[Asis-standards] FW: [NISO tc46ballots] Convenor nomination for new ISO archive statistics project - objections due by March 24

Baden Hughes baden.hughes at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 16:54:42 EDT 2014

Simiarly, I'm OK with this.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 3:55 AM, Thornburg,Gail <thornbug at oclc.org> wrote:

> I'm good with this
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf
> Of Mark Needleman-UF
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 12:39 PM
> To: asis-standards at asis.org
> Subject: [Asis-standards] FW: [NISO tc46ballots] Convenor nomination for
> new ISO archive statistics project - objections due by March 24
> Anyone have any problems with these 2 proposals - we didn't nominate
> anyone when we originally voted on this but it may be possible to nominate
> someone now if anyone is interested
> mark
> From: tc46ballots at list.niso.org [mailto:tc46ballots at list.niso.org] On
> Behalf Of Cynthia Hodgson
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 12:14 PM
> To: tc46ballots at list.niso.org
> Subject: [NISO tc46ballots] Convenor nomination for new ISO archive
> statistics project - objections due by March 24
> ISO TC46/SC8 has sent us two resolutions related to the newly approved
> project to develop a new standard on International archive statistics.
> The first resolution is to form Working Group 12 to develop this standard.
> Since the US TAG has already voted on and approved this new project (ballot
> at: http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=511)
> and nominated experts to the working group, we are not going to ask for a
> re-vote on the working group resolution.
> The second resolution is to appoint Steve Hiller as the convenor of this
> working group. Steve is the current Chairperson of TC46/SC8. US TC46 TAG
> members previously approved his nomination as the full committee chair.
> This will be a secondary responsibility for Steve to lead this particular
> working group's efforts.
> Please email me if you wish to object to either of these resolutions and
> provide your reasons for the objection. If you have no objections, no reply
> is necessary.
> Unless we receive objections from the members of the US TC46 TAG
> (recipients of this email) by Monday, March 24, we will send in a US vote
> of "Approve"
> for both of these resolutions.
> Regards,
> Cynthia Hodgson
> Technical Editor / Consultant
> National Information Standards Organization
> hodgsonca at verizon.net
> 301-654-2512
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> Asis-standards at asis.org
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