[ASIST-FL] Fwd: Ballot for election of Chapter Assembly Director & Deputy Director

Athena Hoeppner athena at mail.ucf.edu
Thu Oct 12 14:16:38 EDT 2006


It is time to vote for the Chaper Assembly Director and Deputy
Directors.  There is only one candidate per position:
Chapter Assembly Director:		Beata Panagopoulos
Chapter Assembly Deputy Director: 	Amy Wallace

Each chapter gets only one vote per positin.  I'd like your all's
permission to vote for Beata and Amy on behalf of ASIST Florida Chapter.
 If you object or have alternate suggestions please reply by Wednesday,
18 Oct.  Silence is consent.  Consent is consent, too.


Our chapter gets one vote per position.
>>> "Richard Hill" <rhill at asis.org> 12/Oct/06 8:49 >>>
Below is the ballot for election of Chapter Assembly Director and
Director.  The Nominations Committee was unable to find additional
candidates who were wiling to serve, but Beata Panagopoulos and Amy
are running for second terms.  There is space below for write in

ASIS&T Bylaws do allow electronic ballots for Chapter Assembly Director
Deputy Director, just as we allow electronic ballots for Chapter

Only one vote per Chapter is allowed or recognized, and that should
from either the Chapter Chair or the Assembly Representative.  Please
to me rather than to the list for confidentiality.

Results will be announced at the Chapter Assembly Meeting in Austin.

Dick Hill

ASIST Chapter Assembly Director 

 	Beata Panagopoulos 

Candidate Statement:
	It has been a great privilege to serve as ASIS&T Chapter
Director for the past two years.  Representing the Chapters' interests
the ASIS&T Board has been very rewarding because the ASIS&T leadership
listening and interested in helping us find solutions to the problems
issues chapters face.  The redesigned website offers us a more central
to post documentation such as chapter best practices and the Chapter
Development Fund application template.  The online membership database
provides a wealth of information for chapter member recruitment and
retention.  Authorized chapter leaders can get chapter rosters and
reports with a couple of clicks; any ASIS&T member can run queries on
database to find members in a particular chapter, SIG, or field of
expertise.  We have created a new award to recognize chapter
innovation, and
we've begun to institutionalize regular communication with the chapter
leaders to hear from you what the current and ongoing issues are.  I
be honored to be reelected in order to continue working on problems
as how to recruit chapter officers, manage a chapter that covers a
geographical expanse, find easy technological solutions for chapter
communication, and finally, reach out to our international chapters.

		(write in)

ASIST Chapter Assembly Deputy Director

 	 Amy Wallace

Candidate Statement:
I believe that the greatest strength of the American Society for
Science and Technology (ASIST) is its members.  People in our field do
just wake up one day and say hey I want to be a part of ASIST.  Members
about the society from colleagues, student chapter advisors, and local
chapter members.  Many members are drawn to the society because of
local programs, events, mentorship opportunities, newsletters,
websites, and
scholarships.  ASIST chapters are doing great things, which bring
into the society and keep people engaged.  As a society we must
continue to
recognize the importance of chapters and help chapters share ideas that
no doubt help other chapters, special interest groups, committees, and
society at large.

It has been a great pleasure to serve as Deputy Assembly Director.  It
given me a chance to listen to chapter needs and recognize chapter
accomplishments.  It has allowed me to voice chapter concerns on the
Advisory Board.  While in office I worked hard to facilitate awareness
communication by keeping detailed minutes for chapter assembly and the
chapter planning breakfast, compiling and circulating a list of chapter
practices, drafting the new Chapter Innovation of the Year Award,
for accurate and accessible membership data, and working to streamline
chapter awards process.  Prior to serving as Deputy Assembly Director,
served in key leadership positions in the Los Angeles Chapter,
including two
terms as chair, chair elect/program chair, nominations chair, and
chair.  In 2003 my chapter honored me with a nomination for the James
Cretsos Leadership Award.  Re-elect me if you think that I can continue
make a difference for chapters.   


		(write in)
Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900 

Chapters-l mailing list
Chapters-l at asis.org 

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