[Asist-announce] 2013 Awaqrds to date, JASIST and Bulletin TOCs

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Sep 13 13:48:26 EDT 2013

ASIST 2013 Awards to date:
- James Cretsos Leadership Award to Cirag Shah
- Pratt Severn Award to  Hilary Zelko’s paper, “Reasoning About Relevance.”
- Thomson Reuters Information Science Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
Scholarship to Ms. Kaitlin Costello, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, for her proposal entitled “Investigating information seeking and
disclosure in online support groups for chronic kidney disease.” 
- Thomson-Reuters Information Science Teacher of the Year Award to DR.
- Best JASIST Paper Award to Wu, Ling-Ling, Huang, Mu-Hsuan, and Chen,
Ching-Yi for Citation patterns of the pre-web and web-prevalent
environments: The moderating effects of domain knowledge
- WATSON DAVIS Award to Beata Panagopoulos
- Award of Merit to Carol Kuhlthau

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
© 2013 ASIS&T 
Volume 64, Issue 10 Pages 1963 - 2188, October 2013


Extending SemRep to the public health domain (pages 1963–1974) 
Graciela Rosemblat, Melissa P. Resnick, Ione Auston, Dongwook Shin, Charles 
Sneiderman, Marcelo Fizsman and Thomas C. Rindflesch 

Deriving query suggestions for site search (pages 1975–1994) 
Udo Kruschwitz, Deirdre Lungley, M-Dyaa Albakour and Dawei Song 

Folder versus tag preference in personal information management (pages 1995–
2012) Ofer Bergman, Noa Gradovitch, Judit Bar-Ilan and Ruth Beyth-Marom 

Knowledge sharing and knowledge management system avoidance: The role of 
knowledge type and the social network in bypassing an organizational
knowledge management system (pages 2013–2023) Susan A. Brown, Alan R.
Dennis, Diana Burley and Priscilla Arling 

On the assessment of expertise profiles (pages 2024–2044) 
Richard Berendsen, Maarten de Rijke, Krisztian Balog, Toine Bogers and Antal
van den Bosch 

Social tagging in the scholarly world (pages 2045–2057) Chen Xu, Benjiang
Ma, Xiaohong Chen and Feicheng Ma 

So fast so good: An analysis of answer quality and answer speed in community

Question-answering sites (pages 2058–2068) Alton Y. K. Chua and Snehasish 

You scratch someone's back and we'll scratch yours: Collective reciprocity
in social Q&A communities (pages 2069–2077) Philip Fei Wu and Nikolaos

Exploring methods to improve access to Music resources by aligning library
Data with Linked Data: A report of methodologies and preliminary 
findings (pages 2078–2099) Karen F. Gracy, Marcia Lei Zeng and Laurence

Aggregation of the web performance of internal university units as a method
of quantitative analysis of a university system: The case of Spain 
(pages 2100–2114) Enrique Orduña-Malea 

The effect of ad rank on the performance of keyword advertising campaigns
(pages 2115–2132) Bernard J. Jansen, Zhe Liu and Zach Simon 

Initialism disambiguation: Man versus machine (pages 2133–2148) 
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Ariel Kass and Ariel Peretz 

A novel approach for estimating the omitted-citation rate of bibliometric 
databases with an application to the field of bibliometrics (pages 2149–
2156) Fiorenzo Franceschini, Domenico Maisano and Luca Mastrogiacomo 

Visualizing the history of evidence-based medicine: A bibliometric analysis 
(pages 2157–2172) Jiantong Shen, Leye Yao, Youping Li, Mike Clarke, Li Wang
and Dan Li 

Tracing the origins of the semantic web (pages 2173–2181) Raf Guns 


Issues of work–life balance among JASIST authors and editors (pages
2182–2186) Guillaume Cabanac and James Hartley 


Against the resilience of rejected manuscripts (pages 2187–2188) 
Nicolás Robinson-García, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar, Daniel Torres-Salinas
and Juan Miguel Campanario 
BULLETIN of ASIST - Current Issue 
August/September 2013 Vol. 39, No. 6 


 Research Data Access & Preservation 
RDAP13 Summit:  Introduction 
by Susan Wells Parham, Elizabeth Rolando and Jennifer Doty 

Partnerships Between Institutional Repositories, Domain Repositories and
Publishers by Gail Steinhart 
The Relevance of Research Data Sharing and Reuse Studies by Nicholas M.
Tracking Citations and Altmetrics for Research Data:  Challenges and
Opportunities by Stacy Konkiel 

The Research Data Alliance:  Implementing the Technology, Practice and
Connections of a Data Infrastructure by Mark A. Parsons and Francine Berman 

The DCC's Institutional Engagements:  Raising Research Data Management
Capacity in UK Higher Education  by Martin Donnelly 

RDAP13 Poster Session Summary by Jennifer Doty  


Reflections on Our Future  by Douglas C. Engelbart 
Editor's Desktop by Irene Travis 

President's Page by Andrew Dillon 

Inside ASIS&T 

An Asian-Pacific ASIS&T Chapter? by Emil Levine 

IRC 2012 Survey Report by Mei-Mei Wu and Diane H. Sonnenwald 

Obituary:  Douglas Engelbart  

Richard Hill
ASIS&T Executive Director
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org

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