[Asis-standards] reminder

Mark Needleman-UF mneedlem at ufl.edu
Wed Aug 20 09:07:17 EDT 2014

2 ISO standards are up for their 5 year systematic reviews:

1)      Standards up for Review

Systematic Review of ISO 8459:2009, Information and documentation -
Bibliographic data element directory for use in data exchange and enquiry


Systematic Review of ISO 28500:2009, Information and documentation - WARC
file format


Our options are







I believe I already sent copies of these out - but if anyone needs a copy
let me know

I need comments and a recommendation for a vote by 8/28


2)      New Votes


There is one  ISO standard


 ISO/CD 18461, Information and documentation - International museum

This is a new standard that specifies rules for the museum community on the
collection and reporting of statistics for the purpose of strategic planning
and internal management of museums; for reporting to stakeholders such as
funding institutions, politicians, or the public; to promote the museums'
role and value for learning and research, education and culture, social and
economic life; and for comparing and aggregating results at a regional,
national or international level.

Thus vote is on whether the standard should advance to DIS (Draft
International Standard) status

Your voting options are:
Affirmative - approve for advancement to the DIS stage, comments optional
Negative - do not approve for advancement; comments required
Abstain - from voting; comments optional

I have attached a copy of this document to this note


Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 9/8






P.S Hope to see you In Seattle at ASIST 2014


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