[Eurchap] CFP: 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

Birger Larsen blar at db.dk
Mon Jun 18 11:14:37 EDT 2007

*** Apologies for cross postings ***


                       Call for Presentations


        12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 

                          13-14 September 2007

            Royal School of Library and Information Science

              Birketinget 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark


Bibliometric researchers in the Nordic countries have arranged annual Nordic workshops on bibliometrics since 1996:


1996 in Helsinki

1997 in Stockholm

1998 in Oslo

1999 in Copenhagen

2000 in Oulu

2001 in Stockholm

2002 in Oslo 

2003 in Aalborg 

2004 in Turku

2005 in Stockholm

2006 in Oslo 


The general scope of the workshop is to present recent bibliometric research in the region and to create better linkages between the bibliometric research groups and their PhD students. Note however, that the workshop language is English and the workshop is open to participants from any nation. 



The 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy will be held in Copenhagen, 13-14 September 2007. The workshop format is interactive and informal: All participants are requested to make a presentation of a research paper or a research idea, but no paper need to be submitted. Please register by email to Birger Larsen (see http://www.db.dk/blar for the email) and also submit a max 200 word abstract on what you will present as soon as possible and no later than August 1st 2007 if you wish to participate.


This year's Keynote Speaker is Dr. Gunnar Sivertsen from NIFU/STEP in Oslo (http://www.nifustep.no/content/view/full/447). He will talk on 'Publication patterns in complete bibliographic data (all scientific journals and books) at all Norwegian universities.'


Note that there are no fees for participating in the Nordic workshops on bibliometrics. However, travel and accommodation have to be arranged by the participants themselves. 



Deadline for registration and abstract submission: August 1st, 2007.

Workshop: September 13-14, 2007.


Please visit the workshop website at http://www.db.dk/nbw2007 or contact the organisers for additional information. 



Birger Larsen, Lennart Björneborn and Peter Ingwersen

Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark





Birger Larsen, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Information Studies

Royal School of Library and Information Science

Birketinget 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

Tel. +45 3258 6066 / +45 32341520, Fax. +45 32840201

Email: blar at db.dk, Homepage: http://www.db.dk/blar


Co-organisor of the INEX interactive track




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