[Chapters-l] Chapter leaders: We need your chapter logos for ASIS&T 2007!

beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Tue Jun 5 16:56:16 EDT 2007

Dear Chapter Leaders:

The membership committee would like to encourage networking, and help new 
members and first-time conference attendees to find like-minded colleagues 
at ASIS&T 2007.  In order to promote this concept, we are asking all 
chapters and SIGs to create and submit a group logo.  This should be an 
image file in a GIF or JPG format, which is no larger than 1 inch by 1 
inch in size.  We will take care of printing these logos for distribution 
at ASIS&T.  Everyone at the conference will then be able to select and 
attach any set of logos to their name badge to indicate their interests 
and affiliations. 

Here are examples of how this might work: one could choose to attach logos 
from a home chapter, the chapter from the region where the member grew up 
or went to school. One might wear logos from SIGs one belongs to and from 
SIG topics one is interested in.  Conference attendees will be able to 
instantly identify people with similar interests or affiliations from the 
logos attached to their badges.

We are particularly interested in using the logos to introduce the various 
ASIS&T groups at the New Member/First Attendee Brunch.  That  way, these 
new members will be able to easily recognize and get to  know people from 
various groups throughout the week.

As you may know, the Membership Committee welcomes attendees each year 
with a New Member/First Conference Brunch.  This year, we would like  to 
provide a real "brunch" instead of the traditional continental  breakfast. 
 Can your chapter or SIG make a contribution of $50 - $150  to "sponsor" 
this important event for our newest colleagues?

Please upload your group's logo by August 15 at the link from the main 
conference web site.  If you have any problems, please feel free to 
contact us at hdp at cs.nmsu.edu for help. Indicate when you upload your logo 
whether your chapter or SIG will be able to help sponsor the  brunch.

Looking forward to seeing all of you at ASIS&T 2007.


Heather D. Pfeiffer
Caryn Anderson, Chair
Membership Committee

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