[Asis-standards] Votes for the rest of 2016

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 13 12:22:58 EDT 2016

Im sending out all of the current remaining votes for 2016 - ill be back from Europe by the time some of them are due but i wanted to give folks ample opportunity to review them -ill be splitting them into a couple of notes


1) ISO/TC 46/SC 11N1628 - Information and documentation -- Appraisal for managing records - New Work Item

This is a ballot for ISO/NP TS 21946 - ISO/TC 46/SC 11N1628 - Information and documentation -- Appraisal for managing records for a new work item proposal.

This Technical Specification provides guidance on how to carry out appraisal, and describes some of the products and outcomes that appraisal can deliver. As such, it describes a practical application of the concept of appraisal outlined in ISO 15489-1:2016.

The Technical Specification:
a) lists some of the main purposes for appraisal in the creation, capture and management of records in contemporary organizations and in society in general;
b) describes the importance of establishing scope for an appraisal;
c) explains how to analyze business activity and develop an understanding of the context;
d) explains how to identify record requirements;
e) describes the relationships between appraisal and records controls; and
f) explains how to use risk to weigh appraisal decisions.

This Technical Specification can be used by all organizations regardless of size, nature of their activities, or complexity of their functions and structure.

In case this is disapproved, will/are you committed to participate actively in the development of the project? If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:

Industry and Commerce
Academic and Research Bodies
Standards Application
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)

Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.

Your voting options are:

Approve (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
Disapprove [comments required with experts nominated]
Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]

2) ISO/DIS 20614, Data exchange protocol for interoperability and preservation

This is a TC46/SC4 ballot for ISO/DIS 20614, Data exchange protocol for interoperability and preservation. The ISO ballot does not officially open until September 7, 2016, however the draft standard is distributed in advance to allow for local translations. We are opening the NISO ballot now to allow a longer period of review.

DEPIP specifies a standardized framework for the various data (including both data and related metadata) exchange transactions between an Archive and its producers and consumers. Interchanges between archives (including archives integrated in organizations, public archives, storage service suppliers) are also considered. The protocol is generic and may be adapted to all types of information, whether printed or in a born digital format.

The protocol defines five transactions (Transfer, Deliver, Dispose, Modify, and Restitute1) which Archives and their partners may use to exchange data objects. The protocol specifies also an implementation framework using the XML formalism to write the messages that are exchanged during the protocol transaction (refer to the associated XSD Schema). The protocol specifies the syntax and semantics of these messages.

This information shall be used by the implementers for development of applications which may generate and / or receive protocol messages.

DEPIP is intended in particular for:
a) Commercial software vendors, in order to complete/improve their applications;
b) Archives, in order to standardize ingest of Data to be preserved and access to archived Data, and to facilitate the exchange of Data between Archives;
c) Application programmers, in order to enable interoperable data transactions between Archives and the information systems they are developing;
d) Third parties responsible of transferring documents to Archives;
e) Data storage service suppliers.

Administration may rely on this standard to:
a) define its interoperability processes for preservation or align its already existing interoperability processes with best practices;
b) organize the interoperability processes for preservation;
c) control the creation and management of metadata, whatever the descriptive models used.

If this draft standard receives sufficient approval, it can proceed directly to publication. If it is either not approved, or the Working Group decides to make substantive changes based on ballot comments, an FDIS version may be balloted.

Your voting options are:
Yes - approve the standard for publication (comments are optional and should generally be editorial in nature; if substantive comments are provided, you are approving the standard even if those changes are not made)

No - do not approve the standard for publication (comments are required and should be substantive)

Abstain from voting (comments are optional)

Comments an a recommendation for a vote due 11/17/2016

3) TC46/SC4, ISO/DIS 28500 (Ed 2), Information and documentation -- WARC file format

This is a TC46/SC4 ballot regarding technical content to ISO/DIS 28500 that must be approved before moving forward.

This International Standard specifies the WARC file format:
— to store both the payload content and control information from mainstream Internet application layer protocols, such as the HTTP, DNS, and FTP;
— to store arbitrary metadata linked to other stored data (e.g. subject classifier, discovered language, encoding);
— to support data compression and maintain data record integrity;
— to store all control information from the harvesting protocol (e.g. request headers), not just response information;
— to store the results of data transformations linked to other stored data;
— to store a duplicate detection event linked to other stored data (to reduce storage in the presence of identical or substantially similar resources);
— to be extended without disruption to existing functionality;
— to support handling of overly long records by truncation or segmentation, where desired.

Your voting options are:

Approve - approve the technical content changes for this standard 
Approval with comments - approve the technical content changes for this standards but have comments (comments required)
Disapprove - do not approve of the technical content changes for this standard (comments are required and should be substantive)
Abstain from voting 

Comments an a recommendation for a vote due 11/17/2016

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   Im sending out all of the current remaining votes for 2016 - ill be back
   from Europe by the time some of them are due but i wanted to give folks
   ample opportunity to review them -ill be splitting them into a couple of


1) ISO/TC 46/SC 11N1628 - Information and documentation -- Appraisal for
managing records - New Work Item

   This is a ballot for ISO/NP TS 21946 - ISO/TC 46/SC 11N1628 - Information
   and documentation -- Appraisal for managing records for a new work item
   This  Technical  Specification  provides  guidance on how to carry out
   appraisal, and describes some of the products and outcomes that appraisal
   can deliver. As such, it describes a practical application of the concept of
   appraisal outlined in ISO 15489-1:2016.
   The Technical Specification:
   a) lists some of the main purposes for appraisal in the creation, capture
   and management of records in contemporary organizations and in society in
   b) describes the importance of establishing scope for an appraisal;
   c) explains how to analyze business activity and develop an understanding of
   the context;
   d) explains how to identify record requirements;
   e) describes the relationships between appraisal and records controls; and
   f) explains how to use risk to weigh appraisal decisions.
   This Technical Specification can be used by all organizations regardless of
   size, nature of their activities, or complexity of their functions and
   In case this is disapproved, will/are you committed to participate actively
   in the development of the project? If you would like to nominate someone,
   please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now
   also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to
   working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation
   (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:
   Industry and Commerce
   Academic and Research Bodies
   Standards Application
   Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
   Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
   Your voting options are:
   Approve (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
   Disapprove [comments required with experts nominated]
   Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]
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2) ISO/DIS 20614, Data exchange protocol for interoperability and preservation

   This is a TC46/SC4 ballot for ISO/DIS 20614, Data exchange protocol for
   interoperability and preservation. The ISO ballot does not officially open
   until  September 7, 2016, however the draft standard is distributed in
   advance to allow for local translations. We are opening the NISO ballot now
   to allow a longer period of review.
   DEPIP specifies a standardized framework for the various data (including
   both data and related metadata) exchange transactions between an Archive and
   its  producers and consumers. Interchanges between archives (including
   archives integrated in organizations, public archives, storage service
   suppliers) are also considered. The protocol is generic and may be adapted
   to all types of information, whether printed or in a born digital format.
   The protocol defines five transactions (Transfer, Deliver, Dispose, Modify,
   and Restitute1) which Archives and their partners may use to exchange data
   objects. The protocol specifies also an implementation framework using the
   XML formalism to write the messages that are exchanged during the protocol
   transaction (refer to the associated XSD Schema). The protocol specifies the
   syntax and semantics of these messages.
   This  information shall be used by the implementers for development of
   applications which may generate and / or receive protocol messages.
   DEPIP is intended in particular for:
   a)  Commercial  software  vendors,  in order to complete/improve their
   b) Archives, in order to standardize ingest of Data to be preserved and
   access to archived Data, and to facilitate the exchange of Data between
   c)  Application  programmers,  in  order  to enable interoperable data
   transactions  between  Archives  and  the information systems they are
   d) Third parties responsible of transferring documents to Archives;
   e) Data storage service suppliers.
   Administration may rely on this standard to:
   a) define its interoperability processes for preservation or align its
   already existing interoperability processes with best practices;
   b) organize the interoperability processes for preservation;
   c) control the creation and management of metadata, whatever the descriptive
   models used.
   If this draft standard receives sufficient approval, it can proceed directly
   to publication. If it is either not approved, or the Working Group decides
   to make substantive changes based on ballot comments, an FDIS version may be
   Your voting options are:
   Yes - approve the standard for publication (comments are optional and should
   generally be editorial in nature; if substantive comments are provided, you
   are approving the standard even if those changes are not made)
   No - do not approve the standard for publication (comments are required and
   should be substantive)
   Abstain from voting (comments are optional)
   Comments an a recommendation for a vote due 11/17/2016

3) TC46/SC4, ISO/DIS 28500 (Ed 2), Information and documentation -- WARC file

   This is a TC46/SC4 ballot regarding technical content to ISO/DIS 28500 that
   must be approved before moving forward.
   This International Standard specifies the WARC file format:
   — to store both the payload content and control information from mainstream
   Internet application layer protocols, such as the HTTP, DNS, and FTP;
   — to store arbitrary metadata linked to other stored data (e.g. subject
   classifier, discovered language, encoding);
   — to support data compression and maintain data record integrity;
   —  to store all control information from the harvesting protocol (e.g.
   request headers), not just response information;
   — to store the results of data transformations linked to other stored data;
   — to store a duplicate detection event linked to other stored data (to
   reduce  storage  in the presence of identical or substantially similar
   — to be extended without disruption to existing functionality;
   — to support handling of overly long records by truncation or segmentation,
   where desired.
   Your voting options are:
   Approve - approve the technical content changes for this standard
   Approval with comments - approve the technical content changes for this
   standards but have comments (comments required)
   Disapprove  - do not approve of the technical content changes for this
   standard (comments are required and should be substantive)
   Abstain from voting
   Comments an a recommendation for a vote due 11/17/2016

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