[Chapters-l] ASIST Chapter Assembly - Draft Agenda - 8 November 2015 - St Lous MO USA

Leach, Michael R. mrleach at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 2 11:06:13 EST 2015

Dear Chapter Leaders,

   Attached you will find a pdf draft Agenda for the upcoming Chapter Assembly, which will take place from 8:30am to 10:00am on Sunday, 8th November, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri (USA).

   If you have any other items to add to this Agenda, please let me know (email: mrleach at fas.harvard.edu) by Thursday of this week (5 Nov.).

   If you are unable to download and view this pdf formatted document, also let me know and I will send another version (e.g. Microsoft Word, if you wish).

   Chapter leaders - if you know who your representative will be at the Chapter Assembly meeting, could you email me their name?  Just so we are prepared ahead of time.  Thanks.

   Let me know if you have questions, comments, ideas, etc.


Michael Leach

Director, Chapter Assembly

mrleach at fas.harvard.edu

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