[Eurchap] European Chapter - Test and Update ASIST

Emil Levine emil.levine at chello.at
Wed Jul 24 13:02:00 EDT 2002

Dear Colleagues,

This is first a test of the ASIST European Chapter group email, and secondly, a brief update.

1. I hope to establish a webpage within the next few weeks.

2. We must hold elections soon, so I now open nominations for Chair, European Chapter. Please send nominations to me, copy to eurchap at asis.org . We also need a newsletter editor for posting on the website. 

3. We have country representatives from Belgium and Croatia. Each country representative can nominate a student for free membership for one year. If you wish to represent your country, please contact me. Your only responsibility is to promote ASIST in your country, and inform the webmaster of items of interest in your country.

4. ASIST European Chapter support the LIDA conference in Dubrovnik in May. It was a wonderful conference. Plan to be there in 2003. See http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/lida/ and http://www.infotoday.com/it/jul02/Levine.htm

Best Regards,

Emil Levine
Breitenfurter Strasse 426/3
Vienna Austria A1230
43 1 888 0701

ASIST European Chapter Advisor

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