[Asist-announce] Strategic planning questionaire - RSVP 8/30/2014

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Sep 22 09:02:04 EDT 2014

ASIST Strategic Planning Focus Group Invitations

Dear ASIS&T member,

The ASIS&T Board is launching a strategic planning initiative.  And we are
looking for your input and participation in this process! We ask that you
complete this brief survey by September 30th:  <http://tinyurl.com/p8m3guz>


Why are we doing strategic planning?

ASIS&T currently does not have a strategic plan.  With the ongoing changes
to our field, the range of choices that people have to engage
professionally, and the importance of charting a clear future for the
association, it is critical that ASIS&T develop an actionable strategic plan
that is in strong alignment with member interests and needs. We need to
engage in strategic planning to:

.         provide strategic direction for the association, thus setting the
association up for long-term success;

.         review ASIS&T's mission, vision, and goals and translate these
into clear actions that can be reported on;

.         allow the association to better align resources with strategic
goals; and

.         ensure the association is meeting membership needs and being more

How will this strategic planning be accomplished?

We will be kicking off this strategic planning process at the 2014 Annual
Meeting, and our goal is to complete the plan by the 2015 Annual Meeting.
There will be several opportunities for you to provide your thoughts and
ideas throughout the strategic planning process -- through participating in
focus group interview sessions conducted at the 2014 Annual Meeting, sharing
your ideas on poster boards at the 2014 Annual Meeting, participating in
virtual focus group sessions held after the 2014 Annual Meeting, as well as
providing feedback on the draft strategic plan though Virtual Town Hall

We need your help

To build this shared future vision for ASIS&T and to ensure that ASIS&T is
meeting your needs, we need your ideas and participation in the strategic
planning process.  We will be holding several focus group interview sessions
at the 2014 Annual Meeting to get your input and thoughts on what you think
ASIS&T needs to do -- and we hope that you will participate.  Each focus
group interview will last 90 minutes and food will be provided. 


Please complete this brief survey by September 30th:
<http://tinyurl.com/p8m3guz> http://tinyurl.com/p8m3guz  


Thank you for participating!


Sandy Hirsh, President-Elect, and the ASIS&T Strategic Planning Team



Richard B. Hill

Executive Director


8555 16th Street, Suite 850

Silver Spring, MD  20910

v. (301) 495-0900

f. (301) 495-0810


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