[Asis-standards] WG Responses to Comments on ISO/DIS 18626, Interlibrary Loan Transactions

Mark Needleman-UF mneedlem at ufl.edu
Mon Jan 13 13:59:51 EST 2014



Here are the comments and replies to all the comments sent by ISO members to
the editors of the new ISO ILL standard - as you can see our comments were
not accepted - since Im technically a member of this committee im a little




From: Cynthia Hodgson [mailto:hodgsonca at verizon.net] 
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Nancy E Kraft; 'Brenda Bailey-Hainer'; 'Marjorie Hlava'; Mark Needleman;
Peter Murray
Subject: WG Responses to Comments on ISO/DIS 18626, Interlibrary Loan


As US TC46 TAG members who provided comments to the ballot on ISO/DIS 18626,
Information and documentation - Interlibrary Loan Transactions
(http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=486), I
thought you might be interested in the document listed below with the
Working Group responses to all the ballot comments received. Another
comments document was received from Jisc (a liaison, not a voting member)
and these are not included in the document below (see separate link); I
assume they are still being reviewed. Based on these responses, another FDIS
ballot should be required before the standard can be issued.


Comments and responses to ISO/DIS 18626:

Jisc comments document:




Cynthia Hodgson

Technical Editor / Consultant

National Information Standards Organization

hodgsonca at verizon.net



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