[Asis-standards] Upcoming votes

ZENG, MARCIA mzeng at kent.edu
Wed Oct 4 16:28:18 EDT 2017

What has been done in this ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34? I am not sure this was an old concept or not, as so many standards existed. I saw that its webpage was dated 1998.   We have seen many specialized SGML and XML results, but not sure if they have been used. Maybe a need assessment should be done before deciding a commitment.

My 2 cents...


From: Asis-standards <asis-standards-bounces at asist.org> on behalf of Mark Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 4:09:57 PM
To: Thornburg,Gail
Cc: ASIST Standards Committee
Subject: Re: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes


There was no attachment with that vote for some reason not explained


Sent from Mark Needleman's  iPhone

> On Oct 4, 2017, at 3:26 PM, Thornburg,Gail <thornbug at oclc.org> wrote:
> Mark,
> Which attachment to your message dealt with this one?
>    NEW VOTES (relevant documents attached)
>    1)Should NISO create a US TAG to assume the responsibility for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34?
>    Do you support the creation of a NISO-managed US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34
> Gail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asist.org] On Behalf Of Mark Needleman
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 3:14 PM
> To: ASIST Standards Committee <asis-standards at asis.org>
> Subject: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes
> Folks
> Here are the outstanding votes through October 2017
> 1) Call for experts to the new ISO/TC 46/SC4/WG16 Dublin Core
> Due 10/9/17
> NEW VOTES (relevant documents attached)
> 1)Should NISO create a US TAG to assume the responsibility for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34?
> Do you support the creation of a NISO-managed US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34
> The International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) had managed the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 - "Document description and processing languages" Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for a number off years. Last year, INCITS withdrew its support and therefore the U.S. has not been a P-member of JTC 1/SC 34. The NISO Board of Directors feels that this is an important gap in the standards leadership worldwide and has discussed taking over this responsibility. To take on this responsibility, NISO will need to form a new Technical Advisory Group to determine US positions on JTC 1/SC 34 issues, much as we have done for ISO TC46.
> The Scope of JTC 1/SC 34 from the ISO webpage is:
> "Standardization in the field of document structures, languages and related facilities for the description and processing of compound and hypermedia documents, including:
> languages for describing document logical structures and their support facilities languages for describing document-like objects in web environments facilities document processing architecture and formatting for logical documents facilities languages for describing interactive documents facilities multilingual font information interchange and related services facilities final-form document architecture and page information interchange facilities hypermedia document structuring language and application resources facilities API's for document processing"
> The portfolio of work managed by JTC 1/SC 34 includes SGML, EPUB, OpenOfficeXML, Font information interchange, Document Schema Definition Language are just a few of the 80 standards SC34 is responsible for. This is an important portfolio of work that is directly tied to a lot of the work that NISO does and the majority of our members are directly impacted by its work.
> 2) ISO TC 46/SC 4, ISO/FDIS 18626 (Ed 2)--Information and documentation, Interlibrary loan transactions
> Do you approve the technical content of the final draft?
> This document specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and the following exchange of messages.
> Due 10/15/2017
> Disclaimer: I was on the committee that developed the original version of this standard
> 3) TC46/SC9 Ballot on the withdrawal of ISO/NP 15707, Information and documentation - International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC)
> Based on this recommendation, should TC46/SC9 withdraw the project to revise ISO 15707 and disband TC46/SC9/WG2?
> As discussed during the TC46/SC9 plenary meeting in Pretoria, ZA in May of this year, there has been little progress on the project to revise ISO 15707. Noting the work to improve on existing service and build new ISWC services that have been done by the RA responsible for maintaining the ISWC standards, and the stated desire of the RA to stop work on the revision, the Convenor consulted with WG2 members to discern a recommendation about next steps. After consulting with the Working Group members as instructed by TC 46/SC9, the recommendation is that the current standard is sufficient for the improved services and the revision is no longer necessary.
> Due 10/192017 - Note this is to disband the working group working on a revision to ISWC - if agreed to the original standard stays in effect
> 4) Approval of Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 Chair
> Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/23 to appoint Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
> Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/23 to appoint Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
> Due 10/24/2017 - Personal comment - I know Juha and have worked with him in the past - Personally I believe he is more than qualified for this role
> 5) Approval of Ms. Stella Griffiths as ISO/TC46/SC9 Chair
> Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/24 to appoint Ms Stella Griffiths as ISO/TC46/SC9 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
> This is a ballot to approve the nomination of Ms. Stella Griffiths as ISO/TC46/SC9 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate.
> Due 10/24/2017
> 6) Call for experts wanting to participate in ISO 3166/MA
> Would you like to nominate an expert/experts to participate in ISO 3166/MA work?
> Since KEBS mandate terminates end of 2017 (JISC's and SAC's mandates terminate end of 2018) a call for P-member bodies wanting to participate in ISO 3166/MA for a two-year term being 2018-2019 is now open.
> According to the Terms of Reference for the maintenance of ISO 3166 it is now possible for four or more ISO/TC 46 P-members to become voting members of the MA.
> Due 10/24/2017 - If anyone wishes to serve on this committee or knows someone who would make a good member Ill need contact information


Asis-standards mailing list
Asis-standards at asis.org
-------------- next part --------------

   What has been done in this ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34? I am not sure this was an
   old concept or not, as so many standards existed. I saw that its webpage was
   dated 1998.   We have seen many specialized SGML and XML results, but not
   sure if they have been used. Maybe a need assessment should be done before
   deciding a commitment.
   My 2 cents...

   From: Asis-standards <asis-standards-bounces at asist.org> on behalf of Mark
   Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com>
   Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 4:09:57 PM
   To: Thornburg,Gail
   Cc: ASIST Standards Committee
   Subject: Re: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes

   There was no attachment with that vote for some reason not explained
   Sent from Mark Needleman's  iPhone
   > On Oct 4, 2017, at 3:26 PM, Thornburg,Gail <thornbug at oclc.org> wrote:
   > Mark,
   > Which attachment to your message dealt with this one?
   >    NEW VOTES (relevant documents attached)
   >    1)Should NISO create a US TAG to assume the responsibility for ISO/IEC
   JTC 1/SC 34?
   >    Do you support the creation of a NISO-managed US Technical Advisory
   Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34
   > Gail
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: Asis-standards [[1]mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asist.org] On
   Behalf Of Mark Needleman
   > Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 3:14 PM
   > To: ASIST Standards Committee <asis-standards at asis.org>
   > Subject: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes
   > Folks
   > Here are the outstanding votes through October 2017
   > 1) Call for experts to the new ISO/TC 46/SC4/WG16 Dublin Core
   > Due 10/9/17
   > NEW VOTES (relevant documents attached)
   > 1)Should NISO create a US TAG to assume the responsibility for ISO/IEC JTC
   1/SC 34?
   > Do you support the creation of a NISO-managed US Technical Advisory Group
   (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34
   > The International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
   had managed the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 -
   "Document description and processing languages" Technical Advisory Group
   (TAG) for a number off years. Last year, INCITS withdrew its support and
   therefore the U.S. has not been a P-member of JTC 1/SC 34. The NISO Board of
   Directors feels that this is an important gap in the standards leadership
   worldwide and has discussed taking over this responsibility. To take on this
   responsibility, NISO will need to form a new Technical Advisory Group to
   determine US positions on JTC 1/SC 34 issues, much as we have done for ISO
   > The Scope of JTC 1/SC 34 from the ISO webpage is:
   >  "Standardization in the field of document structures, languages and
   related  facilities for the description and processing of compound and
   hypermedia documents, including:
   > languages for describing document logical structures and their support
   facilities  languages  for  describing  document-like  objects  in web
   environments facilities document processing architecture and formatting for
   logical documents facilities languages for describing interactive documents
   facilities multilingual font information interchange and related services
   facilities final-form document architecture and page information interchange
   facilities  hypermedia  document  structuring language and application
   resources facilities API's for document processing"
   >  The  portfolio  of work managed by JTC 1/SC 34 includes SGML, EPUB,
   OpenOfficeXML, Font information interchange, Document Schema Definition
   Language are just a few of the 80 standards SC34 is responsible for. This is
   an important portfolio of work that is directly tied to a lot of the work
   that NISO does and the majority of our members are directly impacted by its
   > 2) ISO TC 46/SC 4, ISO/FDIS 18626 (Ed 2)--Information and documentation,
   Interlibrary loan transactions
   > Do you approve the technical content of the final draft?
   > This document specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries
   and other agencies to handle requests for library items and the following
   exchange of messages.
   > Due 10/15/2017
   > Disclaimer: I was on the committee that developed the original version of
   this standard
   > 3) TC46/SC9 Ballot on the withdrawal of ISO/NP 15707, Information and
   documentation - International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC)
   > Based on this recommendation, should TC46/SC9 withdraw the project to
   revise ISO 15707 and disband TC46/SC9/WG2?
   > As discussed during the TC46/SC9 plenary meeting in Pretoria, ZA in May of
   this year, there has been little progress on the project to revise ISO
   15707. Noting the work to improve on existing service and build new ISWC
   services that have been done by the RA responsible for maintaining the ISWC
   standards, and the stated desire of the RA to stop work on the revision, the
   Convenor consulted with WG2 members to discern a recommendation about next
   steps. After consulting with the Working Group members as instructed by TC
   46/SC9, the recommendation is that the current standard is sufficient for
   the improved services and the revision is no longer necessary.
   > Due 10/192017 - Note this is to disband the working group working on a
   revision to ISWC - if agreed to the original standard stays in effect
   > 4) Approval of Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 Chair
   > Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/23 to appoint
   Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
   > Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/23 to appoint
   Mr. Juha Hakala as ISO/TC46/SC4 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
   > Due 10/24/2017 - Personal comment - I know Juha and have worked with him
   in the past - Personally I believe he is more than qualified for this role
   > 5) Approval of Ms. Stella Griffiths as ISO/TC46/SC9 Chair
   > Do you approve the adoption of the proposed resolution 2017/24 to appoint
   Ms Stella Griffiths as ISO/TC46/SC9 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate?
   > This is a ballot to approve the nomination of Ms. Stella Griffiths as
   ISO/TC46/SC9 chairperson for a new 3 year-mandate.
   > Due 10/24/2017
   > 6) Call for experts wanting to participate in ISO 3166/MA
   > Would you like to nominate an expert/experts to participate in ISO 3166/MA
   > Since KEBS mandate terminates end of 2017 (JISC's and SAC's mandates
   terminate end of 2018) a call for P-member bodies wanting to participate in
   ISO 3166/MA for a two-year term being 2018-2019 is now open.
   > According to the Terms of Reference for the maintenance of ISO 3166 it is
   now possible for four or more ISO/TC 46 P-members to become voting members
   of the MA.
   > Due 10/24/2017 - If anyone wishes to serve on this committee or knows
   someone who would make a good member Ill need contact information
   Asis-standards mailing list
   Asis-standards at asis.org


   1. mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asist.org
   2. https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.asis.org%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fasis-standards&data=01%7C01%7Cmzeng%40kent.edu%7C800f076f4f384787dd1808d50b63eaaa%7Ce5a06f4a1ec44d018f73e7dd15f26134%7C1&sdata=ZYI7WSYxi1NnKcugkg81wKW%2FTnQ78WeNPRoN2Y4kVcs%3D&reserved=0

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