[Asis-standards] 2 more votes

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Tue Mar 20 08:05:51 EDT 2012


i cast 2 more votes in NISO:

Voted REAFFIRM on Periodic Review of ANSI/NISO Z39.86 - 2005 
Specifications for the Digital Talking Book

Voted YES on ISO/CD 2789, Information and documentation -- International 
library statistics to move to Draft International Standard status - with 
the following comment:

Other standards for library statistics exist - eg LibQual+, and we feel 
its important to consider the mapping between this ISO standard and 
those standards (or an understanding of the differences). That other 
widely accepted standards for library statistics and performance 
measurement exist isn't acknowledged in this document.

Comment provided by Baden Hughes


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