[Asis-standards] Upcoming votes

TIMOTHY DICKEY tdickey1 at kent.edu
Thu Jun 30 08:28:16 EDT 2016

4) ISO 21047 (ISTC) - Within Anglo-American cataloging rules, there is a
certain need for more robust systems dealing with different bibliographic
The main problem that I see is that of bibliographic relationships: how to
visualize and express the different possible networks of textual
(conceptual) works, and their different manifestations in print or digital
form. Annex E offers models for some of the different networks of
relationships, but has to admit in its opening that the models are "not
normative," and that "in some cases, it is possible to choose between two
alternative structures."
In the Anglo-American library world, the theoretical model of FRBR and its
practical application in the cataloging standards of RDA have tried to
clarify these kinds of relationships, but the models in Annex E offer only
partial and non-normative adherence to the library bibliographic model. I
believe that the ISTC can be applied within the U.S. cataloging world, but
that there may not be enough benefit to achieve buy-in.
In addition, the publishing world tends to operate (I believe) along subtly
different models of relationships, with the physical manifestation being
much more important to systems applications, even when considering
copyright. Here, too, I am not convinced that the community would use the
new standard number authority.
With that, I do doubt the standard would be used widely in the U. S. as

Since the vote is on the other hand for a revision to include text-groups
as a new refinement based on industry responses, I would ABSTAIN - quite
possibly a worthwhile project, but I do not have an expert whom I can
nominate at this time.

Timothy J. Dickey, Ph.D., MLIS.

tdickey1 at kent.edu
(614) 785-1632

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Mark Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com>

> >
> >
> > Folks
> >
> > here is
> >
> >
> >
> >  bunch of upcoming votes - Relevant documents attached - Im sending
> these out in 2 emails so the attachments are too large
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 1) SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: ISO/TC46/SC10 - N158/ISO/TC46 Business Plan
> 2016
> >
> >
> > SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: The need for harmonized standards in the world
> of information is global. The widespread use of the Internet has renewed
> the interest in interoperable standards and compatible information systems.
> Standards developed under ISO/TC 46 “Information and documentation” aim to
> facilitate access to knowledge, culture and information and to help to
> develop appropriate automated tools, computer systems and services to
> disseminate the information that is curated and collated by libraries,
> archives, museums, publishers and other content industry participants.
> These standards give rules to identify, describe, index, classify, access,
> select, exploit, communicate, exchange and preserve, both paper-based and
> digital information.
> >
> > Standardization in the field of information and documentation impacts
> various professional communities and industries. Standards for paper-based
> information evolve to meet the changing requirements for retention,
> dissemination, marketing, sales, archiving and digitization. Digital-born
> information changes rapidly along with the technology that produces and
> distributes it. These trends are reflected in the expertise of and the work
> undertaken within TC 46 sub-committees. Einformation is increasingly
> networked and sought on systems using a variety of formats and storage
> media. The different methods, formats and media through which information
> is accessed and transferred cannot be considered in isolation but must
> address system-wide interoperability.
> >
> > TC 46 standards focus on issues faced by libraries, archival
> institutions, information centres, museums and the commercial supply chain
> in discovering, describing, preserving, storing and analyzing information
> whether that content is textual, graphical, audio, video or multimedia
> based. Getting the information about a resource (metadata) correct is
> critical for navigating repositories, maximizing discoverability and
> optimizing marketing and revenue opportunities. TC 46 standards also affect
> organizations, content industries, and media
> > production. These standards are used widely by people who look for a
> book or search for an article, by students in information science, by
> linguists and translators, by archivists, by indexing and abstracting
> services, by discovery tools, by retailers and aggregators.
> >
> > Your voting options are:
> >
> > YES - agree with the TC46 Business Plan 2016
> >
> > NO - you do not agree with TC46 Business Plan 2016 (comments required)
> >
> > ABSTAIN from voting (comments optional)
> >
> > Comments need by June 28,2016
> >
> > 2) Technical Content of ISO/DIS 3901 (ISRC)
> >
> > Do you approve of the technical content of ISO/DIS 3901 draft?
> > This ballot is regarding technical content that has occurred to ISO/DIS
> 3901 that must be approved before moving forward.
> >
> > This International Standard specifies the International Standard
> Recording Code (ISRC) for the unique identification of recordings.
> >
> > The ISRC is applicable to the identification of audio recordings and
> music video recordings whether they are in analogue or digital form.
> >
> > The ISRC is not applicable to the numbering of audio or audiovisual
> products or carriers. Neither is it applicable to the numbering of packages
> of audio recordings or music video recordings with other media items.
> >
> > The ISRC is applicable to music video recordings even if they have been
> assigned an International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) in accordance
> with ISO 15706, or a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in accordance with ISO
> 26324, but it is not applicable to other forms of audiovisual recording
> >
> > Your voting options are:
> > Approval - approve the technical content changes for this standard
> > Approval with comments - approve the technical content changes for this
> standards but have comments (comments required)
> > Disapprove - do not approve of the technical content changes for this
> standard (comments are required and should be substantive)
> > Abstain from voting
> >
> > Comments and a recommendation for a vote Needed by June 29,2016
> >
> > 3) SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: ISO/TC 46/SC11N1619 - Call for expert(s)
> WG17
> > SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: Do you wish to nominate expert(s) for the
> ISO/TC 46/SC 11/WG17 Cloud in Records - ISO/WI/DTR - Information and
> documentation - Records management in cloud: Issues and concerns? (If your
> answer is 'Yes' please indicate the Nominated expert name and e-mail
> address, and assign the expert to ISO/TC 46/SC11/WG17 in ISO/GD)
> >
> > The US voted to approve this as a new project and we are expected to
> name at least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If
> you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact
> information in your comments, we are now also required to provide
> particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s
> full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one
> of the following Stakeholder Categories:
> >
> > Industry and Commerce
> > Government
> > Consumers
> > Labour
> > Academic and Research Bodies
> > Standards Application
> > Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
> >
> > Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
> >
> > We are also required to provide a justification statement for why we
> think this is or is not a worthwhile/useful project (depending on whether
> we vote yes or no). Please provide such a statement in the comments for
> your Affirmative or Negative vote. Consider whether you think this standard
> will be used in the U.S.
> >
> > Your voting options are:
> >
> > YES - please indicate the Nominated expert name, stakeholder category,
> and e-mail address, and assign the expert to ISO/TC 46/SC11/WG17 in ISO/GD)
> (required)
> >
> > NO - do not wish to nominate an expert (comments optional)
> >
> > ABSTAIN from voting (comments optional)
> >
> > If you want to be nominated to sever on this committee (or know someone
> who would make a good member) - I need contact details by June 29, 2016
> >
> > 4)  New Work Item Proposal: ISO 21047 (ISTC)
> >
> > Do you approve the creation of a new project to the Revision of ISO
> 21047?
> > This is a TC46/SC9 new work item proposal based on the Revision of ISO
> 21047.
> >
> > This International Standard specifies the International Standard Text
> Code (ISTC) which is applicable to any textual work, whenever there is an
> intention to produce such a textual work in the form of one or more
> manifestations. It provides and identification dataelement for applications
> that record and exchange information about textual works and related
> manifestations. For example, the ISTC can be used for the purposes of
> collocating subsequent manifestations of the same textual work or
> derivations of the same textual work in applications involving electronic
> rights administration or information retrieval.
> >
> > The ISTC is not applicable to manifestations of a textual work,
> including any physical products (e.g. a printed article) or electronic
> formats (e.g. an electronic book). Manifestations of textual works are the
> subject of separate identification systems.
> >
> > The allocation of an ISTC to a textual work gives no meaning or value as
> legal evidence regarding the copyright status of, or any intellectual
> property rights in, the textual work.
> >
> > The complete new work item proposal is available from the ballot webpage
> and the link in the announcement email. Also included is a working draft of
> the proposed standard, which you are encouraged to comment on.
> >
> > If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to
> name at least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If
> you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact
> information in your comments, we are now also required to provide
> particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s
> full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one
> of the following Stakeholder Categories:
> >
> > Industry and Commerce
> > Government
> > Consumers
> > Labour
> > Academic and Research Bodies
> > Standards Application
> > Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
> >
> > Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
> >
> > We are also required to provide a justification statement for why we
> think this is or is not a worthwhile/useful project (depending on whether
> we vote yes or no). Please provide such a statement in the comments for
> your Affirmative or Negative vote. Consider whether you think this standard
> will be used in the U.S.
> >
> > Your voting options are:
> >
> > YES - approve this as a new project (comments required on justification
> statement; nominate expert(s) if you have one; comments on the working
> draft are encouraged but optional)
> >
> > NO - do not approve this as a new project (comments required on why)
> >
> > ABSTAIN from voting (comments optional)
> >
> > Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by July 7, 2016
> >
> >
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> Asis-standards mailing list
> Asis-standards at asis.org
> http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/asis-standards

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