[Chapters-l] SOASIST/UKASIS: "Metadata and the Digital Library" / Oct. 15 / Lexington

Glen Horton glen2 at gclc-lib.org
Tue Oct 1 13:22:19 EDT 2002

The Southern Ohio Chapter & UK Student Chapter of ASIST present

Eric Weig, Digital Initiatives Librarian
University of Kentucky

On "Metadata and the Digital Library"

SEE ALSO: http://www.soasist.org/events/20021015.html

WHEN: October 15, 2002 (Tuesday), 5:30 PM-- Speaker and 7PM-- Dinner

WHERE: University of Kentucky - Young Library auditorium

-Presentation only-- free but must register to guarantee seating.

-Presentation & dinner-- $14.00 for members and non-members; $7 for 
student or retired members (PREPAYMENT REQUIRED)


Eric Weig (MA in Library and Information Science from the University of 
Iowa) is Digital Initiatives Librarian at the University of Kentucky. 
Since its inception in 1999, he has acted as project manager for the 
Kentucky Virtual Library's Kentuckiana Digital Library Project. Eric is 
also responsible for directing a digital lab housed at the University of 
Kentucky's William T. Young Library and has served as an adjunct 
instructor for the University of Kentucky School of Library and 
Information Science. He is a member of the Society of American 
Archivists (SAA).

* 4:30 - 5:00: SOASIST Annual Business Meeting
* 5:00 - 5:30: SOASIST Awards Presentation
* 5:30 - 7:00: Eric Weig
* 7:00 - 8:00: Dinner at the Boone Faculty Center

OPTIONAL DINNER: Traditional breast of turkey roasted and served with 
corn bread stuffing, spring mix salad, bread, baked potato, past primavera


1. For several miles northwest of Lexington, I-64 and I-75 merge. In
that section, leave the interstate at exit 115, Newtown Pike.
2. At end of exit ramp, turn towards Lexington. This will be right if
coming from west or north, left if coming from south or east.
3. After several miles come to the intersection of Newtown and Main
Street. Turn left onto Main St.
4. After approximately a mile, turn right onto Rose Street (7th traffic
5. Go through intersections at High Street, Maxwell, and Euclid Ave.
6. At the next traffic light turn left onto Columbia Ave, and turn into
the first parking lot entry on right.
7. Proceed to the attendant building. Parking validated at dinner in the
Boone Faculty Center.

Session will be in the Young Library. Map at:
http://www.uky.edu/Parking/map.htm Parking info. at:

PREPAYMENT REQUIRED with check made out to "SOASIS" by 4 p.m., Friday, 
10/11/2002, sent to Glen Horton, Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium, 
2181 Victory Parkway, Suite 214, Cincinnati, OH, 45206-2855. Please 
indicate (1) association affiliation noting student/retired as 
appropriate, and (2) the name of your employer. Questions may be 
addressed to:glen_horton at yahoo.com; (513) 751-4422.

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