[Chapters-l] Elections at Chapter Assembly Meeting in Charlotte, Sunday 10/30 at 10:30 a.m.

beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Fri Oct 14 17:39:45 EDT 2005

Dear ASIS&T chapter members:

At the ASIS&T Chapter Assembly meeting in Charlotte on Sunday, Oct. 30, at 
10:30 a.m., we will elect our representatives to two very important ASIS&T 
bodies:  the ASIS&T Nominations Committee and the Chapter of the Year 
Jury.  We hope that every chapter will send at least one representative to 
this meeting to vote.

Below you will find the slate of candidates for each election.  Please 
think about who you would like to represent Chapter Assembly and your 
interests, and let your Chapter Assembly representative know your choices. 
 If you would like to add a candidate to either slate, please notify me as 
soon as possible.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Chapter Assembly Nominations 
Committee (Mila Rush (Chair), Merri Beth Lavagnino, and KT Vaughan) for 
their hard work and collaboration coming up with this brilliant slate. And 
of course, many thanks to the candidates who have graciously accepted the 


Beata Panagopoulos
ASIS&T Chapter Assembly Director


1.  Chapter Assembly Representative on the ASIS&T Nominations Committee

The ASIS&T Nominations Committee selects and presents to the Society 
membership the slate for national offices.  It consists of five members, 
including the Past President, who shall be Chair.  At their annual 
meetings, both the Chapter Assembly and the SIG Cabinet shall each 
designate an ASIS&T member to represent them respectively on the 
Nominations Committee for the next election. The remaining two members 
shall be chosen by the Chair of the Committee. 

For one representative to the ASIS&T Nominations Committee
* Bahaa El-Hadidy  (Florida)
* Steve Hardin  (Indiana)

2.  Chapter Assembly Representatives on the Chapter of the Year Award Jury

The Chapter-of-the-Year Award  recognizes outstanding chapters for their 
contributions to ASIS&T and the advancement of information science.  The 
Chapter-of-the-Year Award Jury selects the awardees.  The Jury shall be 
composed of six members (five voting):  The ASIS&T Executive Director (ex 
officio, without vote); the Chapter Assembly Director or Deputy, who shall 
serve as chair, two members appointed by the Chapter Assembly; and two 
members chosen by the ASIS&T President.

For two representatives to the Chapter-of-the-Year Jury
* Tatjana Aparac-Jelusic  (Europe)
* Deborah Barreau (Potomac Valley)
* Ruth Fenske  (Northern Ohio)
* Mies Martin (Michigan)

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