[Asistregional] ASIST Regional at Rugters - moving date to early April

Jan Hatzakos jan at asis.org
Tue Feb 2 10:04:57 EST 2016

Hi Michael,


There's also the World Wide Web Conference being held in Montreal, April
11-15.  http://www2016.ca/


I found this on the SIG/III International Calendar we added to the ASIS&T
website: https://www.asist.org/international-conference-calendar/

You can also find it as a navigation link under events on the ASIS&T
website, for future reference.


Janice A. Hatzakos

Director of Finance/Webmaster


8555 16th Street, Suite 850

Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA

301-495-0900 ph

301-495-0810 fax



From: Leach, Michael R. [mailto:mrleach at fas.harvard.edu] 
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 3:11 PM
To: asistregional at mail.asis.org
Cc: jan at asis.org; Annie Erdmann; RBucy at wheelock.edu; jon.simons at att.net
Subject: ASIST Regional at Rugters - moving date to early April


Hello Everyone, 


    I've been in a blitz of individual emails to individuals on this group,
who are key to planning the ASIST regional meeting at Rugters.   We've come
to a consensus that we need more time to finish planning, and to publicize
the event.


    The February 19th date is now cancelled.


    We are looking at these two possibilities, both Fridays:


- April 1

- April 15 


     This newer dates means we have a little more time getting our speakers
and program descriptions together - we still want to get these finalized in
the next couple of weeks.   What it really helps with is publicity and
outreach: we've identified some student chapters in need of revitalization,
and we want to develop the budget plan in more detail.


     Let me know which dates you like from the two above.   I'll continue to
work with each of you on the active planning group to finalize program.


     As a calendar note: the IA Summit is scheduled for May 4-8 and the RDAP
Summit is May 4-7 (both in Atlanta, Georgia); and the iConference is March
20-23 in Philadelphia (which is why we chose the April range).  








Michael Leach
Head, Collection Development
Cabot Science Library, Harvard University
1 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
1-617-495-0791 (phone); mrleach at fas.harvard.edu

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