From MNeedleman at Mon Nov 3 23:19:44 2014 From: MNeedleman at (Mark Needleman) Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 04:19:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: draft minutes Standards Committee 11/03/2014, 5:30 pm References: <> Message-ID: <234138F0-54DC-40C8-A158-D96D62E1EBCD@org> Fyi Thanks to Gail for doing this Mark Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Thornburg,Gail" > Date: November 3, 2014 at 6:02:46 PM PST To: Mark H Needleman > Cc: "gailthornburg at" >, "tdickey1 at" > Subject: draft minutes Standards Committee 11/03/2014, 5:30 pm Standards Committee Present: Mark Needleman, Gail Thornburg, Lauren Harrison (Board Liason) , Timothy Dickey, Marjorie Hlava. Mark Needleman ? willing to be chair again. 1. Next year would be nice to do a program, but maybe more feasible to Co-sponsor a session, rather than do one ourselves. 2. Two standards coming up soon due 11/6 and 11/12. Intl Library Identifier ? ISIL -- Mark not convinced it is needed, but this is a new work item , not approval of a standard. SUSHI - stat?l harvesting initiative - one ? Due in December : International holding stds Intl music number standard -- reaffirmation of it. Not new. Alternative to publisher number maybe, not per publisher. Rules for abbreviations for title words Who is on committee now ? (check on ASIST site) Dorothy McGarry dropping off committee Gail Hodge, Marge Hlava, Christina Matusiak, and others?.. 3. Actions: Mark will: post standards to the list. We will vote Yes on the new work item for Intl Library Identifier. We have more time on the other standards? Status -- ISNI std - name identifier -- never became a standard . became a NISO recommendation?for personal names . (Corporate is something different. Oliver Pesh from EBSCO a proponent. } ORCA - Original Record Contributor identifier. Get an ?ORCHID? author database. ? Marjorie Hlava comments, much duplication ? Drafted by Gail Thornburg -------------- next part -------------- Fyi Thanks to Gail for doing this Mark Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Thornburg,Gail" <[1]thornbug at> Date: November 3, 2014 at 6:02:46 PM PST To: Mark H Needleman <[2]mneedlem at> Cc: "[3]gailthornburg at" <[4]gailthornburg at>, "[5]tdickey1 at" <[6]tdickey1 at> Subject: draft minutes Standards Committee 11/03/2014, 5:30 pm Standards Committee Present: Mark Needleman, Gail Thornburg, Lauren Harrison (Board Liason) , Timothy Dickey, Marjorie Hlava. Mark Needleman ? willing to be chair again. 1. Next year would be nice to do a program, but maybe more feasible to Co-sponsor a session, rather than do one ourselves. 2. Two standards coming up soon due 11/6 and 11/12. Intl Library Identifier ? ISIL -- Mark not convinced it is needed, but this is a new work item , not approval of a standard. SUSHI - stat?l harvesting initiative - one ? Due in December : International holding stds Intl music number standard -- reaffirmation of it. Not new. Alternative to publisher number maybe, not per publisher. Rules for abbreviations for title words Who is on committee now ? (check on ASIST site) Dorothy McGarry dropping off committee Gail Hodge, Marge Hlava, Christina Matusiak, and others?.. 3. Actions: Mark will: post standards to the list. We will vote Yes on the new work item for Intl Library Identifier. We have more time on the other standards? Status -- ISNI std - name identifier -- never became a standard . became a NISO recommendation?for personal names . (Corporate is something different. Oliver Pesh from EBSCO a proponent. } ORCA - Original Record Contributor identifier. Get an ?ORCHID? author database. ? Marjorie Hlava comments, much duplication ? Drafted by Gail Thornburg References 1. mailto:thornbug at 2. mailto:mneedlem at 3. mailto:gailthornburg at 4. mailto:gailthornburg at 5. mailto:tdickey1 at 6. mailto:tdickey1 at From MNeedleman at Tue Nov 4 05:34:01 2014 From: MNeedleman at (Mark Needleman) Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 10:34:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] membership Message-ID: <> One of my todo's from the meeting yesterday was to provide a list of the current members of the committee: * Margie Hlava (mhlava at * Baden Hughes (Baden.Hughes at * Gail Thornburg (thornburg at * Betty Landesman (blandesman at * Timothy Dickey (tdickey1 at * Marcia Zeng (mzeng at * Gail Hodge (ghodge at * Krystna Matusiak (Krystyna.Mutusiak at Board Liaison: Lauren Harrison Mark -------------- next part -------------- One of my todo's from the meeting yesterday was to provide a list of the current members of the committee: * Margie Hlava ([1]mhlava at * Baden Hughes ([2]Baden.Hughes at * Gail Thornburg ([3]thornburg at * Betty Landesman ([4]blandesman at * Timothy Dickey ([5]tdickey1 at * Marcia Zeng ([6]mzeng at * Gail Hodge ([7]ghodge at * Krystna Matusiak ([8]Krystyna.Mutusiak at Board Liaison: Lauren Harrison Mark References 1. mailto:mhlava at 2. mailto:Baden.Hughes at 3. mailto:thornburg at 4. mailto:blandesman at 5. mailto:tdickey1 at 6. mailto:mzeng at 7. mailto:ghodge at 8. mailto:Krystyna.Mutusiak at From MNeedleman at Tue Nov 4 06:46:14 2014 From: MNeedleman at (Mark Needleman) Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 11:46:14 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] upcoming votes Message-ID: Folks due to the difficulty of working wih my desktop computer at work from my iPad at ASIST you are going to get 2 notes from me This note contains all the attachments from upcoming votes. Ill be sending out a seond note (after I rest a bit from my frustrations of trying to use my desktop at work from my iPad) will contain all the information about the upcoming votes and due dates My apologies for doing it this way - it wasn't supposed to be such a pain mark -------------- next part -------------- Folks due to the difficulty of working wih my desktop computer at work from my iPad at ASIST you are going to get 2 notes from me This note contains all the attachments from upcoming votes. Ill be sending out a seond note (after I rest a bit from my frustrations of trying to use my desktop at work from my iPad) will contain all the information about the upcoming votes and due dates My apologies for doing it this way ??? it wasn???t supposed to be such a pain mark -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: SC 8 N 473 International museum statistics.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 529781 bytes Desc: SC 8 N 473 International museum statistics.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Z39-93_201x_2014_proposed_revision_comparison_to_2013_version.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 654748 bytes Desc: Z39-93_201x_2014_proposed_revision_comparison_to_2013_version.docx URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_10324_1997(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 6251642 bytes Desc: ISO_10324_1997(E).pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_4_1997(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 70904 bytes Desc: ISO_4_1997(E).pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sc9N786_recommendation_re_SR_ISO_10957_ISMN.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 243686 bytes Desc: sc9N786_recommendation_re_SR_ISO_10957_ISMN.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_10957_2009(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 157630 bytes Desc: ISO_10957_2009(E).pdf URL: From MNeedleman at Tue Nov 4 10:36:16 2014 From: MNeedleman at (Mark Needleman) Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 15:36:16 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] upcoming votes Message-ID: <> This is the note containing the explanatory material to go along with the note I sent out with the attachments: 1) Approval of New Work Item:International Library Item Identifier (ILII) at the standards committee meeting we decided to vote NO on this on the basis that another library identifier is not really needed I believe i sent out the proposal to the group but i can resend it if someone needs it Also if you disagree with this intended vote please send a note to the list by the morning of 11/6 2) Approval of Z39-93.201x - The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol Version 1.7 This is a ballot for a revision of the SUSHI standard: Z39-93-201x, The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol. This revision corresponds to version 1.7 of the protocol. As noted in the Foreword to this revision, the SUSHI standard wascreated with the notion of ?filters;? however, the only filter provided for was that of the date range for the report. With use, a number of cases have surfaced where additional filters and other report attributes would be beneficial. This revision of the SUSHI Standard extends the filter support to allow multiple optional filters and/or report attributes to be included in the SUSHI Request. This revision also updates the examples and figures provided throughout the document to reference updated versions of schemas and related files. A copy of the revised standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the announcement e-mail. Also included for reference is a marked-up Word version of the standard showing what was changed from the 2013 edition. Your voting options are: Yes - approve the revision; comments are optional but should only be editorial. No - do not approve the revision; comments are required and should be substantive in nature. Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/11 3 )Systematic Review of ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level. This International Standard specifies display requirements for holdings Statements at the summary level for serial and non-serial items to promote consistency in the communication and exchange of holdings information. It is intended for use in reporting holdings when reporting is in display form. For machine-readable reporting not in display form, the data elements specified in this International Standard should be included, although their order, etc., may be different in the machine record. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/30 4) Systematic Review of ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN) This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 10957:2009 (Ed 2), Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN). This International Standard specifies the International standard music number (ISMN), which is a means of uniquely identifying editions of notated music. It specifies the assignment of a unique ISMN on such editions so as to distinguish one edition of a title or one separate component of an edition from all other editions. This International Standard also specifies the construction of an ISMN and its location on editions of notated music. NOTE: The International ISMN Agency is recommending that this standard be revised. NISO concurs with this recommendation and advises members to enter a REVISE vote. The International ISMN Agency recommendation along with a working draft of the proposed revision is included with the ballot for your information. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/30 ( Note the statement above recommended the standard be revised of course we dont have to agree with that 5) Systematic Review of ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles. This International Standard gives rules for abbreviating titles of serials and, if appropriate, non-serial documents in languages using the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. This International Standard also serves as the basis for the establishment of title word abbreviations by the ISSN Network. NOTE: The Registration Agency for this standard (the ISSN Centre) is recommending that this standard be CONFIRMED. The ISSN Centre recommendation is included with the ballot as a reference document for your information. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a Recommendation for a vote needed by 12/1 Mark PS - apologies again for the odd way i had to send out this information Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad -------------- next part -------------- This is the note containing the explanatory material to go along with the note I sent out with the attachments: 1) Approval of New Work Item:International Library Item Identifier (ILII) at the standards committee meeting we decided to vote NO on this on the basis that another library identifier is not really needed I believe i sent out the proposal to the group but i can resend it if someone needs it Also if you disagree with this intended vote please send a note to the list by the morning of 11/6 2) Approval of Z39-93.201x - The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol Version 1.7 This is a ballot for a revision of the SUSHI standard: Z39-93-201x, The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol. This revision corresponds to version 1.7 of the protocol. As noted in the Foreword to this revision, the SUSHI standard wascreated with the notion of ?filters;? however, the only filter provided for was that of the date range for the report. With use, a number of cases have surfaced where additional filters and other report attributes would be beneficial. This revision of the SUSHI Standard extends the filter support to allow multiple optional filters and/or report attributes to be included in the SUSHI Request. This revision also updates the examples and figures provided throughout the document to reference updated versions of schemas and related files. A copy of the revised standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the announcement e-mail. Also included for reference is a marked-up Word version of the standard showing what was changed from the 2013 edition. Your voting options are: Yes - approve the revision; comments are optional but should only be editorial. No - do not approve the revision; comments are required and should be substantive in nature. Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/11 3 )Systematic Review of ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level. This International Standard specifies display requirements for holdings Statements at the summary level for serial and non-serial items to promote consistency in the communication and exchange of holdings information. It is intended for use in reporting holdings when reporting is in display form. For machine-readable reporting not in display form, the data elements specified in this International Standard should be included, although their order, etc., may be different in the machine record. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/30 4) Systematic Review of ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN) This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 10957:2009 (Ed 2), Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN). This International Standard specifies the International standard music number (ISMN), which is a means of uniquely identifying editions of notated music. It specifies the assignment of a unique ISMN on such editions so as to distinguish one edition of a title or one separate component of an edition from all other editions. This International Standard also specifies the construction of an ISMN and its location on editions of notated music. NOTE: The International ISMN Agency is recommending that this standard be revised. NISO concurs with this recommendation and advises members to enter a REVISE vote. The International ISMN Agency recommendation along with a working draft of the proposed revision is included with the ballot for your information. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 11/30 ( Note the statement above recommended the standard be revised of course we dont have to agree with that 5) Systematic Review of ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles. This International Standard gives rules for abbreviating titles of serials and, if appropriate, non-serial documents in languages using the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. This International Standard also serves as the basis for the establishment of title word abbreviations by the ISSN Network. NOTE: The Registration Agency for this standard (the ISSN Centre) is recommending that this standard be CONFIRMED. The ISSN Centre recommendation is included with the ballot as a reference document for your information. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] Comments and a Recommendation for a vote needed by 12/1 Mark PS - apologies again for the odd way i had to send out this information Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad From mneedlem at Wed Nov 5 10:49:08 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 07:49:08 -0800 Subject: [Asis-standards] ILII VOTE Message-ID: <> Based on the discussion at the standards committee meeting I just. Voted NO on the new work item to develop the International Library Item Identifier (ILII) with the following comment It's unclear to us given the number of identifier standards already in use in libraries why another one is needed. Its also unclear that that this standard, if created, would see widespread adoption. If anyone disagrees with this vote we have until 11/06 to change our vote Mark Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad From mneedlem at Tue Nov 11 14:19:01 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:19:01 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] Vote on SUSHI Message-ID: Folks hearing no comments I just voted Affirmative on Approval of NISO Z39-93-201x, The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (version 1.7) if you have any comments or a recommendation for a different vote we have until 11/12 to change our vote mark -------------- next part -------------- Folks hearing no comments I just voted Affirmative on Approval of NISO Z39-93-201x, The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (version 1.7) if you have any comments or a recommendation for a different vote we have until 11/12 to change our vote mark From mneedlem at Wed Nov 12 08:41:44 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark H Needleman) Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:41:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] vote reminder Message-ID: <009301cffe7e$6640a240$32c1e6c0$> Just a reminder about some upcoming vote ( an 1 more I don't think I sent out yet) 1)Systematic Review of ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level comments needed by November 30 Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain 2)Systematic Review of ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN) Comments needed by 11/30 - got one recommendation from Timothy Dickey Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain 3)Systematic Review of ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles Comments needed by 12/1 - got some comments from Dorothy McGarry Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain And 1 new upcoming vote I don't think I sent out set: Do you approve of a Proposed New Work Item: Development of Standards for Alternative Metrics This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item to create ANSI/NISO standards covering definitions, calculation methodologies, improvement of data quality, and use of persistent identifiers in alternative metrics. This proposal is to develop commonly used definitions and guidelines for appropriate collection and reporting of data in the general area of alternative assessment metrics, so that organizations who wish to utilize these metrics can adequately understand them and ensure their consistent application and meaning across the community. As detailed in the attached NISO Work Item document, Phase I of a NISO initiative gathered much input from relevant stakeholder groups as to what areas of alternative metrics would benefit most from standards-related developments. Phase II of the Project, to begin in late 2014, will advance the particular action items listed in the Work Item through the creation of several NISO working groups to develop standards covering these areas. Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for future review and maintenance of the Standard(s). The proposal was approved by the Business Information Topic Committee on October 14, 2014, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work. In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added to the Standards for Altmetrics Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project. Comments needed by 12/7 - also let me know if you are interested in joining this working group if new work item is approved Voting options are Yes No Abstain I have attached the proposal for the new work item to this message - if anyone needs copies of the other 3 standards which I believe I already sent out - just let me know mark -------------- next part -------------- Just a reminder about some upcoming vote ( an 1 more I don???t think I sent out yet) 1)Systematic Review of ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level comments needed by November 30 Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain 2)Systematic Review of ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN) Comments needed by 11/30 ??? got one recommendation from Timothy Dickey Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain 3)Systematic Review of ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles Comments needed by 12/1 ??? got some comments from Dorothy McGarry Voting Options are Confirm Revise Withdraw Abstain And 1 new upcoming vote I don???t think I sent out set: Do you approve of a Proposed New Work Item: Development of Standards for Alternative Metrics This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item to create ANSI/NISO standards covering definitions, calculation methodologies, improvement of data quality, and use of persistent identifiers in alternative metrics. This proposal is to develop commonly used definitions and guidelines for appropriate collection and reporting of data in the general area of alternative assessment metrics, so that organizations who wish to utilize these metrics can adequately understand them and ensure their consistent application and meaning across the community. As detailed in the attached NISO Work Item document, Phase I of a NISO initiative gathered much input from relevant stakeholder groups as to what areas of alternative metrics would benefit most from standards-related developments. Phase II of the Project, to begin in late 2014, will advance the particular action items listed in the Work Item through the creation of several NISO working groups to develop standards covering these areas. Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for future review and maintenance of the Standard(s). The proposal was approved by the Business Information Topic Committee on October 14, 2014, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work. In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added to the Standards for Altmetrics Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project. Comments needed by 12/7 ??? also let me know if you are interested in joining this working group if new work item is approved Voting options are Yes No Abstain I have attached the proposal for the new work item to this message ??? if anyone needs copies of the other 3 standards which I believe I already sent out ??? just let me know mark -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Altmetrics Work Item Final for Voting Members.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 148980 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Thu Nov 13 12:45:23 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark H Needleman) Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 12:45:23 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] FW: [NISO tc46ballots] Call for expert to participate on ISO standard for International library item identifier In-Reply-To: <001e01cfff53$4ef4aca0$ecde05e0$@net> References: <001e01cfff53$4ef4aca0$ecde05e0$@net> Message-ID: <007f01cfff69$9a2cccf0$ce8666d0$> looks like our objection didn't get taken very serioisly - anyone wanting to serve on this committee? - if so just let me know - I need the information requested below mark From: tc46ballots at [mailto:tc46ballots at] On Behalf Of Cynthia Hodgson Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:06 AM To: tc46ballots at Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Call for expert to participate on ISO standard for International library item identifier We received sufficient votes for a US vote of Yes on the new work item proposal for an ISO standard for an International library item identifier (ILII). In order to submit a Yes vote, though, we must identify at least one US "expert" willing to work on the project to develop this standard. The new work item proposal is attached as a reminder of the scope and intent of this proposed standard. Please email me by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 18, if you can nominate someone to work on this standard project. Be sure you have obtained that person's agreement. Include the person's full contact information including organization affiliation, email, phone, and snail mail address. Regards, Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization hodgsonca at 301-654-2512 -------------- next part -------------- looks like our objection didn???t get taken very serioisly ??? anyone wanting to serve on this committee? ??? if so just let me know ??? I need the information requested below mark From: tc46ballots at [mailto:tc46ballots at] On Behalf Of Cynthia Hodgson Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:06 AM To: tc46ballots at Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Call for expert to participate on ISO standard for International library item identifier We received sufficient votes for a US vote of Yes on the new work item proposal for an ISO standard for an International library item identifier (ILII). In order to submit a Yes vote, though, we must identify at least one US ???expert??? willing to work on the project to develop this standard. The new work item proposal is attached as a reminder of the scope and intent of this proposed standard. Please email me by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 18, if you can nominate someone to work on this standard project. Be sure you have obtained that person???s agreement. Include the person???s full contact information including organization affiliation, email, phone, and snail mail address. Regards, Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization [1]hodgsonca at 301-654-2512 References 1. mailto:hodgsonca at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sc9n788_NWI_proposal_ILIIl.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 281624 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Mon Nov 24 21:09:15 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:09:15 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 In-Reply-To: <004701d00847$049e2e40$0dda8ac0$@net> References: <004701d00847$049e2e40$0dda8ac0$@net> Message-ID: <5e31320510c953814b1e32fbb4e9ff@ip-10-0-3-130> Anyone have any problems with this? Mark Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone ------Forwarded message------ From: Cynthia Hodgson Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 To: tc46ballots at We received a short turn-around ballot regarding a request from OASIS to be a Category A Liaison to TC46/SC4 as noted in the attached document. Due to the holidays, we have to respond by Wednesday. NISO sees no objection to this request. If you have any objection, please reply to me by noon on Wednesday, November 26 with your reasons why. Otherwise, we will submit a US vote of approve. Regards, Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization hodgsonca at 301-654-2512 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: N945b_OASIS_liaison_request.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 35505 bytes Desc: not available URL: From thornbug at Tue Nov 25 07:37:12 2014 From: thornbug at (Thornburg,Gail) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:37:12 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 In-Reply-To: <5e31320510c953814b1e32fbb4e9ff@ip-10-0-3-130> References: <004701d00847$049e2e40$0dda8ac0$@net> <5e31320510c953814b1e32fbb4e9ff@ip-10-0-3-130> Message-ID: <> I'm ok with this -----Original Message----- From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Needleman Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 9:09 PM To: asis-standards at Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 Anyone have any problems with this? Mark Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone ------Forwarded message------ From: Cynthia Hodgson Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 To: tc46ballots at We received a short turn-around ballot regarding a request from OASIS to be a Category A Liaison to TC46/SC4 as noted in the attached document. Due to the holidays, we have to respond by Wednesday. NISO sees no objection to this request. If you have any objection, please reply to me by noon on Wednesday, November 26 with your reasons why. Otherwise, we will submit a US vote of approve. Regards, Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization hodgsonca at 301-654-2512 From mzeng at Tue Nov 25 08:51:23 2014 From: mzeng at (ZENG, MARCIA) Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 13:51:23 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with TC46/SC4 In-Reply-To: <5e31320510c953814b1e32fbb4e9ff@ip-10-0-3-130> References: <004701d00847$049e2e40$0dda8ac0$@net>, <5e31320510c953814b1e32fbb4e9ff@ip-10-0-3-130> Message-ID: This is good, Mark. Thanks. Marcia Sent from my iPad > On Nov 24, 2014, at 9:09 PM, "Mark Needleman" wrote: > > > Anyone have any problems with this? > > Mark > Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone > ------Forwarded message------ > From: Cynthia Hodgson > Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM > Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Reply with objections only : OASIS Liaison with > TC46/SC4 > To: tc46ballots at > > We received a short turn-around ballot regarding a request from OASIS to be > a Category A Liaison to TC46/SC4 as noted in the attached document. Due to > the holidays, we have to respond by Wednesday. NISO sees no objection to > this request. If you have any objection, please reply to me by noon on > Wednesday, November 26 with your reasons why. Otherwise, we will submit a US > vote of approve. > > > Regards, > > > Cynthia Hodgson > > Technical Editor / Consultant > > National Information Standards Organization > > hodgsonca at > > 301-654-2512 > > _______________________________________________ > Asis-standards mailing list > Asis-standards at > From mneedlem at Fri Nov 28 13:32:22 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:32:22 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO votes Message-ID: Folks i just cast the following 2 votes in ISO 1)Systematic Review of ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation -- International standard music number (ISMN) - Revise with the following comment: We agree with the ISMN and NISO recommendation to revise this standard we discussed this at the meeting at ASIST 2) Systematic Review of ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings Statements - Summary level - Confirm Noone seemed to have any opinion on this since i didn't get any comments If anyone thinks we change these votes - let me know - we have until December 1 at midnight to change our votes mark From mneedlem at Sun Nov 30 08:23:54 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:23:54 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO vote Message-ID: <> Folks i just voted CONFIRM on Systematic Review of ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles i sent them the comments provided by Dorothy McGarry: One comment has to do with English grammar. They use "which" when mostly (if not all places) "that"should be used. Although it may be it's ISO terminology, but some of the definitions seem to be dense. Also, some of the abbreviations seem kind of ridiculous, but again, I\we guess ISO has used many of these for years. Even with a list, we think it would be difficult to figure out the full title to be able to,look it up in a catalog. One NISO member voted to revise the standard with following comment: Given that abbreviations are no longer as necessary as previously and are a major source of metadata inconsistency it would seem valuable to consider whether a) the standard should address the question of when titles/names should be abbreviated or b) if this is addressed elsewhere, whether those RP/Standards should be considered for revision in the light of current technology and information systems. A broad recommendation to avoid abbreviation seems appropriate in today's world. In light of this does anyone feel we should change our vote - if so please let me know by 12/2 mark