[Chapters-l] Chapter Assembly meeting at ASIST-2017 AM

Alemneh, Daniel Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu
Tue Oct 24 16:28:04 EDT 2017

Dear Chapter leaders,

Hope you are planning to attend the Chapter Assembly meeting next Sunday at the ASIST Annual Meeting. We are attaching the meeting agenda for your reference. It will be between 10:30am and 11:30am in Crystal City Hyatt Regency. Please check the AM website for more details: https://www.asist.org/

It's important that each regional chapter has at least one representative to this assembly meeting. If nobody is representing your chapter, please send us any updates, questions, comments that you wish to bring up at this meeting.

See you in Arlington, Virginia.

Daniel Alemneh, University of North Texas, Chapter Assembly Director
Kayla Siddell, Indiana State University, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director
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