[Asis-standards] last note (for a bit)

Mark Needleman-UF mneedlem at ufl.edu
Wed Feb 12 09:54:22 EST 2014



Here are the last of the upcoming votes (relevant documents attached)






1)  Review of ISO 11800:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation --
Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of

This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC10
standard, ISO 11800:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation --
Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of

This International Standard specifies manufacturing methods and materials
that will result in durable hard cover and soft cover binding for books
manufactured in commercial quantities. It does not apply to hand
bookbinding, individual casing or binding of archival matter. Nor does it
apply to fine binding which does not serve its normal purpose of primarily
protecting a book block (such as sculptural art formed around book-like

A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or
the link in the announcement email.

Your voting options are:
Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
Revise [comments required]
Withdraw [comments required]
Abstain (from voting) [comments optional]

If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to
nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you
vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact
information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working

Comments and recommendation needed by 3/2


2)  Systematic Review of ISO 14416:2003 (vers 2), Information and
documentation -- Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and
other paper documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials

This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC10
standard, ISO 14416:2003 (vers 2), Information and documentation --
Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper
documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials.

This International Standard is applicable to the binding of books,
periodicals and archive documents which have special requirements for
durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library
and archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore
relate to the appropriate requirements of a specific library or archive. The
quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on this choice.

A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or
the link in the announcement email.

Your voting options are:
Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
Revise [comments required]
Withdraw [comments required]
Abstain (from voting) [comments optional]

If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to
nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you
vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact
information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working


Comments and a recommendation needed by 3/2






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