[Asist-announce] Annual Meeting, Awards, JASIST & Bulletin ( special on Rsch Data & Preservation) TOC's

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Sep 18 11:25:51 EDT 2014



Today is DEADLINE for Early Registration of ASIS&T Annual Meeting.



Awards to date, to be presented at the Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon.
Congratulations to All!:

-   Award of Merit, Marjorie Hlava

-   Watson Davis Award, Vicki L. Gregory

-   Research Award, Susan Herring

-   Proquest Doctoral Dissertation, Amelia Acker, UCLA

-   Dissertation Proposal, Tiffany Chao

-   Pratt Severn, MA level research, Curt Arledge, UNC

-   SIG of the Year, SIG DL

-   Student Chapter of the Year, Simmons College


New ASIS&T book: Big Book (literally and figuratively; 976 pages) from
Blaise Cronin and Cassidy R. Sugimoto--Scholarly Metrics Under the
Microscope--has just been posted to the ITI website, meaning it's available
for preordering at a great price.




Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

© 2014 ASIS&T


Volume 65, Issue 10 Pages 1949 - 2164, October 2014



Shared files: The retrieval perspective (pages 1949–1963)

Ofer Bergman, Steve Whittaker and Noa Falk


A comprehensive empirical comparison of modern supervised classification and
feature selection methods for text categorization (pages 1964–1987)

Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, Lawrence D. Fu, Zhiguo Li, Eric R. Peskin,
Efstratios Efstathiadis, Constantin F. Aliferis and Alexander Statnikov


User engagement in online News: Under the scope of sentiment, interest,
affect, and gaze (pages 1988–2005)

Ioannis Arapakis, Mounia Lalmas, B. Barla Cambazoglu, Mari-Carmen Marcos and
Joemon M. Jose


Making design researchers' information sharing visible through material
objects (pages 2006–2016)

Ola Pilerot


A grounded theory of the practice of web information architecture in large
organizations (pages 2017–2034)

Sally Burford


The communicative ecology of Web 2.0 at work: Social networking in the
workspace (pages 2035–2047)

Robert M. Davison, Carol X.J. Ou, Maris G. Martinsons, Angela Y. Zhao and
Rong Du


Adaptive data fusion methods in information retrieval (pages 2048–2061)

Shengli Wu, Jieyu Li, Xiaoqin Zeng and Yaxin Bi


iAggregator: Multidimensional relevance aggregation based on a fuzzy
operator (pages 2062–2083)

Bilel Moulahi, Lynda Tamine and Sadok Ben Yahia


Dynamic topic detection and tracking: A comparison of HDP, C-word, and
cocitation methods (pages 2084–2097)

Wanying Ding and Chaomei Chen


Exploring Co-training strategies for opinion detection (pages 2098–2110)

Ning Yu

Article first published online: 10 MAR 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/asi.23111


International coauthorship relations in the Social Sciences Citation Index:
Is internationalization leading the Network? (pages 2111–2126)

Loet Leydesdorff, Han Woo Park and Caroline Wagner


The evolution of social ties online: A longitudinal study in a massively
multiplayer online game (pages 2127–2137)

Cuihua Shen, Peter Monge and Dmitri Williams


Measuring direct and indirect authorial influence in historical corpora
(pages 2138–2144)

Moshe Koppel and Nadav Schweitzer


Scientific journals in Brazil and Spain: Alternative publishing models
(pages 2145–2151)

Rosângela Schwarz Rodrigues and Ernest Abadal




A good normalized impact and concentration measure (pages 2152–2154)

Leo Egghe



Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Methods by Tom Boellstorff,
Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce, and T.L. Taylor. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2012. 237 pp. $22.95 (paper) (ISBN 978-0-691-14951-6)
(pages 2155–2157)

David Hakken


Digital Crossroads: Telecommunications Law and Policy in the Internet Age
(2nd edition) by Jonathan E. Nuechterlein and Philip J. Weiser. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press, 2013. 506 pp. $35.00. (paperback) (ISBN: 9780262519601)
(pages 2158–2159)

Martin B. H. Weiss




The reception of publications by scientists in the early days of modern
science (pages 2160–2161)Lutz Bornmann




In memoriam: Allen Kent (1921–2014) (pages 2162–2163)

James G. Williams




“Backstage” solidarity in Spanish- and English-written medical research
papers: Publication context and the acknowledgment paratext. Journal of the
american society for information science and technology 60(2) 2009, 307–317.
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20981 (page 2164)

Article first published online: 29 AUG 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/asi.23402

This article corrects:  “Backstage solidarity” in Spanish- and
English-written medical research papers: Publication context and the
acknowledgment paratext”  Vol. 60, Issue 2, 307–317, Article first published
online: 6 NOV 2008





Current Issue

August/September 2014

Vol. 40, No. 6



Research Data Access & Preservation

by guest editors Andrew Johnson, Jennifer Doty and Lizzie Rolando


RDAP14 Summit:  Introduction by Andrew Johnson 


Research Data Management on a Shoestring Budget

by Margaret Henderson, Regina Raboin, Yasmeen Shorish and Steve Van Tuyl


Collaboration and Tension Between Institutions and Units Providing Data
Management Support  by Stephanie Wright, Amanda Whitmire, Lisa Zilinski and
David Minor


NSF DtaNet Partners Update by Dharma Akmon


Funding Agency Responses to Federal Requirements for Public Access to
Research Results  by Wendy Kozlowski


Learning to Curate  by Jennifer Doty, Joel Herndon, Jared Lyle and Libbie


Lightning Talk Summary  by Kristin Briney


Metadata Use in Research Data Management  by Christie Wiley






Editor's Desktop  by Irene Travis


President's Page by Harry Bruce


Inside ASIS&T


Annual Student Design Competition in Seattle

by Candy Schwartz and Rhiannon Gainor




Richard B. Hill

Executive Director


8555 16th Street, Suite 850

Silver Spring, MD  20910

v. (301) 495-0900

f. (301) 495-0810


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