[Asist-announce] JASIST TOC 62/12, JCDL 2012, Bulletin, etc.

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Dec 9 10:52:20 EST 2011

ASIST IP Address Change: We recently had a total internet outage to the
office for over a week.  Consequently today moving to a new internet server
provider and our IP address will change. That may affect some e-mail

JCDL:  ASIS&T is a sponsor of the 2012 Joint Conference on Digital
Libraries.  The Call for participation is at http://www.jcdl2012.info
   12th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2012)
   June 10–14, 2012
   Washington, DC, USA

BULLETIN: The December/January issue of Bulletin is at
http://asis.org/bulletin.html.  This issue includes awards information, Gary
Marchionini’s Award of Merit Acceptance presentaiton, and a special section
on Knowledge Management and Social Networks.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
© 2011 ASIS&T 
Volume 62, Issue 12 Pages 2299 - 2546, December 2011

The latest issue of Journal of the American Society for Information Science
and Technology is available on Wiley 
Online Library

Don't confuse accreditation with reputation (pages 2299–2300) 
Blaise Cronin 

Social Q&A (pages 2301–2312) 
Rich Gazan 

Facing interfaces: Paul Otlet's visualizations of data integration (pages
Charles van den Heuvel and W. Boyd Rayward 

Turning the desktop inside-out: Evaluating information access and management
through a single interface (pages 2327–2346) 
Yolanda Jacobs Reimer, Matthew Hagedal, Peter Wolf and Bradley Bahls 

Everyday appropriations of information technology: A study of creative uses
of digital cameras (pages 2347–2363) 
Antti Salovaara, Sacha Helfenstein and Antti Oulasvirta 

Tag-based social image retrieval: An empirical evaluation (pages 2364–2381) 
Aixin Sun, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Khanh Tran Nam Nguyen and Ge Bai 

Aggregate bandwagon effect on online videos' viewership: Value uncertainty,
popularity cues, and heuristics (pages 2382–2395) 
W. Wayne Fu and Clarice C. Sim 

On intermediaries' inquiring minds, elicitation styles, and user
satisfaction (pages 2396–2403) 
Mei-Mei Wu and Ying-Hsang Liu 

Classification and visualization of the social science network by the
minimum span clustering method (pages 2404–2413) 
Y.F. Chang and C.-M. Chen 

The structure of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: A mapping on the
basis of aggregated citations among 1,157 journals (pages 2414–2426) 
Loet Leydesdorff, Björn Hammarfelt and Almila Salah 

Counting methods, country rank changes, and counting inflation in the
assessment of national research productivity and impact (pages 2427–2436) 
Mu-Hsuan Huang, Chi-Shiou Lin and Dar-Zen Chen 

Improving the coverage of social science and humanities researchers' output:
The case of the Érudit journal platform (pages 2437–2442) 
Vincent Larivière and Benoit Macaluso 

Measuring the triple helix on the web: Longitudinal trends in the
university-industry-government relationship in Korea (pages 2443–2455) 
Gohar Feroz Khan and Han Woo Park 

Who is going to win the next Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence Fellowship Award? Evaluating researchers by mining
bibliographic data (pages 2456–2470) 
Lior Rokach, Meir Kalech, Ido Blank and Rami Stern 

Term weighting based on document revision history (pages 2471–2478) 
Sérgio Nunes, Cristina Ribeiro and Gabriel David 

Ranker enhancement for proximity-based ranking of biomedical texts (pages
Rey-Long Liu and Yi-Chih Huang 

Concept-based document classification using Wikipedia and value function
(pages 2496–2511) 
Pekka Malo, Ankur Sinha, Jyrki Wallenius and Pekka Korhonen 

Plagiarism detection using stopword n-grams (pages 2512–2527) 
Efstathios Stamatatos 

The politics of boundary objects: Hegemonic interventions and the making of
a document (pages 2528–2539) 
Isto Huvila 

Book Reviews

The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires; In the Plex:
How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives; The Net Delusion: The Dark
Side of Internet Freedom (pages 2540–2543) 
Christopher Leslie 

The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood (pages 2543–2545) 
Charles H. Davis 

Letter to the Editor

The use of h-index for the assessment of journals' performance will lead to
shifts in editorial policies (page 2546) 
Ivan Jari? 

Richard Hill
ASIS&T Executive Director
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org

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