[Asist-announce] New Staff, Awards, JASIST TOC

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Sep 28 10:07:55 EDT 2016

NEW ASIS&T HQ TAFF: ASIS&T is pleased to announce the hiring of Yolande
Nanayakkara as the new Communications Officer.  This newly created positon
ensures a communications strategy that informs and markets ASIS&T
accomplishments.  With a career spanning over 10 years in association
marketing and communications, Ms. Nanayakkara brings the necessary
experience to connect the ASIS&T community and expand the Society's
visibility through strategic marketing and communications initiatives.
- - - 

SIG of the Year: SIG/MET 

Student Chapter of the Year Award:   Pratt ASIS&T at the Pratt Institute's
School of Information (SI) 

Chapter of the Year: European 

PRATT SEVERN: Winner:  Deidre Alyse Whitmore, UCLA
Paper:  Seeking Context:  Archaeological Practices Surrounding the Reuse of
Spatial Information

James Cretsos Leadership Award to Adam Worrall

Thomson Reuters Information Science Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
Scholarship to Jesse David Dinneen, School of Information Studies, McGill
University, Montreal, Canada.  Supervisor: Charles-Antoine Julien
Title: Analyzing File Management Behaviour

Thomson-Reuters Information Science Teacher of the Year Award to Dr. Lisa
Nathan, of the University of British Columbia iSchool, 

ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Award to Dr. Steffen Hennicke for 
"What is the Real Question? An Empirical-Ontological Approach to the
Interpretative Analysis of Archival Reference Questions," Advisor 
Chair - Vivien Petras, Berlin School of Library and Information Science,
Humboldt-Universitat zu, Berlin. 

Honorable Mention: 
Title: "Engaged of Frustrated? Disambiguating Engagement and Frustration in
Search" by Dr. Ashlee Edwards 
Advisor Chair - Diane Kelly University: University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill 

Best Information Science Book Award to 
Boundary Objects and Beyond: Working with Leigh Star, Editors:  Geoffrey C.
Bowker, Stefan Timmermans, Adele E. Clarke and Ellen Balka

Research Award:   Reijo Savolainen, University of Tampere, Fi

Watson Davis Award to DONALD O, CASE, Professor Emeritus, University of
Kentucky and DIANE SONNENWALD, Professor Emeritus, University College Dublin

Award of Merit to Peter Ingwersen, Professor Emeritus at the Royal School of
Library and Information Science at the University of Copenhagen. 

- - - 
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Volume 67, Issue 10 Pages C1 - C1, 2307 - 2572, October 2016

Version of Record online: 14 SEP 2016 | DOI: 10.1002/asi.23645


Data science on the ground: Hype, criticism, and everyday work (pages
2309-2319) Daniel Carter and Dan Sholler 

Do autocomplete functions reduce the impact of dyslexia on
information-searching behavior? The case of Google (pages 2320-2328) 
Gerd Berget and Frode Eika Sandnes 

Sharing "happy" information (pages 2329-2343) Fiona Tinto and Ian Ruthven 

Trustworthiness and authority of scholarly information in a digital age:
Results of an international questionnaire (pages 2344-2361) 
Carol Tenopir, Kenneth Levine, Suzie Allard, Lisa Christian, Rachel
Volentine, Reid Boehm, Frances Nichols, David Nicholas, Hamid R. Jamali, Eti
Herman and Anthony Watkinson 

Motivation to share knowledge using wiki technology and the moderating
effect of role perceptions (pages 2362-2378) 
Ofer Arazy, Ian Gellatly, Esther Brainin and Oded Nov 

How to improve the sustainability of digital libraries and information
Services? (pages 2379-2391) Gobiinda G. Chowdhury 

Data sharing for the advancement of science: Overcoming barriers for citizen
scientists (pages 2392-2403)  Kirsty Williamson, Mary Anne Kennan, Graeme
Johanson and John Weckert 

Multiple viewpoints increase students' attention to source features in
social question and answer forum messages (pages 2404-2419) 
Ladislao Salmerón, Mônica Macedo-Rouet and Jean-François Rouet 

Development, testing, and validation of an information literacy test (ILT)
for higher education (pages 2420-2436) 
Bojana Boh Podgornik, Danica Dolni?ar, Andrej Šorgo and Tomaž Bartol 

Sentence simplification, compression, and disaggregation for summarization
of sophisticated documents (pages 2437-2453) 
Catherine Finegan-Dollak and Dragomir R. Radev 

Fuzzy retrieval for software reuse (pages 2454-2463) Erin Colvin and Donald
H. Kraft 
Map of science with topic modeling: Comparison of unsupervised learning and
human-assigned subject classification (pages 2464-2476) 
Arho Suominen and Hannes Toivanen 

Visualizing the world's scientific publications (pages 2477-2488) 
Rex H.-G. Chen and Chi-Ming Chen 

The effects of research resources on international collaboration in the
astronomy community (pages 2489-2510) 
Han-Wen Chang and Mu-Hsuan Huang 

Comparing and combining Content- and Citation-based approaches for
plagiarism detection (pages 2511-2526) Solange de L. Pertile, Viviane P.
Moreira and Paolo Rosso 

Robustness of journal rankings by network flows with different amounts of
memory (pages 2527-2535) Ludvig Bohlin, Alcides Viamontes Esquivel, Andrea
Lancichinetti and Martin Rosvall 

Author practices in citing other authors, institutions, and journals (pages
2536-2549) Ali Gazni and Zahra Ghaseminik 

Evaluation of the citation matching algorithms of CWTS and iFQ in comparison
to the Web of science (pages 2550-2564) 
Marlies Olensky, Marion Schmidt and Nees Jan van Eck 

The power-law relationship between citation-based performance and
collaboration in articles in management journals: A scale-independent
approach (pages 2565-2572) Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and J. Sylvan Katz 

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
8555 16th Street, Suite 850
Silver Spring, MD  20910
v. (301) 495-0900
f. (301) 495-0810

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