[Asist-announce] ASIST collaborative book - call for contributors

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Oct 22 14:45:11 EDT 2008

[Sent for Debora Shaw.  Dick Hill

Yes, you can make a difference for the next generation of information 

The ASIST collaborative book, Introduction to Information Science and 
Technology, is taking shape; 18 contributors have prepared draft chapters. 
Now we ask for help from ASIST in general to extend and improve the 
initial contributions. In 2009 we will create a (print) textbook from the 
electronic version.

The collaborative book currently resides on a wiki in ASIST space. Please 
e-mail ralf shaw (shawd at indiana.edu) for authorization if you would like 
to contribute.

ASIST's _Introduction to Information Science and Technology_ introduces 
undergraduate and graduate students to the field of information science 
and technology. It presents a clear, concise, and approachable account of 
the fundamental issues, with appropriate historical background and 
theoretical grounding (* indicates a section under construction):
1. Introduction
    Brief chronology
*2. Information Needs, Seeking, and Use
    Information generation
    Information behavior
    Information needs
    Information seeking
    User studies
3. Information Representation and Organization
    Information structure
    Information analysis
    Subject access
    Controlled vocabularies
    Information architecture
*4. Computers and Networks
    Computing fundamentals
    Networking principles
    Computing over the Internet
    Network management
5. Structured Information Systems
    Systems analysis and design
    Conceptual modeling
    Relational databases
    Geographic information systems
    Artificial intelligence
6. Semi-structured and Unstructured Information Systems
    *Information storage and retrieval
    *Digital libraries
    *Electronic resources management
    Information visualization
    Evaluation of information systems
    *Human-computer interaction
7. Social Informatics
    Organizations and institutions
    Information dissemination
    Information industry/market
    Strategic intelligence
    Organization of work
    Information management
    Bibliometrics/citation analysis
8. Information Policy
    Intellectual property
    (Free) flow of information
9. Information Profession
    Distribution of knowledge
    *Information services/agencies
    *Intellectual freedom
10. Theoretical Issues
     Information theory
     Network theory
     *Paradigm theory
     *Social epistemology
     *Philosophy of information
11. Knowledge Management and the Future of Information Science
     *Globalization and the Knowledge Economy
     *Key Drivers in KM
     *Social Capital and Social Computing
     *Knowledge Management Practices
     *Knowledge Management Strategies
     Information & Knowledge Professionals
     *Emerging Trends

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