgart.de
Voice Stuttgart: + 49 - 711 - 25706 - 182
Voice private: + 49 - 721 - 98 22 9 - 22 (Fax: -21)
Homepage: www.capurro.de
Homepage ICIE: http://icie.zkm.de
Homepage IRIE: http://www.i-r-i-e.net
Information Ethics Senior Fellow, 2007-2008, Center for Information 
Policy Research, School of Information Studies, UW-Milwaukee, USA

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