[Asis-standards] Voting Reminders

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Tue Jan 15 08:22:18 EST 2013


just a reminder that the following votes are coming up


1) Name:  New Work Item Proposal for Information and documentation — 
Interlibrary Loan Transactions

This standard will specify the
   transactions between libraries and library related organizations to
   handle requests for library items and exchange messages. It is
   intended to succeed the existing Open Systems Interconnection --
   Interlibrary Loan Application standards (ISO 10160, ISO 10161-1, and
   ISO 10161-2) and replace them with a standard focused on a simple
   exchange of transactions in a modern technological environment based
   on XML format and web service.

Disclaimer - I was involved in the discussions that lead to this being 

Comments and Vote Recommendation needed by 1/17/2013

2) Name:  JTC 1/SC 27 New work item proposal for Information technology 
- Security techniques - Electronic discovery

This is a new work item proposal from JTC 1/SC 27 (Information
   technology - Security techniques) to develop a new standard on
   Electronic Discovery, the process of discovering pertinent
   Electronically Stored Information (ESI) or data by one or both parties
   involved in an investigation and any resulting actions.

Comments and Vote recommendation needed by 1/17/2013


1) Name:  Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Develop Specification for 
Open Access Metadata and Indicators

  This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item on the development
   of a Specification for Open Access Metadata and Indicators.
The current work item will focus firstly on metadata
   elements that describe the readership rights associated with specific
   articles. Specifically, the Working Group will determine the optimal
   mechanisms to transmit the rights, if any, an arbitrary user has to
   access a specific article, from an arbitrary connection point on the
   internet. Recommendations will include means for distribution and
   aggregation of this metadata in machine readable forms, and the
   Working Group will consider whether existing bibliographic metadata
   distribution systems can store and transmit this information.

   work item will also consider the feasibility of incorporating
   information on re-use rights and the feasibility of reaching agreement
   on transmission of such information within the NISO community at this
   point in time. Specifically it will consider whether provision of
   license information is sufficient to provide clarity on re-use rights
   or whether further mechanisms are required. It may provide a
   recommendation on adoption of standardized licenses.

Comments and Vote recommendation needed by 1/20/2013

I believe i have already sent out the associated documents but if anyone 
needs any of them just let me know ( lhough im out of town 1/18/2013- 


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