[Asis-standards] upcoming votes

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 29 12:07:23 EST 2016


some upcoming votes - I believe i already sent out the 1st 3 (at least i hope i did) - but if anyone needs any of those documents just let me know



1)Systematic Review of ISO 16175-2:2011 Information and documentation -- Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments -- Part 2: Guidelines and functional requirements for digital records management systems

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/3/2016

2) Systematic Review of ISO 16175-3:2010 Information and documentation -- Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments -- Part 3: Guidelines and functional requirements for records in business systems

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/6/2016

3) Systematic Review of ISO 17933:2000 Information and documentation - GEDI — Generic Electronic Document Interchange

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/7/2016

2 New votes: (documents attached)

DIS vote on 

4) ISO/CD 20614 - ISOCD 20614 DEPIP N994

This is a ballot for the TC46/SC4, ISO/CD 20614, Data Exchange Protocol for Interoperability and Preservation for approval for registration as a DIS in accordance with 2.5.6 of part 1 of the ISO/IEC Directives

This document gives a standardized framework for the various information exchanges (data and its metadata) between the repositories and their partners. Interchanges between several repositories (repositories integrated in organizations, public repositories, storage service suppliers) will also be considered. The aim of this standard is to promote the interoperability between the information systems of these actors and thus facilitate a better harmonization of software developments.

This standardization work resulted in activity diagrams and data models according to the UML standard, as well as in message definitions according to XML schemas.

This standard presents useful elements for building applications or additional application modules upstream and downstream of the messages. In particular, it defines the necessary data handled by these systems. This information will then be used to generate or to receive messages, by mapping between the model of the relevant databases and the XML schemas of the transactions envisaged in this standard.

The described standard is generic and adaptable to all types of information, in a paper or born digital format.

The situations that are covered in this standard include the Transfer, the Delivery, the Disposal, the Modification, and the Restitution.

The standard defines scenarios that Repositories and their partners use to exchange information in the framework of the transactions mentioned above. It also proposes an implementation framework using the XML formalism to write the messages that are exchanged during the scenarios.

The data exchange protocol is intended in particular for:
a) producers, in order to complete/improve their business applications;
b) repositories, in order to standardize Data Objects reception and delivery and to support for instance the development or the improvement of multi-site consultation portals;
c) software systems developers in order to enable interoperable data exchange processes between Repositories and their partners;
d) third parties supplying exchange services working for Originating agencies and who can be required by these Originating agencies to transfer documents to Repositories;
e) storage service suppliers.

Actors with a managerial role will be able to rely on this standard to:
a) define their interoperability processes for preservation or align their already existing interoperability processes with best practices

b) organize the interoperability processes for preservation
c) control the creation and management of metadata, whatever are the descriptive models used.

The standard is limited to information exchanges between the Repository and its partners. Internal organization of the actor’s information systems is also excluded. Information received in conformity with the data exchange model is destined to be handled by various components. The components, however, are not the object of this standard.

The standard does not specify:
- records management process;
- how messages are supposed to be transferred and exchanged between the actors1;
- how digital Data Objects are transferred with the message (packaging format);
- the precise list of the accepted formats of the electronic files transferred by a Transferring agency to a Repository;
- the naming conventions that can apply to the messages themselves;
- the information descriptive model2;
- the implementation specifics3;
- the methods to dispose Data Objects4;
- data recovery, that is to say, the full restitution of the concerned information in a reusable way and as contracted;
- exchanges between a Control authority and another Control authority;
- features for information retrieval.

All these aspects shall be negotiated by the actors of the exchange and shall be determined by the Exchange process agreement between the actors when initiating the process.

The impacts of major risks (for instance disappearance or inability of an actor) are also excluded from the scope of the standard.

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/10/2016

 5) ISO 3297-2007-ISSN Revision

The International ISSN Centre has requested that this Subcommittee Resolution ballot be put forward to make a “minor revision” (as described in ISO Directives, Part 1, Section of the ISSN standard.

Your voting options are:
Yes - you have something to say (comments required)

No - you don't have any comments

Abstain from voting (comments optional)

Marjorie Hlava has already provided comments on this

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/17/2016

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   some upcoming votes - I believe i already sent out the 1st 3 (at least i
   hope i did) - but if anyone needs any of those documents just let me know



1)Systematic Review of ISO 16175-2:2011 Information and documentation --
Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office
environments -- Part 2: Guidelines and functional requirements for digital
records management systems

   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/3/2016

2) Systematic Review of ISO 16175-3:2010 Information and documentation --
Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office
environments -- Part 3: Guidelines and functional requirements for records in
business systems

   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/6/2016

3) Systematic Review of ISO 17933:2000 Information and documentation - GEDI —
Generic Electronic Document Interchange

   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/7/2016
   2 New votes: (documents attached)
   DIS vote on

4) ISO/CD 20614 - ISOCD 20614 DEPIP N994

   This is a ballot for the TC46/SC4, ISO/CD 20614, Data Exchange Protocol for
   Interoperability and Preservation for approval for registration as a DIS in
   accordance with 2.5.6 of part 1 of the ISO/IEC Directives
   This document gives a standardized framework for the various information
   exchanges  (data  and its metadata) between the repositories and their
   partners. Interchanges between several repositories (repositories integrated
   in organizations, public repositories, storage service suppliers) will also
   be considered. The aim of this standard is to promote the interoperability
   between the information systems of these actors and thus facilitate a better
   harmonization of software developments.
   This standardization work resulted in activity diagrams and data models
   according to the UML standard, as well as in message definitions according
   to XML schemas.
   This  standard  presents  useful elements for building applications or
   additional application modules upstream and downstream of the messages. In
   particular, it defines the necessary data handled by these systems. This
   information will then be used to generate or to receive messages, by mapping
   between the model of the relevant databases and the XML schemas of the
   transactions envisaged in this standard.
   The described standard is generic and adaptable to all types of information,
   in a paper or born digital format.
   The situations that are covered in this standard include the Transfer, the
   Delivery, the Disposal, the Modification, and the Restitution.
   The standard defines scenarios that Repositories and their partners use to
   exchange information in the framework of the transactions mentioned above.
   It also proposes an implementation framework using the XML formalism to
   write the messages that are exchanged during the scenarios.
   The data exchange protocol is intended in particular for:
   a) producers, in order to complete/improve their business applications;
   b) repositories, in order to standardize Data Objects reception and delivery
   and to support for instance the development or the improvement of multi-site
   consultation portals;
   c)  software  systems developers in order to enable interoperable data
   exchange processes between Repositories and their partners;
   d)  third  parties supplying exchange services working for Originating
   agencies and who can be required by these Originating agencies to transfer
   documents to Repositories;
   e) storage service suppliers.
   Actors with a managerial role will be able to rely on this standard to:
   a) define their interoperability processes for preservation or align their
   already existing interoperability processes with best practices
   b) organize the interoperability processes for preservation
   c)  control  the creation and management of metadata, whatever are the
   descriptive models used.
   The standard is limited to information exchanges between the Repository and
   its partners. Internal organization of the actor’s information systems is
   also excluded. Information received in conformity with the data exchange
   model is destined to be handled by various components. The components,
   however, are not the object of this standard.
   The standard does not specify:
   - records management process;
   - how messages are supposed to be transferred and exchanged between the
   - how digital Data Objects are transferred with the message (packaging
   -  the  precise  list  of the accepted formats of the electronic files
   transferred by a Transferring agency to a Repository;
   - the naming conventions that can apply to the messages themselves;
   - the information descriptive model2;
   - the implementation specifics3;
   - the methods to dispose Data Objects4;
   - data recovery, that is to say, the full restitution of the concerned
   information in a reusable way and as contracted;
   - exchanges between a Control authority and another Control authority;
   - features for information retrieval.
   All these aspects shall be negotiated by the actors of the exchange and
   shall be determined by the Exchange process agreement between the actors
   when initiating the process.
   The impacts of major risks (for instance disappearance or inability of an
   actor) are also excluded from the scope of the standard.
   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/10/2016
 5) ISO 3297-2007-ISSN Revision

   The  International  ISSN  Centre  has requested that this Subcommittee
   Resolution ballot be put forward to make a “minor revision” (as described in
   ISO Directives, Part 1, Section of the ISSN standard.
   Your voting options are:
   Yes - you have something to say (comments required)
   No - you don't have any comments
   Abstain from voting (comments optional)
   Marjorie Hlava has already provided comments on this
   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/17/2016
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