[Chapters-l] FW: Library Freedom Project workshop

Smith, Catherine csmit141 at kent.edu
Mon Sep 12 09:41:27 EDT 2016



Library Freedom Project Workshop
CO-ASIS&T, in collaboration with NORASIST, presents a special 2-part workshop with Alison Macrina of the Library Freedom Project, presenting strategies to librarians to protect patrons from online threats to privacy. Part 1 begins at 10:00am. We will take a one-hour lunch break (not provided) at 12:00pm. Part 2 begins at 1:00pm. Participants may attend one or both sessions, but Part 2 will be a continuation of Part 1.

Alison Macrina is a librarian, privacy activist, and founder and director of the Library Freedom Project<http://asis.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c06bfbaf68eda1e223463315&id=acf9031608&e=414a834dc3>.  She will talk about surveillance threats, privacy rights and responsibilities, and technical tools to help patrons take back their digital privacy in the information age.  Alison will cover issues of surveillance as they relate to library communities, how to deal with government information requests with resources from the ACLU, and privacy-protecting technologies that will help library patrons thwart data collection and keep their communications safe. A representative of ACLU Ohio (American Civil Liberties Union) will be participating in Part 1 in the morning.

CO-ASIS&T is offering this workshop both in-person and as a live webinar. Participation is free to members of ASIS&T, and $20 for other attendees.  Please direct any questions to coasistweb at gmail.com<mailto:coasistweb at gmail.com>.

September 17, 2016

Part 1: 10:00am - 12:00pm

Part 2: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Columbus Metropolitan Library
Main Branch
96 S. Grant Avenue
Columbus, OH

Meeting Room 3A

and online as a live webinar

Registration instructions:

R<http://asis.us12.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=0c06bfbaf68eda1e223463315&id=4d4031fe52&e=414a834dc3>egister here<http://asis.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0c06bfbaf68eda1e223463315&id=718bd3d8da&e=414a834dc3>
by Thursday,
September 15

Non-ASIS&T members can pay for their participation here<http://asis.us12.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=0c06bfbaf68eda1e223463315&id=2637281d4e&e=414a834dc3>




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