From rhill at Mon Nov 10 11:12:08 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:12:08 -0500 Subject: [Asist-announce] Half Price Offer, new website in beta Message-ID: <104301cffd01$1b65e150$5231a3f0$> HALF PRICE OFFER to members on ASIS&T Book of the Year Winner, The Discipline of Organizing. Offer runs through November 18. ? Through Author Bob Glushko and O?Reilly Books, we are pleased to make this e-book offer. The Discipline of Organizing synthesizes insights from library science, information science, computer science, cognitive science, systems analysis, business, and other disciplines to create an Organizing System for understanding organizing. This framework is robust and forward-looking, enabling effective sharing of insights and design patterns between disciplines that weren't possible before. The Professional Edition includes new and revised content about the active resources of the "Internet of Things," and how the field of Information Architecture can be viewed as a subset of the discipline of organizing. The Core Concepts edition is ideal as a textbook for undergraduates. ASIS&T'S NEW WEBSITYE IS UP! Edited from ASIS&T blog post on November 2, 2014 by Diane Rasmussen Pennington It?s a soft launch in beta, but it?s up! Check it out at!!! Feedback form has been built into the ?contact? button. After making the decision to redesign the website, a few Board members drafted a call for proposals, which we distributed widely in the spring. Harry wanted us to unveil a new site at the annual meeting, so we had to work quickly. The Task Force reviewed all proposals, and earlier this year, we unanimously chose Seven Heads Design to create a new visual identity, identify personas that exemplify our diverse membership, write web-friendly content, and develop a WordPress site with custom templates. Kevin Hoffman, founder of Seven Heads, chaired the IA Summit in 2013, so he had already worked closely with Dick Hill and ASIS&T. We had a kickoff meeting this summer in Baltimore in which a constituency of ASIS&T members and staff worked with the Seven Heads team to think about possible designs that would present content on the home page and develop a visual appearance that would exemplify us. We also had a persona workshop at ASIS&T Headquarters with content specialists to help us focus our message and determine who our audiences are. Dick and I have met weekly with Seven Heads. I?ve posted certain elements of the new site, such as logo options and site organization issues, here on this blog. The Task Force has been amazing! When we received drafts of deliverables, they worked quickly to provide detailed and thoughtful comments. I would like to recognize my Task Force members: Joseph Busch, Andrew Dillon, Kate Dillon, Beth Lawton, Adam Worrall, and from the staff, Jan Hatzakos, and Dick Hill. The site is still in beta. Not all pages are fully functional and not all pages exist. We will finish everything up as soon as possible, but we also wanted you to be able to give us comments, and the practicalities behind hard launching a new site right when the meeting is happening seemed overwhelming for the task force and the staff. Check it out. Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810