[Asist-announce] TOC Bulletin, Dec-Jan: Annual Meeting Coverage

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Dec 4 13:49:32 EST 2009

Note:  Bulletin home is http://www.asis.org/bulletin.html.  All articles
have links to HTML or PDF versions.

Link to PDF of entire issue:

Annual Meeting Coverage

Narratives, Facts and Events in the Foundations of Information Science
by Michael Buckland, Guest Editor 

>From Facts to Judgments: Theorizing History for Information Science
by Ryan Shaw

Facts and Frameworks in Paul Otlet's and Julius Otto Kaiser's Theories of
Knowledge Organization by Thomas M. Dousa

Events as a Structuring Device in Biographical Mark-up and Metadata
by Michael Buckland and Michele Renee Ramos
  ASIS&T 2009 Award of Merit speech

Facilitating and Enhancing Scientific Discovery by Carol Tenopir

Making a Profound Impact by Thom Haller


President's Page by Donald Case

President's Page by Gary Marchionini

Editor's Desktop by Irene Travis

Inside ASIS&T

ASIS&T Information Professionals task Force: October 2009 Update
by Nancy Roderer

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900 

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