[Asis-standards] ISO vote

Mark Needleman MNeedleman at flvc.org
Mon Feb 16 07:30:37 EST 2015


I just cast a vote of APPROVAL for publication  on

 ISO/DIS 7098, Information and documentation - Romanization of Chinese

with the following comments

1) Section 8.  Tones.   Chinese is a tonal language but there with various different Chinese languages and they have different number of tones. Examples given here are,   for Mandarin pronunciation (which has four tones, plus the neutral). The introduction notes that this standard is for "Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese)". Cantonese has nine tones, Hokkien eight. To be accurate,

Suggest rewording 8.1 to (Gail your italics didn't make it to the voting form)

"All Chinese languages are tonal. This means that tone affects meaning. The same sound pronounced in different tones can mean very different concepts.

"Each syllable in Mandarin Chinese may have one of four tones or may be toneless."

Comment provided by Gail Thornburg

2) Have the rejected suggestions offered by The Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) been reconsidered - ASIST believes they should be

Comment provided by Marcia Zeng

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