From mneedlem at Mon Feb 3 12:35:30 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 12:35:30 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes Message-ID: <007b01cf2106$56040c60$020c2520$> Folks There are 8 upcoming votes over the next 30 days - ill be sending them to you in groups over the next week or so - I don't want to overwhelm you with all of them at once The 1st group: 1) Proposed New Work Item: Standardization of U.S. Profile of ISO 3166 This proposal is to transition the GENC Standard from a U.S. Government standard for country codes to a U.S. National standard for country codes. The GENC Standard is a 'profile' of the ISO 3166 Standard. This would include defining a process for the creation and ongoing maintenance of said standard to address the requirements of all stakeholders, including industry and academic users. Adoption of such a profile will ease technical communications between industry and the federal government in the transmission of country-related data. Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for future review and maintenance of the Standard. The proposal was approved by the Business Information Topic Committee on December 24, 2013, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work. In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added to the U.S. Profile of ISO 3166 Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project. I believe I already sent out the upcoming documents - but if anyone needs a copy let em know Comments and recommendation for a vote due 2/4 (my personal recommendation would be to vote YES but others may disagree) 2) ISO/DTS 28560-4, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 4: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 in an RFID tag with partitioned memory This part of ISO 28560 defines encoding rules for those libraries that choose to use UHF RFID technology operating at 860 MHz to 960 MHz, with the interrogators (readers) set to conform to local radio regulations that specify only part of this spectrum. The UHF tags can function efficiently in any of the radio regulated regions. This part of ISO 28560 uses encoding rules that are specified in ISO/IEC 15962, as does ISO 28560-2. Some of the encoding rules are different because of the nature of the different RFID technology, but a number of rules are similar if not identical. This document is being issued in the Technical Specification series of publications as a "prospective standard for provisional application" in the field of RFID for libraries using UHF technology, because there is an urgent need for guidance on how standards in this field should be used to meet an identified need. A review of this Technical Specification will be carried out not later than 3 years after its publication with the options of: extension for another 3 years; conversion into an International Standard; or withdrawal. Because technical specifications do not have as many draft approval levels as standards, if this draft receives sufficient approval and doesn't require any substantive changes (as a result of comments), it could proceed directly to publication. A copy of the draft specification is available from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement e-mail. Your voting options are: Yes - Approve to proceed to publication (substantive or editorial comments are optional, but a Yes vote with substantive comments indicates you still approve even if the substantive changes are not made) No - Do not approve (substantive comments required) Abstain from voting (comments optional) Document attached - comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 2/13 More coming later mark -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_DTS_28560-4_RFID_in_libraries_Part4.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 430902 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Wed Feb 5 07:58:20 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 07:58:20 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] NISO vote Message-ID: <005c01cf2271$f2993750$d7cba5f0$> Folks Have received no comments or objections - I just voted yes on Proposed New Work Item: Standardization of U.S. Profile of ISO 3166 If anyone has any comments we can change our vote up until midnight tonight mark From mneedlem at Mon Feb 10 08:06:25 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 08:06:25 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] upcoming votes - part2 Message-ID: <02ba01cf2660$e7d278c0$b7776a40$> Folks Here is my second note on Upcoming votes - associated documents are attached to this note - if some of the attachments don't make it through let me know and Ill send them separately Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Systematic Review of ISO 11940:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Thai This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46 standard ISO 11940:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Thai. This International Standard establishes a system for the transliteration of Thai characters into Roman characters. One set of rules is provided for a completely reversible stringent conversion where principles of transliteration are applied without exception. A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. In the 2008 systematic review of this standard, the US voted to "Revise" and submitted detailed comments via ALA from Virginia Shih, Librarian for the Southeast Asian Collections at UC Berkeley, Chair of the American Library Association's Association of College & Research Libraries' Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section's Committee On Research Materials On Southeast Asia (CORMOSEA). At that time, the TC46 committee voted to confirm the standard as is, so no revisions were made. Those comments on the previous systematic review are included as a reference document to this current ballot for your consideration. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and a recommendation needed by 2/27 2) Systematic Review of ISO 999:1996 (Ed 2, vers 3). Information and documentation -- Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 999:1996 (Ed 2, vers 3), Information and documentation -- Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes. This International Standard offers guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes. This International Standard is concerned with basic indexing principles and practice rather than with the detailed procedures of indexing that vary according to type of matter indexed and the users for whom the index is intended. This International Standard covers the choice, form and arrangement of headings and subheadings used in index entries once the subjects to be indexed have been determined. A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and a recommendation needed by 2/27 3) Review of ISO 5963:1985 (vers 4), Documentation -- Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 5963:1985 (vers 4), Documentation -- Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms. This International Standard describes recommended procedures for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting appropriate indexing terms. It is restricted to these preliminary stages of indexing, and does not deal with the practices of any particular kind of indexing system, whether pre-coordinated or post-coordinated. It also describes general techniques for document analysis which should apply in all indexing situations. These methods are, however, especially intended for indexing systems in which the subjects of documents are expressed in summary form, and where concepts are recorded in the terms of a controlled indexing language. A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and a recommendation needed by 2/27 4) Review of ISO 15706-1:2002 (vers 2), Information and documentation -- International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) -- Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC9 standard ISO 15706-1:2002 (vers 2), Information and documentation -- International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) -- Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier. This International Standard establishes and defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works. An International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) identifies an audiovisual work throughout its life and is intended for use wherever precise and unique identification of an audiovisual work would be desirable. NOTE: A second part to this standard on version identifier was issued in 2007 and the original standard was re-numberd to be Part 1 (i.e. "-1" in the designator). This part designation does not appear on the actual standard as it was not re-published. Part 2 is NOT included in the systematic review. In 2008, an amendment to Part 1 was issued to address the Part designation and to add some alternate encodings. This amendment IS included in the systematic review. A copy of the standard and the amendment are available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and a recommendation needed by 2/27 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO 11940 Thai Transliteration Comments.doc Type: application/msword Size: 72192 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO 11940-1998.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 185706 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_999_1996(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 9307382 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_5963_1985(E)-Image_600_PDF_document.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1615542 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_15706_2002(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 179053 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_15706_2002_Amd_1_2008(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 139728 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Wed Feb 12 09:54:22 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 09:54:22 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] last note (for a bit) Message-ID: <006601cf2802$528ad6b0$f7a08410$> Folks Here are the last of the upcoming votes (relevant documents attached) Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1) Review of ISO 11800:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of books This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC10 standard, ISO 11800:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of books. This International Standard specifies manufacturing methods and materials that will result in durable hard cover and soft cover binding for books manufactured in commercial quantities. It does not apply to hand bookbinding, individual casing or binding of archival matter. Nor does it apply to fine binding which does not serve its normal purpose of primarily protecting a book block (such as sculptural art formed around book-like material). A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and recommendation needed by 3/2 2) Systematic Review of ISO 14416:2003 (vers 2), Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the TC46/SC10 standard, ISO 14416:2003 (vers 2), Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials. This International Standard is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on this choice. A copy of the standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email. Your voting options are: Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional] Revise [comments required] Withdraw [comments required] Abstain (from voting) [comments optional] If the US submits a Revise vote for this standard, we are expected to nominate one or more experts who will work on the revision committee. If you vote to revise, please include in your comments the name(s) and contact information for any individual(s) you want to nominate for such a working group. Comments and a recommendation needed by 3/2 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO 11800-1998.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 76065 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_14416-2003.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 596635 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Fri Feb 14 13:11:23 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 13:11:23 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO vote Message-ID: <> Folks hearing no comments or objections I just cast a YES vote on ISO/DTS 28560-4, Information and documentation ? RFID in libraries ? Part 4: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 in an RFID tag with partitioned memory we have until midnight tonight if anyone thinks we should change our vote mark From mhlava at Wed Feb 19 14:27:57 2014 From: mhlava at (Margie Hlava) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 12:27:57 -0700 Subject: [Asis-standards] Systematic Review of ISO 999:1996 (Ed 2, vers 3). Information and documentation -- Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes In-Reply-To: <006601cf2802$528ad6b0$f7a08410$> References: <006601cf2802$528ad6b0$f7a08410$> Message-ID: <> From mneedlem at Thu Feb 27 07:31:06 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 07:31:06 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO votes Message-ID: <017001cf33b7$c9690b10$5c3b2130$> Folks I just cast the following votes - if anyone has any disagreement with them we have until 2/28 (tomorrow) to change our votes - just send a message indicating what your disagreements are Mark 1) Systematic Review of ISO 11940:1998 (vers 3), Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Thai - Revise ASIST supports the comments provided by ALA in 2008 2) Systematic Review of ISO 999:1996 (Ed 2, vers 3). Information and documentation -- Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes -Revise ASIST supports the comments provided by NFAIS 3) Review of ISO 5963:1985 (vers 4), Documentation -- Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms - Withdraw ASIST agrees with the comments provided by other organizations saying the standard should be withdrawn 4) Systematic Review of ISO 15706-1:2002 (vers 2), Information and documentation -- International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) -- Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier - Revise ASIST agrees with the comments from the IDF regarding the need to revise the standard to take account of market developments since the standard was last affirmed From mneedlem at Fri Feb 28 10:36:09 2014 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:36:09 -0500 Subject: [Asis-standards] a few more upcoming votes Message-ID: <00bd01cf349a$ce145280$6a3cf780$> Folks There are a few more upcoming votes - I try not to send these out too soon since I figure I will annoy people or it will be ignored if its something too far in the future - if you would like more notice let me know The upcoming votes are: (relevant documents attached) Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 1)Joint Working Group to Review/Revise ISO 639, Codes for the representation of names of languages This is a ballot to approve the formation of a joint working group between TC46/SC4 and TC37/SC2 to review and potentially revise the multi-part standard ISO 639, Codes for the representation of names of languages AND to nominate experts to work on the joint working group. A link to the document about the ballot is on the ballot webpage and in the notification email. The purpose of ISO 639 is to establish internationally recognized codes (either 2, 3, or 4 letters long) for the representation of languages or language families. These codes are widely used in many different disciplines, for example for bibliographic purposes, in the library community, as well as for computerized systems, and the representation of different language versions on websites. More information about the standard is available here: There is a long history of TC46 working with TC37 on these language code standards and the Library of Congress is the Registration Authority (RA) for Part 2 of the standard (Alpha-3 code). John Zagas from LC is the current convenor of the ISO 639 RA Joint Advisory Committee. There has been some contention in recent years that TC37 has made some revisions to some parts of the standards without involving TC46 and this joint working group is an effort to ensure that TC46 is fully involved in decisions about revisions to the standard. Thus NISO recommends that you vote YES to approve this joint working group. If we vote Yes, we MUST identify one or more US individuals to be on this joint working group. Please use the comments for your ballot to nominate potential members. If you nominate someone other than yourself, please obtain their commitment to be on this working group prior to nominating them. Please supply full contact information for the nominee. Your voting options are: Yes (approve the JWG) - comments are optional but nominee names to be on the WG are requested No (do not approve the JWG) - comments about why you are voting No are required Abstain from voting (comments optional Comments and recommendation needed by 3/9/2014 2) ISO/FDIS 28560-1, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation This is a ballot to approve a minor revision of ISO 28560-1, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation, for publication. This is Part 1 of the three-part standard. Separate ballots are being issued for the other parts. After ISO 28560 was published, software developers began taking action to develop solutions to help libraries implement the standards. During the course of this development, questions have been raised to clarify points associated with the three standards.These clarifications are now being incorporated in a revision of the three parts of the standards. A copy of the draft standard is available for download from the ballot webpage and the link in the notification e-mail. Also included as a reference is a link to an ISO 25860-1 clarification document that explains what has been changed in this minor revision. Your voting options are: Yes - approve for publication (comments optional) No - do not approve for publication (comments required) Abstain from voting (comments optional) Comments and a recommendation needed by 3/19/2014 3) ISO/FDIS 28560-2, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC This is a ballot to approve a minor revision of ISO 28560-2, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962. This is Part 2 of the three-part standard. Separate ballots are being issued for the other parts. After ISO 28560 was published, software developers began taking action to develop solutions to help libraries implement the standards. During the course of this development, questions have been raised to clarify points associated with the three standards.These clarifications are now being incorporated in a revision of the three parts of the standards. A copy of the draft standard is available for download from the ballot webpage and the link in the notification e-mail. Also included as a reference is a link to an ISO 25860-2 clarification document that explains what has been changed in this minor revision. Your voting options are: Yes - approve for publication (comments optional) No - do not approve for publication (comments required) Abstain from voting (comments optional) Comments and a recommendation for vote needed by 3/19/2014 4) ISO/FDIS 28560-3, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 3: Fixed length encoding This is a ballot to approve a minor revision of ISO 28560-3, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 3: Fixed length encoding This is Part 3 of the three-part standard. Separate ballots are being issued for the other parts. After ISO 28560 was published, software developers began taking action to develop solutions to help libraries implement the standards. During the course of this development, questions have been raised to clarify points associated with the three standards.These clarifications are now being incorporated in a revision of the three parts of the standards. A copy of the draft standard is available for download from the ballot webpage and the link in the notification e-mail. Also included as a reference is a link to an ISO 25860-3 clarification document that explains what has been changed in this minor revision. Your voting options are: Yes - approve for publication (comments optional) No - do not approve for publication (comments required) Abstain from voting (comments optional) Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 3/19/2014 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_FDIS_28560-1_(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 593884 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_FDIS_28560-2_(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1329969 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_FDIS_28560-3_(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 3213940 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: N903_Call_for_experts_to_joint_working_gr.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 53438 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: ISO 28560-1 Clarification.htm URL: -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: ISO 28560-2 Clarification.htm URL: -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: ISO 28560-3 Clarification.htm URL: