[Asis-standards] One more ISO vote

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 2 15:40:03 EDT 2017


One more upcoming ISO vote

TC 46/SC 9 ISO/DIS 20247, Information and documentation -- International library item identifier (ILII)

Do you approve the technical content of the draft?

This is a TC46/SC9 ballot regarding technical content of ISO/DIS 20247, Information and documentation -- International library item identifier(ILII).

This international standard specifies the International Library Item Identifier (ILII) which is used for the unique identification of items held by libraries and related organizations. "Library and related organization" here refers to an organization within the scope of ISO 15511, Information and documentation — International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL). "Items" here refer to materials identified and managed by a concerned organization. Digital objects to which the organization holds only access rights (e.g., electronic journals) are excluded from the definition of "items" in this context.

The purpose of ILII is to facilitate unique identification of library items when information about them is shared among library applications. Examples of such system(s) include interlibrary loan and shared print agreements.

Your voting options are:

Approve - approve the technical content of this standard
Approval with comments - approve the technical content of this standards but have comments (comments required)
Disapprove - do not approve of the technical content of this standard 
Abstain from voting

Vote and Comments due. 6/22/2017 - Document attached


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