From mneedlem at Thu Oct 3 09:54:34 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 09:54:34 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] new ISO ballot Message-ID: <009e01cec040$17ada920$4708fb60$> Folks Another Call for Participation - is anyone interested (or know of anyone who might be good to participate in this?) I have attached the New Work Item document to this message I need responses by 10/14 Mark Call for participation -- Proposed ISO New Work Item: How to express records management principles, models and requirements for Enterprise Architects Question Do you have a nomination of a U.S. expert to participate on the new work item re records management and enterprise architects? ISO/TC46/SC11 resolves to create an ad hoc group (led by Trish O'Kane) to study Records management in relation to Enterprise Architecture to scope preliminary NWIP and prepare a draft by end of February 2014 for discussion at ISO/TC 46/SC 11 meeting in Washington in May 2014. A call will be made for records management experts who collaborate with Enterprise Architects. Note that they are looking both for records management experts and enterprise architect experts "because the NWI is about the translation of requirements from one field of expertise to another." Participation on ISO working groups is generally done via e-mail and teleconference or videoconference. Occasionally, the WG may meet in person in conjunction with a TC46 meeting week, but attendance at the in-person meetings is not required for participation. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: N1391_Prelim_Prop_NWI_-_Call_for_experts.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 726708 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Thu Oct 3 10:51:36 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 10:51:36 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] recent email Message-ID: <00c401cec048$109ac5c0$31d05140$> Can someone confirm they received the call for participation I just sent out mark From mneedlem at Tue Oct 8 08:13:11 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 08:13:11 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] another call for volunteers Message-ID: <022a01cec41f$c25d5590$471800b0$> Anyone interested in participating in this ( or know of anyone who might make a good participant). I have attached the official ISO document to this note In need names by 10/16/2013 mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Call for participation - Joint Working Group re EPUB3 and METS his is a call for participation in a new joint working group (JWG) between our TC46/SC4 (Technical interoperability) committee and two other committees -- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 (Document description and processing languages) and IEC/TC 100/TA 10 (Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies). This JWG will initially investigate the means for improving the archivability of EPUB 3 through the creation of a METS profile. The scope of the JWG may later be extended to other file formats such as OOXML and ODF; the charter of the group has intentionally been left generic to allow for future efforts. TC 46/SC 4 will have primary responsible for METS profiling. Metadata requirements for long term preservation will be established jointly. Consider nominating persons who have experience in long term preservation in general and in METS usage in particular. Familiarity with textMD (Technical metadata for text) and PREMIS preservation metadata specifications is a bonus. A document describing the establishment of the joint working group is available from a link on the ballot webpage and the announcement e-mail. These groups do most of their work via teleconference or videoconference, but may occasionally meet in person. However, attendance at the in-person meetings is not a requirement for participation. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: N886 Call for experts to JWG between JTC 1 SC 34, TC 100TA 10 and TC 46 SC 4.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 192688 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Tue Oct 15 08:31:17 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:31:17 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] New Work Item Ballot Message-ID: <007801cec9a2$723899c0$56a9cd40$> A new work item ballot has just opened up New Work Item Proposal Revision of ISO 3901, Information and Documentation - International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) This ballot is to approve a proposal to re-initiate the revision project. Included with this ballot is the new work item proposal that explains the reasons for the revision. Also, included is a working draft of the proposed revision. Both documents are available from the links on the ballot webpage and in the announcement e-mail. REQUIRED COMMENTS If the U.S. votes YES on this proposal, we must include the following two items. Please include this information in your comments. 1) Market relevance - Provide comments on the "market need" for this standard. 2) Expert to participate on the working group - You can nominate yourself or someone else. If nominating someone else, please get that person's agreement to participate on this Working Group before nominating. Include all contact information for the nominee. Your voting options are: Yes - approve the creation of this new project (Comments required regarding market relevance; expert nomination is optional.) No - do not approve this new project (comments required) Abstain from voting (comments optional) I need comments and a recommendation for a vote by 10/31/2013 I have attached a working draft of the document plus the new work item proposal Mark Hope to see at least some of you in Montreal -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sc9n718_ISO_WD_3901(E).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 315239 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sc9n719_NWI_Proposal_ISO_3901_revision.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 405578 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mneedlem at Thu Oct 17 12:11:48 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:11:48 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISBN revision - call for participation Message-ID: <013101cecb53$95c78c90$c156a5b0$> Since no volunteered (or volunteered someone else) I voted that we do not wish to participate in Call for participation -- Revision of ISO 2108, International Standard Book Number mark From mneedlem at Fri Oct 18 11:04:24 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:04:24 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] Call for participation - Joint Working Group re EPUB3 and METS Message-ID: <00d001cecc13$56069540$0213bfc0$> Since no one volunteered I just vote that we don't want to nominate anyone in the Call for participation - Joint Working Group re EPUB3 and METS We have until midnight in case anyone wants to volunteer or nominate someone mark From mneedlem at Mon Oct 21 09:36:05 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:36:05 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO CD Ballot Message-ID: <011101cece62$7e4dfc40$7ae9f4c0$> Anyone have any opinions on Ballot Details: ISO/CD 7098, Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese Vote is due on 1/22 Im temped to vote YES but want to hear what other folks think mark From thornbug at Mon Oct 21 10:11:39 2013 From: thornbug at (Thornburg,Gail) Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:11:39 +0000 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO CD Ballot In-Reply-To: <011101cece62$7e4dfc40$7ae9f4c0$> References: <011101cece62$7e4dfc40$7ae9f4c0$> Message-ID: <> I think we should vote Yes Gail --------------------------------------------------------- Gail Thornburg, Ph.D., Cons. Software Engineer Database Services Division OCLC, Inc. 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin, OH 43017 614-761-5246 (voice) 614-798-5742 (fax) 614/596-6152 (mobile) -----Original Message----- From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Needleman-UF Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:36 AM To: asis-standards at Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO CD Ballot Anyone have any opinions on Ballot Details: ISO/CD 7098, Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese Vote is due on 1/22 Im temped to vote YES but want to hear what other folks think mark From mneedlem at Tue Oct 22 08:22:06 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:22:06 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] ISO vote Message-ID: <00b501cecf21$533648e0$f9a2daa0$> I just cast a YES vote on ISO/CD 7098, Information and documentation -- Romanization of Chinese mark From mneedlem at Thu Oct 31 09:58:59 2013 From: mneedlem at (Mark Needleman-UF) Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:58:59 -0400 Subject: [Asis-standards] FW: New Work Item Proposal Revision of ISO 3901, Information and Documentation - International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <00bd01ced641$77a47d10$66ed7730$> Folks Hearing no comments or objections I voted YES on New Work Item Proposal Revision of ISO 3901, Information and Documentation - International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) Comments were required so I just commented This sounds like a needed revision that will improve functionality and usability of the ISRC system If anyone has a problem with this - we have until midnight tomorrow to change our vote - I need comments and a recommendation by then Mark