[Asis-standards] ISO new work item

Mark Needleman MNeedleman at flvc.org
Mon Apr 13 14:03:45 EDT 2015


I forget if I sent this out already but there is a new ISO work item

 Approval of New work item proposal: Data Exchange Protocol for Interoperability and Preservation
This is a new work item proposal from TC46/SC4 to develop a new standard on Data Exchange Protocol for Interoperability and Preservation.

The intent is a standardized framework for the various information exchanges (data and its metadata) between repositories and their partners. Interchanges between several repositories (repositories integrated in organizations, public repositories, storage service suppliers) will also be considered.

The complete new work item proposal is available from the ballot webpage and the link in the announcement email. It includes a working draft of the proposed standard, which you are encouraged to comment on.

If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to name at least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments. Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.

We are also required to provide a justification statement for why we think this is or is not a worthwhile/useful project (depending on whether we vote yes or no). Please provide such a statement in the comments for your Affirmative or Negative vote.

Your voting options are:
Affirmative - approve this as a new project (comments required on justification statement; nominate expert(s) if you have one; comments on the working draft are encouraged but optional)

Negative - do not approve this as a new project (comments required on why)

Abstain from voting (comments optional)

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 4/26 - So far the votes received have been negative - there has been 1 comment and a coupleo votes supporting that comment - the comment is:

The proposed data exchange approach is based on a repository-centric, not web-centric, world view. It conceptually aligns with decade old work in this realm, such as, for example, http://dx.doi.org/10.1045/june2005-bekaert

In this sense, the proposed approach ignores the reality that data exposure and transfer happens de facto on the web, and hence it misses out on opportunities to leverage existing web tools, concepts, and technologies.
NISO's ResourceSync standard specifies a web-based framework for the exchange of resources (content and metadata). Prior to embarking on a new effort, the applicability (possibly via profiling) of this web oriented framework should be investigated.

One thing to take account of in this comment is the person who provided it was part of the group (and the main motivator) behind the development of the NISO ResourceSync Standard

I have attached the relvant ISO document to this note


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