From mneedlem at Wed Sep 11 14:22:24 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:22:24 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] Upcoming votes Message-ID: <000001ceaf1b$dd6a44b0$983ece10$> Folks since the ASIST meeting is coming up in November, I thought I would send out a list of all of the upcoming votes that are listed - even though many of them are not due for awhile - if there are any issues we can discuss them in Montreal Because of the size and number of attachments Ill be sending them out in multiple messages Mark 1) ISO/DIS 21127, Information and documentation - A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information This is a revision to the first edition of the standard that provides a conceptual basis for the mediation of information between cultural heritage organizations such as museums, libraries and archives. It specifies an ontology for cultural heritage information: a formal representation of the conceptual scheme, or "world view", underlying the database applications and documentation systems that are used by cultural heritage institutions. Changes from the first edition include new classes and properties and minor rewrites for clarification and to correct errors. The revised document is intended to be backwards-compatible with the previous version, although it does make some additions/changes to elements. If this standard is approved, it may proceed directly to publication. If it is not approved or the Working Group decides to make substantive changes based on comments received, an FDIS ballot may be issued. Your voting options are: Yes - approve for publication [comments optional and should be editorial] No - do not approve for publication [comments required and should be substantive] Abstain from voting [comments optional] Vote not due until December - need comments and a vote by 12/15 2) ISO/DIS 18626, Information and documentation - Interlibrary Loan Transactions This is a ballot for the new TC46/SC4 standard, ISO/DIS 18626, Information and documentation - Interlibrary Loan Transactions. This International Standard specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and following exchange of messages. This standard is intended to at first supplement and eventually succeed the existing international ILL standards ISO 10160, ISO 10161-1 and ISO 10161-2, which are based on the outdated open systems interconnection model. The introduction of the draft standard provides some background on the relationship of the new standard to the previous one. If this draft is approved, it can go directly to publication. If substantive comments are received and accepted by the Working group, another FDIS draft may be submitted for ballot prior to publication. Your voting options are: Yes - approve this standard for publication (comments should only be editorial) No - do not approve this standard for advancement to the DIS stage (comments are required and at least one comment should be substantive) Abstain from voting (comments optional) Note - I am a member of the ISO committee developing this standard so it would be really helpful to have other folks review the document - I have a couple of concerns about the draft that I have communicated to the editors and Im trying to get a later draft than what's available on the NISO site to see if those concerns have been addressed Comments and vote recommendation needed by 11/15 3) ISO/DIS 32000-2, Document management - Portable Document Format- Part 2: PDF 2.0 This is a liaison ballot from ISO/TC 171, Document management applications, Subcommittee SC 2, Application issues, Working Group 8, PDF, in cooperation with TC130, Graphic technology, and TC46 SC11, Archives/records management for the ballot of: ISO/DIS-32000-2, Document management - Portable document format - Part 2: PDF 2.0. This International Standard specifies a digital form for representing electronic documents to enable users to exchange and view electronic documents independent of the environment in which they were created or the environment in which they are viewed or printed. The Adobe Systems version PDF 1.7 is the basis for ISO 32000 Part 1. This document is ISO 32000 Part 2 which is a self contained replacement for Part 1 and specifies PDF 2.0. This is an ISO standard for the full function PDF; there are several other standards for specific applications of PDF that have evolved where limiting the use of some features of PDF and requiring the use of others, enhances the usefulness of PDF (e.g., PDF/A and PDF/X). Since TC46 is a liaison organization for this ballot, we can only recommend a vote and provide comments. The U.S. vote will be submitted by AIIM. If approved, the standard will proceed directly to publication. If not approved or if the Working Group gets comments requiring substantive changes, an FDIS ballot may be issued. Your voting options are: Yes -- approve for publication [comments optional and should only be editorial] No -- do not approve for publication [comments required and should be substantive] Abstain -- from voting [comments optional] Comments and a vote recommendation needed by 11/10 4) ISO/CD 7098, Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese This is a ballot for ISO/CD 7098, Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese. It explains the principles of romanization of Modern Chinese Putonghua, the official language of the People's Republic of China as defined in the Directives for the promotion of Putonghua, promulgated in 1956-02-06 by the State Council of China. This revision will be the 3rd edition of the standard. At the 38th plenary meeting of ISO/TC 46 (6 May 2011, Sydney), Chinese delegates proposed to further update ISO 7098:1991 to reflect current Chinese Romanization practice and new development not only in China, but also in the world. Where possible, please find someone familiar with Chinese and its romanization to provide a review/comments on this draft standard. Your voting options are: Yes - approve for advancement to the Draft International Standard stage (comments optional) No - do not approve for advancement to DIS stage (comments optional) Abstain from voting (comments optional, but reason for abstention recommended). Comments and a vote recommendation needed by 10/20 5) Revision of ISO 2108, International Standard Book Number This call for participation is being issued in accordance with Resolution 5 from the TC46/SC9 plenary meeting of 5 June 2013 in Paris, which said: "At the request of the International ISBN Agency, ISO/TC 46/SC9 resolves to revise ISO 2108, International Standard Book Number. ISO/TC 46/SC9 requests the members to nominate experts to serve on the Working Group by 31 October, 2013 and resolves to appoint Stella Griffiths as convener." The main issues identified for the revision are related to the use (and mis-use) of the ISBN for e-books. For additional information, see the referenced document to this ballot, which is the report that the ISBN Agency submitted for the Paris meeting. This call is for U.S. nominees to the Working Group. Individuals located in other countries that are interested in participating need to go through their country's member body in TC46/SC9 to be nominated. You can nominate yourself or someone else. If nominating someone else, please get that person's agreement to participate on this Working Group before nominating. Participation is generally done via e-mail and teleconference or videoconference. Occasionally, the WG may meet in person in conjunction with a TC46 meeting week, but attendance at the in-person meetings is not required for participation. (The 2014 TC46 in-person meeting will take place in Washington, DC.) Your vote options are: Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate (include name and contact information of the nominee in the comments) No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone. Abstain from voting. If anyone wants to volunteer or knows of someone who would be suitable to participate in this working group let me know by 1015 **( before ASIST Meeting)*** 6) Revision of ISO 5127, Information and documentation - Vocabulary This is a ballot to call for additional participants to the working group that is revising ISO 5127, Information and documentation -- Vocabulary. On the CD ballot for the revision, there were extensive comments and the Working Group is looking for more help in addressing all the issues and suggestions. As noted in the resolution at the TC46 meeting in Paris: RESOLUTION 2013-04: Revision of ISO 5127 ISO/TC 46 approves the recommendation of WG 4 following the positive vote on ISO CD 5127 on the revision of the standard "Information and documentation - Vocabulary" and agrees to advance the draft to the DIS development stage. However in preparing the DIS, WG 4 is instructed to: -- take full account of the many comments that were made during the vote on the CD; -- restore the French translation of each English term defined in the CD as it is already the case in the ISO 5127 standard currently in force; -- establish a contact with ISO/TC 37 to check the compatibility of the future DIS with the terminology standards of ISO/TC 37; -- encourage other experts, including English, French and German speakers, especially those who made the comments on the CD, to participate in the on-going work of the group. SAC (China) has been appointed as Secretariat of WG 4 and Ms LIU Chunyan as its Convenor. Annette Reilly (Society for Technical Communications) is on the Working Group. We are hoping for at least one additional U.S. representative to help on this project. This call is for U.S. nominees to the Working Group. Individuals located in other countries that are interested in participating need to go through their country's member body in TC46/SC9 to be nominated. You can nominate yourself or someone else. If nominating someone else, please get that person's agreement to participate on this Working Group before nominating. Participation is generally done via e-mail and teleconference or videoconference. Occasionally, the WG may meet in person in conjunction with a TC46 meeting week, but attendance at the in-person meetings is not required for participation. (The 2014 TC46 in-person meeting will take place in Washington, DC.) Your vote options are: Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate (include name and contact information of the nominee in the comments) No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone. Abstain from voting. I may have sent this out previously - if not I apologize If anyone wants to volunteer or knows of someone who would be suitable to participate in this working group let me know by 9/23 There is no document that was attached to this ballot - I will send the other documents out in this and some following messages -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: winmail.dat Type: application/ms-tnef Size: 17762 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Wed Sep 11 14:24:25 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:24:25 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] more dcouments Message-ID: <000901ceaf1c$25b02910$71107b30$> Here is the 2nd set of documents mark -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_DIS_18626(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1206795 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO_DIS_21127(E)-Character_PDF_document.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1260529 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ISO-TC171-SC2_N0832_ISO_32000-2-07242013-acro1.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 7969412 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Mon Sep 23 11:42:48 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:42:48 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] Call for participation -- Revision of ISO 5127, Information and documentation Message-ID: <010e01ceb873$8eef99a0$accecce0$> Since no one volunteered I told NISO we are not planning on nominating anyone to be on the committee to revise ISO 5127 - if anyone does want to volunteer let me know by this Wednesday morning Also if anyone is interested (or know anyone who is)in serving on Call for participation -- Revision of ISO 2108, International Standard Book Number Let me know by 10/15 mark From mneedlem at Tue Sep 24 13:10:18 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:10:18 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] NISO to Develop Standards and Recommended Practices for Altmetrics Message-ID: <013201ceb948$f206f850$d614e8f0$> FYI Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Colleagues Grant from Sloan Foundation will fund community-informed effort to standardize collection and use of alternative metrics measuring research impact Baltimore, MD - June 20, 2013 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces a new two-phase project to study, propose, and develop community-based standards or recommended practices in the field of alternative metrics. Assessment of scholarship is a critical component of the research process, impacting everything from which projects get funded to who gains promotion and tenure to which publications gain prominence. Since Eugene Garfield's pioneering work in the 1960s, much of the work on research assessment has been based upon citations, a valuable measure but one that has failed to keep pace with online reader behavior, network interactions with content, social media, and online content management. Exemplified by innovative new platforms like ImpactStory, a new movement is growing to develop more robust alternative metrics-called altmetrics-that complement traditional citation metrics. NISO will first hold several in-person and virtual meetings to identify critical areas where altmetrics standards or recommended practices are needed and then convene a working group to develop consensus standards and/or recommended practices. The project is funded through a $207,500 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Citation analysis lacks ways to measure the newer and more prevalent ways that articles generate impact such as through social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, or blogs," explains Nettie Lagace, NISO's Associate Director for Programs. "Additionally, new forms of scholarly outputs, such as datasets, software tools, algorithms, or molecular structures are now commonplace, but they are not easily-if at all-assessed by traditional citation metrics. These are two among the many concerns the growing movement around altmetrics is trying to address." "For altmetrics to move out of its current pilot and proof-of-concept phase, the community must begin coalescing around a suite of commonly understood definitions, calculations, and data sharing practices," states Todd Carpenter, NISO Executive Director. "Organizations and researchers wanting to apply these metrics need to adequately understand them, ensure their consistent application and meaning across the community, and have methods for auditing their accuracy. We must agree on what gets measured, what the criteria are for assessing the quality of the measures, at what granularity these metrics are compiled and analyzed, how long a period the altmetrics should cover, the role of social media in altmetrics, the technical infrastructure necessary to exchange this data, and which new altmetrics will prove most valuable. The creation of altmetrics standards and best practices will facilitate the community trust in altmetrics, which will be a requirement for any broad-based acceptance, and will ensure that these altmetrics can be accurately compared and exchanged across publishers and platforms." [more] Source and Full Text Available At [ ] /Gerry Gerry McKiernan Associate Professor and Science and Technology Librarian Iowa State University 152 Parks Library Ames IA 50011 "It's Not The Journey; It's The Detours." -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: Untitled attachment 00223.txt URL: