[Asistregional] ASIST Regional - 15 April - Rutgers - More details

Chirag Shah chirags at rutgers.edu
Tue Mar 15 14:43:12 EDT 2016

Wonderful, Jan. Thanks for setting this up so quickly.

Is it possible to remove that feedback/review form at the bottom? It may be confusing.


> On Mar 15, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Jan Hatzakos <jan at asis.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Here’s the registration form:  https://www.asist.org/product/asist-regional-meeting-rutgers-university/ <https://www.asist.org/product/asist-regional-meeting-rutgers-university/>
> Note that it’s a dynamic form – when members login, it only shows member rates and when you’re not logged in, it only shows non-member rates.
> If you do not want this feature, or have any other changes, please let me know.
> Jan
> Janice A. Hatzakos
> Director of Finance
> Webmaster
> 8555 16th Street, Suite 850
> Silver Spring, MD 20910
> (301) 495-0900 Ph
> (301) 495-0810 Fax
> From: Chirag Shah [mailto:chirags at rutgers.edu] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:07 AM
> To: Leach, Michael R. <mrleach at fas.harvard.edu>
> Cc: Heather D. Pfeiffer <heatherdpfeiffer at gmail.com>; Jan Hatzakos <jan at asis.org>; Annie Erdmann <erdmann at simmons.edu>; asistregional at mail.asis.org; Agosto, Denise <dea22 at drexel.edu>; Vanessa Foss <vanessa at asis.org>
> Subject: Re: [Asistregional] ASIST Regional - 15 April - Rutgers - More details
> I agree with “Non-ASIST students” option - in general, what Heather suggested.
> We should finalize this ASAP and start announcing. Can ASIST HQ set up the registration and payment system? Again, this needs to happen very soon given that we are exactly one month away from this event.
> Chirag
>> On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Leach, Michael R. <mrleach at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:mrleach at fas.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>> Hi Heather (and everyone else),
>>    It certainly could simplify the registration process, by stating either full day or "afternoon" only:
>> - Jan and Vanessa: you've done tons of registrations in the past; which model/structure do you suggest?
>>    I had not considered "non-ASIS&T students" - an oversight on my part.  I do think we should consider that - what do others think?
>>    I appreciate the feedback; always good to have more.
>> Michael
>> From: Heather D. Pfeiffer <heatherdpfeiffer at gmail.com <mailto:heatherdpfeiffer at gmail.com>>
>> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 12:08 PM
>> To: Leach, Michael R.
>> Cc: asistregional at mail.asis.org <mailto:asistregional at mail.asis.org>; Annie Erdmann; Vanessa Foss; Agosto, Denise; Jan Hatzakos
>> Subject: Re: [Asistregional] ASIST Regional - 15 April - Rutgers - More details
>> Michael,
>> I would make the afternoon registration just that; don't separate for just the one program.  So:
>> Afternoon (after lunch) Program:
>> ASIS&T Member: $15
>> ASIST&T Student Member: $10
>> Non-ASIS&T Student registration: $25
>> Non-ASIS&T Registration: $35
>> I would also add a Non-ASIS&T Student registration for the day:
>> Non-ASIS&T Student registration: $50
>> Non-ASIS&T Registration: $70
>> What do you think?
>> -Heather
>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Leach, Michael R. <mrleach at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:mrleach at fas.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>     More documents attached regarding the April 15th ASIST Regional Meeting at Rutgers.
>>>     For each of the Panel Session Leaders:  Please review my "creativity & innovation" attachment and make one for your program - then share with the group.
>>>    Everyone: please review the registration options - let me know what confusions exist, what I might have missed, etc.
>>>    Thanks.
>>> Michael
>>> Michael Leach
>>> Head, Collection Development
>>> Cabot Science Library, Harvard University
>>> 1 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
>>> 1-617-495-0791 <tel:1-617-495-0791> (phone); mrleach at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:mrleach at fas.harvard.edu>
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