Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 21 12:31:36 EDT 2017


There a few votes coming due in October listed below - relevant documents attached


1) ISO TC 46/SC 9 CIB on AHG 1 report

Do you agree with the following resolution?

ISO/TC 46/SC 9 supports the recommendations and conclusions provided in the AHG 1 report (circulated as N1036) and instructs the secretariat to submit this report to the TMB Directives Management Team for review and consideration of Annex SN of the supplement.

Options for vote are


Due 10/2/2017

2)  SHORT-TERM BALLOT - ISO/CD 19580-2 Transformation into Technical Specification

Do you agree that ISO/CD 19580 would be issued as Technical Specification, not IS?

This is a vote for asking to the members if ISO/CD 19580 which was approved in June 2017 as CD would be transformed to issuing as Technical Specification due to the project limit time. 

Your voting options are:

Yes - I agree that ISO/CD 19580 should be issued as a Technical Specification.

No - I do not agree to issuing ISO/CD 19580 as a Technical Specification

Abstain from voting

Due 10/3/2017

No attached documents

3) Call for experts to the new ISO/TC 46/SC4/WG16 Dublin Core

Would you like to nominate an expert/experts to the WG16 Dublin Core? 

At the ISO/TC 46/SC4 Plenary meeting in Pretoria on 2017-05-25, attendees drafted Resolution 2017/03 – Establishment of a working group for ISO 15836-2 Dublin Core.

As a result, ISO/TC 46/SC4:

− establishes a working group for Dublin Core ISO/NP 15836-2
− asks the secretariat to call for experts to the new Working Group by July 30, 2017
− appoints Juha Hakala to act as convenor of the new working group with a term of three years, ending 2019-12-31.

Your voting options are:

Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate 

No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone.

Abstain from voting

Due 10/9/2017

No attached documents

Let me know if anyone wants to participate in this effort or knows someone who would make a good member?

4) ISO TC 46/SC 4, ISO/FDIS 18626 (Ed 2)--Information and documentation, Interlibrary loan transactions

Do you approve the technical content of the final draft?
Note: The previously distributed ballot was deleted due to a mistake in the options choice. We are issuing and sending the ballot again. Please vote using this ballot. 

This document specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and the following exchange of messages.

Your voting options are: (Select one option)

Approve [comments optional]
Approve with corrections [comments required]
Disapprove [comments required and should be substantive]
Abstain from voting [comments optional]

Due 10/15/2017

Disclaimer: I was on the committtee that developed thisISO version of the standard


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   There a few votes coming due in October listed below - relevant documents


   1) ISO TC 46/SC 9 CIB on AHG 1 report
   Do you agree with the following resolution?
   ISO/TC 46/SC 9 supports the recommendations and conclusions provided in the
   AHG 1 report (circulated as N1036) and instructs the secretariat to submit
   this   report  to  the  TMB  Directives  Management  Team  for  review
   and consideration of Annex SN of the supplement.

   Options for vote are




   Due 10/2/2017

2)  SHORT-TERM BALLOT - ISO/CD 19580-2 Transformation into Technical

   Do you agree that ISO/CD 19580 would be issued as Technical Specification,
   not IS?

   This is a vote for asking to the members if ISO/CD 19580 which was approved
   in  June  2017  as  CD  would  be  transformed to issuing as Technical
   Specification due to the project limit time.
   Your voting options are:
   Yes  -  I  agree  that  ISO/CD  19580  should be issued as a Technical
   No - I do not agree to issuing ISO/CD 19580 as a Technical Specification
   Abstain from voting
   Due 10/3/2017
   No attached documents
   3) Call for experts to the new ISO/TC 46/SC4/WG16 Dublin Core
   Would you like to nominate an expert/experts to the WG16 Dublin Core?
   At the ISO/TC 46/SC4 Plenary meeting in Pretoria on 2017-05-25, attendees
   drafted  Resolution 2017/03 – Establishment of a working group for ISO
   15836-2 Dublin Core.
   As a result, ISO/TC 46/SC4:
   − establishes a working group for Dublin Core ISO/NP 15836-2
   − asks the secretariat to call for experts to the new Working Group by July
   30, 2017
   − appoints Juha Hakala to act as convenor of the new working group with a
   term of three years, ending 2019-12-31.
   Your voting options are:
   Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate
   No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone.
   Abstain from voting
   Due 10/9/2017
   No attached documents
   Let me know if anyone wants to participate in this effort or knows someone
   who would make a good member?

4) ISO TC 46/SC 4, ISO/FDIS 18626 (Ed 2)--Information and documentation,
Interlibrary loan transactions

   Do you approve the technical content of the final draft?
   Note: The previously distributed ballot was deleted due to a mistake in the
   options choice. We are issuing and sending the ballot again. Please vote
   using this ballot.
   This document specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and
   other  agencies to handle requests for library items and the following
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   e of messages.
   Your voting options are: (Select one option)
   Approve [comments optional]
   Approve with corrections [comments required]
   Disapprove [comments required and should be substantive]
   Abstain from voting [comments optional]
   Due 10/15/2017
   Disclaimer: I was on the committtee that developed thisISO version of the

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