[Eurchap] Why Eurchap mailing list

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu May 2 07:59:55 EDT 2002

The e-mail list for the European Chapter was created in recognition of the 
unique communication problems caused by geographic distribution.

This list is set up so that only subscribers to the list can post to it 
(without administrator approval), but one need not be a member of ASIST, or 
of the Chapter, to subscribe.  It is hoped the list will promote area 
communication.  As a privacy feature, I have set the list so that no one 
can see the subscriber list.  This should prevent SPAM.

 From the URL http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo you can get information 
on this or any other public ASIST mail list.  You will also be sent a 
monthly message reminding you of your password.  This feature is intended 
to help people maintain their subscriptions as e-mail addresses 
change.  You can also set your account to receive only digests, to receive 
no mail (as when you are away for an extended period).  There are a few 
other options.

I know in today's world it is questionable to subscribe anyone to a mail 
list without asking permission.  Philosophically I prefer an opt-in 
approach rather than this opt-out method.

But Emil Levine and others have plans to try to revive the European Chapter 
of ASIST and this approach was seen as reasonable.

Apologies if this "opt-out" approach offends you.  Feel free to send me a 
message (rhill at asis.org) asking to be removed from this list r-is having to 
go through the web interface is bothersome.

Dick Hill

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
PHONE: (301) 495-0900


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