[Carolinas_asist] 2008-2009 cc:asis&t officers

Cassidy R. Sugimoto csugimoto at unc.edu
Wed Sep 17 09:47:28 EDT 2008

Thank you for voting for cc:asis&t officers for 2008-2009.  The 2008-2009
officers will be:

Past-Chair: Hugh Cayless
Chair: Cassidy Sugimoto
Chair-elect: James Tuttle
Record Holder: Diane Neal
Treasurer: Lori Eakin
Secretary/Webmaster: Sarah Carrier
Publications Editor: Christine Angel
Program Chair: Mike Brown

We are now looking for people who would like to serve on the program
committee for this year.  If you are interested in serving on the program
committee or getting involved in other ways, please send me an email at
csugimoto at unc.edu.

I am looking forward to an exciting year!

Cassidy R. Sugimoto
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