[Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "SHORT-TERM BALLOT: TC 46/SC 11 N1696 Establish a Cat-A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM"

margie_hlava mhlava at accessinn.com
Wed Aug 23 19:51:27 EDT 2017

That's a bunch of them!

I have no problem with any of this, in fact it's a good idea

Marjorie Hlava
Mhlava at accessinn.com
Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 23, 2017, at 3:31 PM, Mark Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   Anyone have a problem with this. It's a short term ballot
>   Mark
>   Sent from Mark Needleman's  iPhone
>   Albert Einstein "There are two things that are limitless, the universe and
>   human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe"
>   Begin forwarded message:
>   From: <[1]admin at list.niso.org>
>   Date: August 23, 2017 at 3:33:06 PM EDT
>   To: [2]needleman_mark at yahoo.com
>   Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "SHORT-TERM BALLOT: TC
>   46/SC 11 N1696 Establish a Cat-A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM"
>   "SHORT-TERM BALLOT: TC 46/SC 11 N1696 Establish a Cat-A Liaison with ITU-T
>   FG-DPM" has opened.
>   Ballot Title: [3]SHORT-TERM BALLOT: TC 46/SC 11 N1696 Establish a Cat-A
>   Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM
>     _________________________________________________________________
>   Question
>   Do you agree to establish a Category A Liaison with the ITU-T FG-DPM Focus
>   Group and to appoint Xiaomi An (SAC) as as liaison officer to ITU-T FG-DPM?
>   Closing Date: Tuesday, 29 August 2017 @ 11:59 pm EDT
>   Description
>   ITU-T Study Group 20 Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and
>   communities (SC&C) agreed the formation of a new Focus Group on Data
>   Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities
>   (FG-DPM) at its meeting in Dubai, from 13 to 23 March 2017.
>   Question 1
>   Do you agree to establish a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM Focus Group
>   on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities &
>   Communities?
>   Question 2
>   Do you agree to appoint Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison officer to ITU-T FG-DPM?
>   You have three voting options for each of the above questions.
>   Question 1 options:
>   I agree with establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM Focus Group
>   on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities &
>   Communities. (Comment optional)
>   I disagree with establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM Focus
>   Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities &
>   Communities. (Comment required)
>   I abstain from voting on establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM
>   Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart
>   Cities & Communities. (Comment optional)
>   Question 2 options:
>   I agree with the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison officer to ITU-T
>   FG-DPM. (Comment optional)
>   I disagree with the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison officer to
>   ITU-T FG-DPM. (Comment required)
>   I abstain from voting on the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison
>   officer to ITU-T FG-DPM. (Comment optional)
>   Permission is granted by the American National Standards Institute to
>   electronically reproduce this International Standard for the purpose of
>   review and comment related to the preparation of a U.S. position, provided
>   this notice is included. All other rights are reserved.
>   [4]Vote
>     * I agree with establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM Focus
>       Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities
>       & Communities.
>     * I disagree with establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T FG-DPM
>       Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart
>       Cities & Communities.
>     * I abstain from voting on establishing a Category A Liaison with ITU-T
>       FG-DPM Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and
>       Smart Cities & Communities.
>     * I agree with the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison officer to
>       ITU-T FG-DPM.
>     * I disagree with the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison officer to
>       ITU-T FG-DPM.
>     * I abstain from voting on the appointment of Xiaomi An (SAC) as liaison
>       officer to ITU-T FG-DPM.
>   _________________________________________________________________
>   Group: TC46 Ballot Advisory Group
>   Date Opened: Wednesday, 23 August 2017 @ 11:00 am EDT
>     _________________________________________________________________
>   Referenced Items
>   N1696_Establish_a_Cat-A_Liaison_with_ITU-T_FG-DPM-2.pdf (78K) 2017-08-23
>   [5]Download | [6]View Details
> References
>   1. mailto:admin at list.niso.org
>   2. mailto:needleman_mark at yahoo.com
>   3. http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=812
>   4. http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=812
>   5. http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/download.php/18306
>   6. http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/document.php?document_id=18306
> _______________________________________________
> Asis-standards mailing list
> Asis-standards at asis.org
> http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/asis-standards

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