[Chapters-l] Updates

Cassidy Sugimoto cassidysugimoto at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 11:02:51 EST 2011

Dear Chapters:

In the next few weeks, you will be contacted by your Chapter Assembly
Advisors requesting updates on your chapter and reminding you of the great
resources available to facilitate all the wonderful programming that you
do.  Please let your advisors know what you are doing and how we can help.

Attached you will find the Chapter Report to the Board from the 2010 Annual
Meeting (AM).  This document reviews the fabulous activities done by
chapters in the last quarter, the awards won, and the discussion about how
to improve chapters.

I look forward as serving as your Chapter Assembly Director this year.  We
are contemplating some restructuring to the current Chapter system and I
hope to get feedback from all of you on what is working, what could be
revised, and how we can better serve the needs of Chapter members both
during the year and at the AM.

Please feel free to contact me or Deputy Director Remlee Green at any time.
We believe that the strength of the Chapters is vital to ASIS&T and are here
to provide the resources necessary for you to keep Chapters strong.


Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University Bloomington
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