[Asist-announce] DEADLINES (Award & Annual Meeting), Election, JASIST TOC

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Apr 29 10:12:06 EDT 2016


New Leaders Award, May 15  (Incorrect deadline announced earlier)

Panels and Workshops: Submission of panels and workshop proposals due:  3
May 2016
   2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and
  Copenhagen, Denmark | Oct. 14-18, 2016
- - - - 
ELECTION:  https://www.asist.org/2016-elections/  Voting information will be
coming shortly, with special, one-time, username and password
(Order chosen by lot)
- Lisa Given
- Diane Rasmussen Pennington

- June Abbas
- Michael Luesebrink

- Naresh Agarwal
- Dania Bilal
- Heather O’Brien
- Hazel Hall
- - - - 
JASIST, Volume 67, Issue 5 Pages C1 - C1, 1021 - 1275, May 2016


Research Articles

Personalized generation of word clouds from tweets (pages 1021–1032)
Martin Leginus, ChengXiang Zhai and Peter Dolog

Blocked: When the information is hidden by the visualization (pages
Kyong Eun Oh, Daniel Halpern, Marilyn Tremaine, James Chiang, Deborah Silver
and Karen Bemis

On online collaboration and construction of shared knowledge: Assessing
mediation capability in computer supported argument visualization tools
(pages 1052–1067)
Luca Iandoli, Ivana Quinto, Anna De Liddo and Simon Buckingham Shum

Social network analysis on a topic-based navigation guidance system in a
public health portal (pages 1068–1088)
Jin Zhang, Shanshan Zhai, Hongxia Liu and Jennifer Ann Stevenson

Characteristics of tagging behavior in digitized humanities online
collections (pages 1089–1104)
Youngok Choi and Sue Yeon Syn

Uncovering information from social media hyperlinks: An investigation of
twitter (pages 1105–1120)
Liwen Vaughan

How users employ various popular tags to annotate resources in social
tagging: An empirical study (pages 1121–1137)
Xuwei Pan, Shenglan He, Xiyong Zhu and Qingmiao Fu

A knowledge-based approach to Information Extraction for semantic
interoperability in the archaeology domain (pages 1138–1152)
Andreas Vlachidis and Douglas Tudhope

Shaping guanxi networks at work through instant messaging (pages 1153–1168)
Carol X. J. Ou and Robert M. Davison

Intuitive or idiomatic: An interdisciplinary study of child-tablet computer
interaction (pages 1169–1181)
Rhonda McEwen and Adam K. Dubé

User motivations for asking questions in online Q&A services (pages
Erik Choi and Chirag Shah

Can Mendeley bookmarks reflect readership? A survey of user motivations
(pages 1198–1209)
Ehsan Mohammadi, Mike Thelwall and Kayvan Kousha

Theory-changing breakthroughs in science: The impact of research teamwork on
scientific discoveries (pages 1210–1223)
Jos J. Winnink, Robert J. W. Tijssen and Anthony F. J. van Raan

Factors that influence the teaching use of Wikipedia in higher education
(pages 1224–1232)
Antoni Meseguer-Artola, Eduard Aibar, Josep Lladós, Julià Minguillón and
Maura Lerga
Does research with statistics have more impact? The citation rank advantage
of structural equation modeling (pages 1233–1244)
Mike Thelwall and Paul Wilson

The scientific impact of mexican steroid research 1935–1965: A bibliometric
and historiographic analysis (pages 1245–1256)
Yoscelina I. Hernandez-Garcia, José Antonio Chamizo, Mina Kleiche-Dray and
Jane M. Russell

Diversity of references as an indicator of the interdisciplinarity of
journals: Taking similarity between subject fields into account (pages
Lin Zhang, Ronald Rousseau and Wolfgang Glänzel

Data, ideology, and the developing critical program of social informatics
(pages 1266–1275)
Michael Marcinkowski

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
8555 16th Street, Suite 850
Silver Spring, MD  20910
v. (301) 495-0900
f. (301) 495-0810

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