From rhill at Mon Jan 13 10:40:39 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 10:40:39 -0500 Subject: [Asist-announce] ASIST HQ to move; Constitution change coming; two JASIST TOCs Message-ID: <8792BF85ECD841D8A4A5059BF6040A33@asist.local> ASIST Headquarters to move Around the middle of February ASIST HQ will be moving to 8555 16th Street, Suite 850, Silver Spring, MD 20910. We think phones and fax numbers will remain the same. Updated information will be posted as it becomes definite. _ _ _ _ ASIST Constitutional amendment to come shortly. An Amendment to the ASIST Constitution, mirroring the change made in the bylaws last summer updating the window for voting, will be coming soon. The constitution is a separate document legally and needs to be separately amended. _ _ _ _ Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology ? 2014 ASIS&T Volume 65, Issue 1 Pages 1 - 214, January 2014 GUEST EDITORIAL Guest editorial (pages 1?2) Diane H. Sonnenwald and Harry Bruce RESEARCH ARTICLES Subject matter categorization of tags applied to digital images from art museums (pages 3?12) Judith L. Klavans, Rebecca LaPlante and Jennifer Golbeck Analyzing geographic query reformulation: An exploratory study (pages 13?24) Saad Aloteibi and Mark Sanderson Using internet groups in situations of information poverty: Topics and information needs (pages 25?36) Laura Hasler, Ian Ruthven and Steven Buchanan Informational support exchanges using different computer-mediated communication formats in a social media alcoholism community (pages 37?52) Katherine Y. Chuang and Christopher C. Yang Searching for specific health-related information in MedlinePlus: Behavioral patterns and user experience (pages 53?68) Yan Zhang Investigating the behavior of visually impaired users for multi-session search tasks (pages 69?83) Nuzhah Gooda Sahib, Anastasios Tombros and Tony Stockman Early warning information seeking in the 2009 Victorian Bushfires (pages 84?97) Chun Wei Choo and Indrani Nadarajah Crossing new borders: computers, mobile phones, transportation, and English language among Hispanic day laborers in Seattle, Washington (pages 98?108) Luis Fernando Baron, Moriah Neils and Ricardo Gomez A Two-stage active learning method for learning to rank (pages 109?128) Rodrigo M. Silva, Marcos A. Gon?alves and Adriano Veloso Automatically embedding newsworthy links to articles: From implementation to evaluation (pages 129?145) Ioannis Arapakis, Mounia Lalmas, Hakan Ceylan and Pinar Donmez Cost and benefit estimation of experts' mediation in an enterprise search (pages 146?163) Mingfang Wu, Andrew Turpin, James A. Thom, Falk Scholer and Ross Wilkinson Interdisciplinarity at the journal and specialty level: The changing knowledge bases of the journal cognitive science (pages 164?177) Loet Leydesdorff and Robert L. Goldstone Determining if two documents are written by the same author (pages 178?187) Moshe Koppel and Yaron Winter Education journals: Two decades of change and implications for the field (pages 188?200) Patricia Hardr? and Chad Mortensen BRIEF COMMUNICATION Increase in numbers and proportions of review articles in Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases, and oncology (pages 201?205) Robert Colebunders, Chris Kenyon and Ronald Rousseau Distributions instead of single numbers: Percentiles and beam plots for the assessment of single researchers (pages 206?208) Lutz Bornmann and Werner Marx BOOK REVIEW T.H.P. Gould (2013). Do we still need peer review? An argument for change. Scarecrow Press: Plymouth, UK (pages 209?213) Lutz Bornmann LETTER TO THE EDITOR Quantity, quality, and consistency as bibliometric indicators (page 214) Gangan Prathap - - - - Jasist Volume 65, Issue 2 Pages 215 - 429, February 2014 ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE Collaborative information seeking (pages 215?236) Chirag Shah RESEARCH ARTICLES Anatomy of green open access (pages 237?250) Bo-Christer Bj?rk, Mikael Laakso, Patrik Welling and Patrik Paetau Managing scientific data as public assets: Data sharing practices and policies among full-time government employees (pages 251?262) Kimberly Douglass, Suzie Allard, Carol Tenopir, Lei Wu and Mike Frame The classification of financial products (pages 263?280) Aaron J. Loehrlein, Victoria L. Lemieux and Michael Bennett Citation analysis and the development of science: A case study using articles by some Nobel prize winners (pages 281?289) Yuxian Liu and Ronald Rousseau Developing a service robot for a children's library: A design-based research approach (pages 290?301) Weijane Lin, Hsiu-Ping Yueh, Hsin-Ying Wu and Li-Chen Fu The role of media-embedded heuristics in achieving online readership popularity (pages 302?312) Helen S. Du The influence of geospatial factors on democracy: Its representation on web interface design (pages 313?333) Rowena Li Patterns of connections and movements in dual-map overlays: A new method of publication portfolio analysis (pages 334?351) Chaomei Chen and Loet Leydesdorff Productivity and influence in bioinformatics: A bibliometric analysis using PubMed central (pages 352?371) Min Song, SuYeon Kim, Guo Zhang, Ying Ding and Tamy Chambers A bibliometric study of highly cited reviews in the Science Citation Index expanded? (pages 372?385) Yuh-Shan Ho and Michael Kahn Mutual redundancies in interhuman communication systems: Steps toward a calculus of processing meaning (pages 386?399) Loet Leydesdorff and Inga A. Ivanova Supervised learning models to predict firm performance with annual reports: An empirical study (pages 400?413) Xin Ying Qiu, Padmini Srinivasan and Yong Hu A knowledge-based approach for polarity classification in Twitter (pages 414?425) Arturo Montejo-R?ez, Eugenio Mart?nez-C?mara, M. Teresa Mart?n-Valdivia and L. Alfonso Ure?a-L?pez BRIEF COMMUNICATION The zynergy-index and the formula for the h-index (pages 426?427) Gangan Prathap LETTER TO THE EDITOR On the function of university rankings (pages 428?429) Lutz Bornmann __________ Richard Hill ASIS&T Executive Director 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 Voice: (301) 495-0900 rhill at