[Asis-standards] Fwd: NISO Newsline June 2012

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Wed Jun 6 12:19:24 EDT 2012

For your enjoyment and edification


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	NISO Newsline June 2012
Date: 	Wed, 06 Jun 2012 11:55:49 -0400
From: 	Cynthia Hodgson <hodgsonca at verizon.net>
Reply-To: 	hodgsonca at verizon.net
Organization: 	NISO
To: 	<newsline at list.niso.org>

You can view this e-newsletter online at:

NISO: How the information world connects <http://www.niso.org>
NISO Home <http://www.niso.org>NISO Newsline Archives
<http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/>News and Events
<http://www.niso.org/news/>Specs and Standards
<http://www.niso.org/kst/reports/standards/>NISO Publications
Headshot of NISO Managing Director, Todd Carpenter

       June 2012

Each year, during the late spring conference series, some things stand
out as the "buzzwords" of the season. Last year it was tablets, mobile
devices, and e-books that were all the rage. In previous years, things
like Web 2.0, social media, and cloud computing have all vied for the
position of the most-used words during the conference series. While
different areas of the information distribution community have different
perspectives, of course, it's interesting to see how the topics that
impact on one part of the community converge on the others. This spring
I've noticed some splintering of focus among the variety of meetings
that I have attended so far. While the library community is highlighting
assessment, attribution, and scientific data, the publishing community
seems focused on discoverability, digital rights management (DRM), and
impact measures.

Alternative metrics (altmetrics) appeared to be the topic of the moment
last week at the Society for Scholarly Publishing
<http://www.sspnet.org/> meeting. This emerging movement
<http://altmetrics.org> is developing new approaches of assessing the
quality and impact of the scholarly literature. There is an upcoming
workshop in Chicago on altmetrics
<http://www.websci12.org/workshops/altmetrics12>, just prior to the
start of the ACM Web Science 2012 Conference <http://www.websci12.org/>
in late June.

During the BookExpo America <http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/> meeting in
New York this week, discoverability was the stand-out issue. The topic
also came up repeatedly during IDPF's Digital Book 2012
<http://idpf.org/digital-book-2012> prior to the start of BookExpo.
Since discoverability is so core to the library community—and a topic of
regular discussion over many years at library and scholarly meetings—it
could hardly qualify as a new buzzword, but it is certainly "buzzing" in
the publishing community. Indeed, the focus on metadata for discovery by
publishers is a welcome topic, since it has been a frequent subject of
conversation in the library community for years.

Perhaps this is keeping in line with the recently released /ACRL Top Ten
Trends in Academic Libraries/
<http://crln.acrl.org/content/73/6/311.full>. The majority of these
trends deal with the declining resources in libraries and the need for
greater efficiency and accountability. This is particularly true in
"Communicating Value," "Patron driven e-book acquisition," "Staffing,"
and "[Managing] User Behavior and Expectations."

There are still a number of meetings left in the spring "conference
series," culminating at the ALA Annual Conference
<http://www.alaannual.org/> in June. So I expect there will be more
buzzwords that make the list before the summer doldrums set in. I'm
happy to say that NISO is working on a variety of these "buzzing"
fronts. Perhaps, we will even introduce a few new buzzwords of our own
during the NISO/BISG Changing Standards Landscape Forum
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisobisgforum/> on the
Friday before the start of ALA this year. It is a terrific free program
that will cut across a variety of important topics to publishers and
libraries—with a particular focus this year on e-books. If you plan to
attend, please RSVP to the NISO office <mailto:nisohq at niso.org> and let
us know you'll join us.

It is also an important month for projects that are before the NISO
membership for ballot, including the revised DAISY standard
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/daisy/>, the JATS standard
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/journalmarkup/>, and soon the Technical
portion of the Supplemental Journal Article Materials Project
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/supplemental>. I also commend to you the
revised SERU Recommended Practice <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/seru>,
which was published last week, and encourage you to review the draft
PIE-J Recommended Practice <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/piej> that was
issued for comments.

I do hope to see you all at ALA in Anaheim, or elsewhere on the road. If
you can't be there in person, I am active on twitter on @TAC_NISO
<https://twitter.com/#!/TAC_NISO>, where I report on a variety of things
that people are talking about at meetings and online.

Todd Carpenter’s Signature

Todd Carpenter

Managing Director

       NISO Reports

   * June Webinar: Making Better Decisions with Usage Statistics <#report1>
   * NISO/BISG 6th Annual Changing Standards Landscape Forum (Free to
     Attend) <#report2>
   * NISO Update at ALA Annual <#report3>
   * Updated Recommended Practice on SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource
     Understanding <#report4>
   * Draft Recommended Practice on Presentation and Identification of
     E-Journals Released for Public Comment <#report5>
   * New on the NISO Website <#report6>

       New Specs & Standards

   * ISO/IEC 19788-5:2012, Information technology – Learning, education
     and training – Metadata for learning resources – Part 5: Educational
     elements <#spec1>
   * IEC 62665:2012, Multimedia systems and equipment – Multimedia
     e-publishing and e-books technologies – Texture map for auditory
     presentation of printed texts <#spec2>
   * ISO/IEC 10646:2012, Information technology – Universal Coded
     Character Set <#spec3>
   * ISO 18913:2012, Imaging materials – Permanence – Vocabulary <#spec4>
   * PREMIS Editorial Committee, PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation
     Metadata Version 2.2 <#spec5>
   * W3C Launches Linked Data Platform Working Group <#spec6>
   * W3C RDF Web Applications Working Group, Three RDFa Proposed
     Recommendations <#spec7>
   * W3C Provenance Working Group, Five Provenance Drafts Published <#spec8>

       Media Stories

   * Individual Title Requests in PDA Collections: A Small University
     Library's Experience <#story1>
   * Implementing DOIs for Research Data <#story2>
   * Navigating the Ebook Revolution <#story3>
   * ANSI Submits Final Input on OMB Circular A-119 Federal Register
     Notice <#story4>

       NISO Reports

         June Webinar: Making Better Decisions with Usage Statistics

As libraries move to become centers of digital collections, maintaining
information on the usage of these collections is ever more critical.
It's also essential to maintain common measures across heterogeneous
collections to be able to effectively analyze how the library's
collection dollars are being spent. The Project COUNTER Code of Practice
and the SUSHI protocol aid in this work.

NISO's June webinar, *Making Better Decisions with Usage Statistics*
13 from 1:00- 2:30 p.m. EDT—will explore the newly-published Release 4
of the COUNTER Code of Practice for e-resources and highlight its use in
conjunction with the SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting
Initiative) protocol in an active library environment.

Topics and Speakers

   * *Release 4 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for e-Resources* – /Peter
     Shepherd, Project Director, Project COUNTER/, will discuss the
     recently published Release 4 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for
     e-Resources, that provides a single, integrated Code of Practice for
     the recording and reporting of usage of journals, databases, books,
     reference works, and multimedia content—as well as a number of new
   * *SUSHI: More Relevant than Ever* – /Oliver Pesch, Chief Strategist,
     E-Resource Access and Management Services, EBSCO Information
     Services/ will discuss changes to the SUSHI protocol related to
     Release 4 of the COUNTER Code of Practice and will provide an
     overview of some key initiatives of the SUSHI Standing Committee
     that will accelerate SUSHI adoption and interoperability.
   * *Usage Statistics Workflow in an Academic Library* – /Amy Lynn Fry,
     Electronic Resources Coordinator, Bowling Green State University/
     will talk about how academic libraries are dealing with the
     realities of gathering, collating, reporting, and interpreting usage
     data in an increasingly complex and high-stakes environment.

Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00
pm Eastern on June 13, 2012. Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG
members and students. Can't make it on the webinar date/time? Register
now and gain access to the recorded archive for one year.

Visit the event webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/usage_statistics/> to
register and for more information.

         NISO/BISG 6th Annual Changing Standards Landscape Forum (Free to

For the sixth consecutive year, NISO and BISG will co-host *The Changing
Standards Landscape*
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisobisgforum/> during the
2012 American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim,
California, Friday, June 22 from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Anaheim
Convention Center, Room 213D. The forum is free to attend; however, for
logistics purposes, we ask that you e-mail nisohq at niso.org
<mailto:nisohq at niso.org> if you plan to attend.

This year's forum will focus on *E-Books: Describe and Identify, Search
and Discover, Comply and Use* by exploring how the publishing and
library communities are facing the new digital marketplace, with a
special focus on the standards that underlie the e-book supply chain.
Rather than concentrate on differences and divergent needs, this forum
will highlight the commonalities between publishers and libraries and
what each group can learn from the other. In this way, we hope to draw
out where common approaches can solve communal problems.

Speakers for the event are:

   * *Todd Carpenter*, Executive Director, NISO
   * *Nadine Vassallo*, Project Coordinator, BISG
   * *Laura Dawson*, Senior Product Manager, Bowker Discovery Services
   * *Sally McCallum*, Chief, Network Development and Standards Office,
     Library of Congress
   * *Kathy Klemperer*, Consultant, EDItEUR; Project Manager, HARRASSOWITZ
   * *Jenny Walker*, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Ex Libris and
     co-chair NISO Open Discovery Initiative
   * *Skott Klebe*, Manager of Special Initiatives, Copyright Clearance

For more information, visit the event webpage

         NISO Update at ALA Annual

NISO will be holding its annual *Standards Update*
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisoupdate/> session
during the ALA Conference on Sunday, June 24, 2012, from 1:30 - 3:30
p.m. in the Anaheim Convention Center, Room 206B. Although library
software is now undergoing many major shifts, almost all of NISO's
current work still affects, and is affected by, what's going on in the
software that libraries and their patrons utilize. Come hear about the
challenges in the current landscape, the new requirements which are now
apparent, and how NISO participants are responding to the need for new
standards and best practices.

Speakers and topics are:

   * *Welcome & Introduction* – Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
   * *ERM Data Review: Gap Analysis Project* – Tim Jewell, Director,
     Information Resources, Collections and Scholarly Communication,
     University of Washington; Chair, ERM Data Review Working Group
   * *NCIP and SIP* – Mike Dicus, Product Manager, Ex Libris, and Chair,
     NCIP Standing Committee & Rob Walsh, Maintenance Agency
     Representative for EnvisionWare
   * *Open Discovery Initiative* – Marshall Breeding, Independent
     Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides; Co-Chair, ODI
     Working Group
   * *New NISO Work Item: Recommended Practices for Demand-Driven
     Acquisition (DDA) of Monographs* – Michael Levine-Clarke,
     Collections Librarian and Professor, Penrose Library, University of
   * *Additional NISO Initiatives* – Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, 

This session is free and open to the public. No registration is
required. Visit the event webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisoupdate/> for more
information on this session.

NISO projects are also reported on in other sessions; visit the NISO at ALA
2012 webpage <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/> for a
listing of these and other standards-related programs at ALA.

Stop in and visit us at booth #627!

         Updated Recommended Practice on SERU: A Shared Electronic
         Resource Understanding

A new edition of the recommended practice /*SERU: A Shared Electronic
Resource Understanding*/ (NISO RP-7-2012) is now available. The SERU
Recommended Practice offers a mechanism that can be used as an
alternative to a license agreement by expressing commonly shared
understandings between content providers and libraries. These
understandings include such things as the definition of authorized
users, expectations for privacy and confidentiality, and online
performance and service provisions. The 2012 updated version of SERU
recognizes both the importance of making SERU more flexible for those
who want to expand its use beyond e- journals, while acknowledging the
fact that consensus for other types of e-resource transactions are not
as well-established as they are for e-journals.

"The 2008 version of SERU was eagerly adopted by a number of libraries
and publishers to streamline the acquisition of e-journals," states
Selden Lamoureux, E- Resources Librarian with SDLinforms and Co-chair of
the NISO SERU Standing Committee. "Since then, with the many emerging
models for acquiring e-books, both libraries and e-book providers have
requested that other types of electronic resources be incorporated into
the SERU framework. This new version uses language that can be applied
to a wide variety of e-resources while retaining the same shared
understandings that made the previous version so useful."

"SERU offers publishers and libraries the opportunity to save both the
time and the costs associated with a negotiated and signed license
agreement by agreeing to operate within a framework of shared
understanding and good faith," explains Judy Luther, President of
Informed Strategies and Co-chair of the NISO SERU Standing Committee.
"SERU reflects some well-established and widely accepted common
expectations concerning e-resources acquisitions. In those instances
where there is as yet no standard expectation, a shared understanding
may still be achieved if expectations are clearly articulated in the
purchase order that accompanies SERU."

"Widespread adoption of the SERU model for electronic resource
transactions offers substantial benefits to both publishers and
libraries by removing the overhead of license negotiation," asserts Todd
Carpenter, NISO Executive Director. "The SERU Registry of those
interested in using the SERU approach already contains over 70
publishers and content providers and185 libraries and consortia. The
expansion of the recommendations to address additional types of
e-resources should interest more organizations in joining the SERU

The SERU Recommended Practice, the SERU Registry, and additional helpful
resources are available from the SERU workroom webpage
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/seru/> on the NISO website.

         Draft Recommended Practice on Presentation and Identification of
         E-Journals Released for Public Comment

The draft Recommended Practice /*PIE-J: Presentation & Identification of
E-Journals*/ (NISO RP-16-201x) has been released for public review and
comment through July 5, 2012. This Recommended Practice was developed to
provide guidance on the presentation of e-journals—particularly in the
areas of title presentation, accurate use of ISSN, and citation
practices—to publishers and platform providers, as well as to solve some
long-standing concerns of serials librarians. In addition to the
recommendations, the document includes extensive examples of good
practices using screenshots from various publishers' online journals
platforms; a discussion of helpful resources for obtaining title history
and ISSN information; an overview of the International Standard Serial
Number (ISSN) and key points for using it correctly; an explanation of
the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®), the registration agency CrossRef,
and tips on using DOIs for journal title management; and a review of
related standards and recommended practices.

"Citations form the basis for much scholarly research. Unless journal
websites accurately and uniformly list all the titles under which
content was published, user access to desired content is considerably
diminished," explains Cindy Hepfer, Head, Electronic Periodicals
Management & Continuing Resources at the State University of New York at
Buffalo and co-chair of the NISO PIE-J Working Group. "For example, many
e-journal publishers and aggregators now place digitized content
originally published under an earlier title on the website for the
current title, using the current ISSN, thus seriously impeding the
researcher's ability to find or identify the content being sought. The
PIE-J project was initiated to address these issues."

"The publishers and providers of e-journals take great pride in the
diverse designs of their websites," states Bob Boissy, Manager, Account
Development & Strategic Alliances at Springer and co-chair of the NISO
PIE-J Working Group. "Yet how these websites present, identify, and link
together the publications that they display can make the end users' task
of discovering articles and accessing them easy, frustrating, or
completely fruitless. Application of the PIE-J recommended practice
guidelines will result in improved discovery and access that will
benefit researchers, authors, librarians, online providers, and publishers."

"The PIE-J Recommended Practice provides a clear and succinct list of
guidelines that publishers can easily implement to facilitate long-term
access to their e- journal content," declares Todd Carpenter, NISO
Executive Director. "This constructive advice will aid publishers with
the presentation of born-digital content as well as supporting the
continued digitization of content from journals originally published
only in print."

The PIE-J draft Recommended Practice and an online commenting form are
available from the NISO PIE-J workroom webpage

         New on the NISO Website

   * IOTA: OpenURL Quality Metrics open teleconference recording
   * NISO Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books: Part 1:
     Can I Access the World? Involving Users in E-book Acquisition and
     Sharing presentation slides
   * NISO Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books: Part 2:
     Heritage Lost? Ensuring the Preservation of E-books presentation
   * Authoring and Interchange Framework Specification standard (NISO
     Z39.86-201x,) at ballot <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/daisy>
   * JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite standard (NISO Z39.96-201x) at
     ballot <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/journalmarkup>
   * Report of TC 46/SC 9 Plenary – Presentation by Sam Oh and Todd
     Carpenter to TC46 Plenary, 11 May 2012, Berlin
   * TC46/SC9 resolutions from plenary meeting 9 May 2012 in Berlin
   * NISO Releases Draft Recommended Practice on Presentation and
     Identification of E-Journals for Public Comment (press release)
   * NISO Publishes Updated Recommended Practice on SERU: A Shared
     Electronic Resource Understanding (press release)

       New Specs & Standards

         ISO/IEC 19788-5:2012, Information technology – Learning,
         education and training – Metadata for learning resources – Part
         5: Educational elements

ISO/IEC 19788 specifies, in a rule-based manner, metadata elements and
their attributes for the description of learning resources. This
includes the rules governing the identification of metadata elements and
the specification of metadata attributes. These metadata elements are
used to form the description of a learning resource, i.e., as a metadata
learning resource (MLR) record.

         IEC 62665:2012, Multimedia systems and equipment – Multimedia e-
         publishing and e-books technologies – Texture map for auditory
         presentation of printed texts

IEC 62665:2012 specifies a text encoding scheme to enable the
interchange of documents and publications between visually impaired and
non-impaired people. It includes how to generate a texture map, a
physical shape and dimension of the texture map for printing, additional
features for texture map printing, texture map decoding, and an auditory
presentation of decoded texts.

         ISO/IEC 10646:2012, Information technology – Universal Coded
         Character Set

ISO/IEC 10646:2012 specifies the Universal Character Set (UCS) that
enables the exchange of data internationally. It is applicable to the
representation, transmission, interchange, processing, storage, input,
and presentation of the written form of the languages of the world as
well as additional symbols. It covers 110,181 characters from the
world's scripts. The charts of the ideographic characters are now in
multi-column format. Note1: This standard is usually made available for
free download. Currently only the 2011 version is listed on the Publicly
Available Standards downloads page
but the 2012 version will likely be added soon. Note 2: The Unicode
Standard, Version 6.1 <http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.1.0/> is
aligned with this third edition of the International Standard: ISOIEC

         ISO 18913:2012, Imaging materials – Permanence – Vocabulary

ISO 18913:2012 establishes a vocabulary of terms and definitions used in
relation to the permanence of imaging materials, related storage
materials, and digital storage media.

         PREMIS Editorial Committee, PREMIS Data Dictionary for
         Preservation Metadata Version 2.2

Changes in this version are a result of requests to amplify rights
information and include the addition of elements to allow for: linking
to documentation supporting rights information for copyright, license,
or statute; rights statements that have a different basis than
copyright, license, or statute; and expressing restrictions. Several
schema-only changes were also made.

         W3C Launches Linked Data Platform Working Group

W3C has launched a Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group
<http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Main_Page> to promote the use of linked
data on the Web. The group will explain how to use a core set of
services and technologies to build powerful applications capable of
integrating public data, secured enterprise data, and personal data. The
platform will be based on proven Web technologies including HTTP for
transport, and RDF and other Semantic Web standards for data integration
and reuse. The group will produce supporting materials, such as a
description of uses cases, a list of requirements, and a test suite
and/or validation tools to help ensure interoperability and correct

         W3C RDF Web Applications Working Group, Three RDFa Proposed
         Recommendations <http://www.w3.org/News/2012#entry-9442>

The RDF Web Applications Working Group <http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/>
has published three Proposed Recommendations for RDFa Core 1.1
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/PR-rdfa-core-20120508/>, RDFa Lite 1.1
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/PR-rdfa-lite-20120508/>, and XHTML+RDFa 1.1
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/PR-xhtml-rdfa-20120508/>. Together, these
documents outline the vision for RDFa in a variety of XML and HTML-based
Web markup languages. RDFa Core 1.1 specifies the core syntax and
processing rules for RDFa 1.1 and how the language is intended to be
used in XML documents. RDFa Lite 1.1 provides a simple subset of RDFa
for novice web authors. XHTML+RDFa 1.1 specifies the usage of RDFa in
the XHTML markup language.

         W3C Provenance Working Group, Five Provenance Drafts Published

The Provenance Working Group <http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/> published
five Working Drafts related to the PROV data model used to represent
provenance records, which contain descriptions of the entities and
activities involved in producing and delivering or otherwise influencing
a given object. PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-dm-20120503/> introduces the
provenance concepts found in PROV and defines PROV-DM types and
relations. Constraints of the Provenance Data Model
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-constraints-20120503/> introduces a
further set of concepts useful for understanding the PROV data model and
defines inferences that are allowed on provenance statements and
validity constraints that PROV instances should follow. PROV-N: The
Provenance Notation <http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-n-20120503/>
allows serializations of PROV instances to be created in a compact
manner. PPROV-O: The ROV Ontology
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-o-20120503/> expresses the PROV Data
Model using the OWL2 Web Ontology Language (OWL2). PROV Model Primer
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-primer-20120503/> provides an
intuitive introduction and guide to the PROV specification for
provenance on the Web.

       Media Stories

         Individual Title Requests in PDA Collections: A Small University
         Library's Experience
         /College & Research Libraries News, 73(5): 249-255, May 2012; by
         Debbi Dinkins/

Librarians have been using patron suggestions and interlibrary loan
requests to drive print acquisitions for years. Patron driven
acquisition (PDA) for e-books is a new variation that Stetson University
in Florida began using in 2010 through ebrary. Between October 2010 and
October 2011, 84 books were purchased through PDA at a cost of $5,624.
Price per purchased title averaged out at $66.16. (Many of the purchased
items were university press publications that tend to be higher priced.)
During the same time period, 178 books were accessed but did not meet
the threshold for a purchase. The library estimated a savings of
$12,741.56. The PDA e-book collection titles were added to the Sirsi
library catalog by unflagging the "permanent addition" tag and using a
statistical field to mark the record as temporary. Once purchased, the
e-book's record flag was changed. Faculty recommendations for
acquisition were also added to the PDA collection since such
recommendations were historically not always used and this way they were
purchased "just-in-time" when actually needed. Challenges that were
encountered during the PDA trial included ebrary loss of rights to a
title, requiring the library to decide whether to purchase the title
outright, possibly in print; and distinguishing PDA from subscribed
e-book collections when using vendor-supplied MARC catalog information.
Future study issues include further analysis on whether
faculty-recommended titles actually get used and if not, why; impact of
availability of e-books to mobile devices on PDA purchases; and
short-term loan options in lieu of or before a PDA purchase. (Link to
Web Source <http://crln.acrl.org/content/73/5/249.full>)

*NISO Note: *ebrary is owned by ProQuest, a NISO voting member. For more
on patron-driven acquisitions, view the presentations from the NISO May
2012 webinar on Can I Access the World? Involving Users in E-book
Acquisition and Sharing

NISO members are currently voting on a new work item proposal to develop
recommended practices for demand-driven acquisition (DDA) of monographs.
This project is expected to be approved shortly; watch for an
announcement and call for participation.

         Implementing DOIs for Research Data
         /D-Lib, 18(5/6), May/June 2012; by Natasha Simons/

The extreme growth in digital scientific data is presenting challenges
to research organizations that need to manage it. Making data more
discoverable and accessible requires a common method for citation that
includes a persistent identifier. Organizations such as DataCite are
using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) system for this purpose. The
DOI system is supported by an infrastructure maintained by the
International DOI Foundation and its appointed registration agencies.
DataCite has registered in just one year over a million DOIs for data.
The Australian National Data Service (ANDS)—a DataCite member—launched a
/Cite My Data/ service to create an Australian Research Data Commons.
Griffiths University, with funding from ANDS, is working to create the
/Griffith Hub/, a repository to improve the discovery and re-use of its
research data. Part of the project included evaluating the use of DOIs
for their data. While the technical solution of using DOIs was
straightforward, a number of governance- and process-related issues had
to be addressed. One issue is how to handle collaborative research
projects between two organizations where, even if the data is stored at
both institutions, only one DOI should exist for the same data. Datasets
that change over time will require some type of versioning, with a new
DOI assigned to a new version; however, the metadata element that would
link versions is not currently a required element. DOIs are not the only
type of persistent identifier; ANDS produced a "Persistent Identifiers
Decision Tree" to aid in deciding when it is appropriate to use a DOI.
Because DOIs can be assigned at any level of granularity, one could be
assigned to an entire data collection and others assigned to the
individual items within the collection. Griffiths made the decision to
have DOIs point to landing pages within the /Griffith Hub/ repository,
rather than directly to a dataset, allowing additional information about
the dataset to be included on the landing page. Two process workflows
for DOI data assignment have emerged; one allows the researcher to make
a mediated request for a DOI while the other is for a data administrator
to obtain DOIs for collections that have already been curated. DataCite
is allowing Thomson Reuters to access their repository to include
metadata in the Web of Science. CrossRef is working with DataCite to
possibly allow publishers to find links between articles and datasets.
(Link to Web Source <http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may12/simons/05simons.html>)

*NISO Note: *Syntax for the Digital Object Identifier (ANSI/NISO Z39.84
<http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-84-2005/>) is a NISO standard. The
Digital Object Identifier System was recently approved as an ISO
standard (ISO 26324

To learn more about data citation, register for NISO's September forum
in Denver: Tracking it Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research
Data <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/tracking_it_back_to_the_source/>.

         Navigating the Ebook Revolution
         /American Libraries, 5/23/2012; by James LaRue/

Libraries, publishers, booksellers, authors, and readers are all
impacted by the increasing shift from print to digital resources. The
author interviewed one of each of these stakeholders to understand their
issues. Reader Frank Morris, a lifelong library user, just bought a
Kindle and fears for the future of the public library. The author
emphasized to him the adaptability of the library and that with each new
type of information media, the library saw increased use. Sometime later
Morris bought an iPad and canceled his paper magazine subscriptions. But
he continued to come to the library and was unhappy that he couldn't
donate his electronic books (read or un-read) to the library. Science
fiction writer Connie Willis sees advantages to the self-publishing
trend for many authors, but also sees it adding a lot of poorly written
and unedited material to the supply stream. She is concerned about the
amount of time authors could be spending on book design and marketing
rather than writing. She also worries about leased access replacing
ownership of a book, Joyce Meskis, an independent bookseller, has been
negatively impacted by the big chain bookstores, the economic recession,
and now e-books. She currently gets a percentage of e-book sales she
makes from Google Books, but Google will be eliminating this option for
independent bookstores at year-end. Brian Schwartz, an independent,
mid-list publisher, has, like many smaller publishers, had difficulty
competing with the "Big 6" publishers for distribution, especially to
libraries. Electronic distribution offers more attractive opportunities
to sell content directly to libraries. But e-publishing presents other
challenges such as converting material to digital formats and ensuring
their readability on a variety of devices. The EPUB 3 format offers
support for a wide variety of features and, potentially, cross-platform
access. But many e-readers, e.g., the Amazon Kindle, do not yet support
native EPUB format. Creating multiple formats adds to the difficulty and
expense of producing an e-book. And the infrastructure needed to
distribute electronic files, e.g. secure servers, accompanying metadata
records, etc., also adds complexity. Librarians, such as the author,
have to deal with entirely new processes and systems with digital
content, as well as new restrictions on that content. Some
recommendations for librarians to pursue are: a less complex legal
framework that avoids contracts with each publisher and vendor; better
Association support in dealing with publishers and distributors; new
content evaluation resources; new acquisition models; outreach to
independent booksellers to form cooperative ventures; and different
relationships with distributors.
(Link to Web Source

*NISO Note: *Although NISO encourages the use of standards such as EPUB
for the creation of e-books, it has not officially endorsed EPUB as the
only or preferred e-book format. NISO's SERU Recommended Practice
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/seru> offers a possible alternative to
the complex contractual process mentioned in this article as one
drawback to electronic resources for libraries. Learn more about the
latest in e-books from both library and publisher perspectives at the
NISO October forum in Boston: The E-Book Renaissance, Part II:
Challenges and Opportunities <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ebooks/>.

         ANSI Submits Final Input on OMB Circular A-119 Federal Register
         /ANSI Press Release, June 4, 2012/

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has submitted an input

on whether and how to supplement Circular A-119
<http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a119/>, "Federal Participation
in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in
Conformity Assessment Activities." In a March 30 Federal Register notice

the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) stated that issues in the
standards and conformity assessment areas may have emerged or evolved
since the Circular was last updated in 1998, and sought input on how
additional or more specific guidance on standards and conformity
assessment will assist agencies engaged in rulemaking, procurement, and
other activities. The ANSI input document

affirms that standards and conformity assessment activities are
inextricably linked to all facets of our national economy and are vital
to the continued global competitiveness of U.S. industry. (Link to Web


         About NISO Newsline

ISSN 1559-2774

NISO's free monthly e-newsletter reports on the latest NISO news,
highlights new specifications and standards of interest including calls
for public review and comment, abstracts significant media stories on
topics of interest to the NISO community, and links to news releases of
NISO member organizations

Newsline is distributed via e-mail to subscribers on the first Wednesday
of the month and is posted to the NISO website.

Newsline Archive » <http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/>

May Open Teleconference <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/>
June Usage Stats Webinar
NISO at ALA 2012 <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/>


June 11

Recap of ISO TC46 Meeting in Berlin May 7-11, 2012

NISO Open Teleconference

June 13

Making Better Decisions with Usage Statistics

NISO Webinar

June 22

NISO/BISG 6th Annual Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape

Anaheim, CA

June 24

NISO Update @ ALA Annual

Anaheim, CA

August 8

Content on the Go: Mobile Access to E-Resources

NISO Webinar

August 22

Metadata for Managing Scientific Research Data


         Other Events of Interest

June 7-10

NASIG Annual Conference <http://www.nasig.org/conference_registration.cfm>

Nashville, TN

June 13-17

AAUP Annual Meeting <http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/about/events/anconf>

Washington, D.C.

June 21-26

ALA Annual Meeting <http://www.alaannual.org/>

Anaheim, CA

July 15-18

SLA Annual Conference

Chicago, IL

         News from NISO Members:

*Events & Education*

Free Webinar to Feature ALA President and President-Elect Discussing the
Focus of Association, Presidential Initiatives

Explore the Future of the Book with ACRL

Learn How Linked Data Will Transform Libraries in New Workshop

ALCTS Presents RDA at Annual

LLAMA Webinar Helps You Develop a Free Online Management System

PR Forum 2012: Implementing New Technologies @ Your Library

Learn to Integrate iPads and Tablets into Your Library in New eCourse

New Web Education Offering from LITA

ALCTS Presents Two Outstanding Virtual Preconferences in June

'Mapping Transformation'- 2012 ALA Virtual Conference, Registration Open

ARL, LibQUAL+®, SPARC at ALA Annual, Anaheim, June 2012

Save the Date: June 23, SPARC-ACRL Forum at ALA in Anaheim

Visit Index Data at the ALA 2012 Annual Conference in Anaheim!

ALA Anaheim JSTOR Information Session

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Launches RDA Cataloger Training

Look for LYRASIS at ALA in Anaheim

*Information Resources*

New Book Proclaims the End of IT Autocracy, Rallies Information Managers
to Occupy IT <http://www.aiim.org/About/News/OccupyIT-eBook>

New AIIM Study Finds Killer Apps Will Drive Big Data Initiatives

New from ACRL: The Changing Academic Library, Second Edition

A Straightforward Guide for Library Trainers and Presenters

The Newest TECH SET® Offers 10 Guides to Today's Best Library
Technologies <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=10553>

New ALA Report Explores Challenges Of Equitable Access To Digital
Content <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=10543>

New Public Library Data From PLA Available Online

New Directions for Academic Liaison Librarians

A Practical Approach to the Basics of Cataloging in AACR2, RDA: Resource
Description and Access, and MARC21

CNI Conversations Podcast Features ORCID, Scholarly Attribution,
Designing 21st-Century Libraries

CNI Releases Report on Multiple Devices and Platforms

Challenges of 21st-Century Research Library Collections: ARL Releases
Issue Brief <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/21sttfreport-17may12.shtml>

CNI Conversations Podcast Features Mobile Tech, Future of Web

ARL May 2012 Membership Meeting in Chicago: Session Slides Now Online

BISG Bulletin *EXTRA: EPUB 3.0 Support Grid Now Available

BISG Provides Resources for Understanding Mobile Commerce

Survey Suggests Student E-book Usage Stronger in the UK than Other
Regions <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_UK_Survey.pdf>

Bowker Research Shows Australia is a Global Leader in e-Book Adoption

Why "No Difference" Matters to Us All: Ithaka S+R Study Tests Potential
for Interactive Online Learning Systems to Improve Learning Outcomes and
Reduce Costs In Higher Education

Highlights from the 21st Annual Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference

*Awards & Grants*

2012 ALA Presidential Citations for Innovative International Library
Projects Announced <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=10425>

EBSCO Publishing Wins Silver in Best in Biz Awards 2012 EMEA

IEEE Spectrum Wins National Accolades for General Excellence Among
Thought Leader Magazines from the American Society of Magazine Editors

National Archives Awards $2.9 Million in Grants for Documentary Editing
and Archival Projects

Medical Heritage Library Awarded NEH Grant for Digitization of
Historical Medical Journals <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/neh_grant.html>

*Product & Project Announcements*

3M Cloud Library Continues to Build Content Offerings
<http://3m-ssd.implex.net/documents/3M Cloud Library Continues to Build
Content Offerings.pdf>

New ACS Journal to Publish Research Aimed at Advancing Sustainable

AIP Advances Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters Databases

ProQuest Enables Worldwide Access to Virtual Royal History

ProQuest and Elsevier Health Expand Medical Licensing Agreement

ProQuest Gets Behind 1940 U.S. Census Community Project

Udini™ by ProQuest Innovates with On-Demand Premium Information Service
for Individual Researchers

45% of ebrary Customers Diversify E-book Acquisition Models for the
Highest Return on Investment

Gale's New Classroom in Context (CLiC) Resources Help Hasten the Digital
Curriculum Transition

New Book from Cengage Learning Reveals How to Create Stunning Content
for the Internet and the iPad Using Adobe InDesign CS6

Gale Digitizes Popular 20th Century Weekly For Students and Scholars

Gale and Wolper Information Services Partner to Enhance Distribution of
Electronic and Print Resources to Libraries

CrossRef Announces FundRef Pilot to Standardize Funding Source
Information for Scholarly Publications

EBSCO Publishing Brings Associated Press Images Collection to Library

EBSCO Provides Seamless Access to Full Text with SmartLinks+

EBSCO Discovery Service Customers Gain Access to Industry Insights and
Analysis Due to Agreement with The Freedonia Group, Inc.

EBSCO Publishing Releases Nine New Audiobook Collections

EBSCO Publishing Releases Two New Digital Archive Databases from
Collections at the New-York Historical Society

Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset Now Available via EBSCO Discovery
Service from EBSCO Publishing

Discover Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies at eLearning Africa

E-Thesis Online Service to Be Covered by the Ex Libris Primo Central

Ex Libris Primo Central Index to Cover the Kotar Library and RAMBI

Ex Libris Announces the Launch of Rosetta 3.0

Ex Libris Endorses Global Open Metadata Initiatives

SAGE Publications Renews Partnership with HighWire

Journal Watch to Move to the HighWire Open Platform

Innovative Launches Content Pro IRX

Wiley-Blackwell Launches New Open Access Journal: Food Science &

Library of Congress Announces Modeling Initiative

National Archives at San Francisco Opens Immigration Files and Dedicates
Tom Lantos Research Center

New Look, New Collections for National Library of Medicine's IndexCat™
Database <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/neh_grant.html>

More Libraries Join the OCLC WorldShare Management Services Community

Elsevier Launches New Journal: Economics of Transportation

Ringgold Becomes the First Contracted ISNI Registration Agency for
Institutions <http://www.ringgold.com/pages/pr_120529_isni.html>

SAGE presents Arts and Humanities from the Ground-Breaking SAGE
Reference Series on Disability

SAGE Partners with Simon Fraser University on SAGE Open

Thomson Reuters Creates Most Comprehensive Collection of Searchable
Trademark Data in the World

GPO Teams with Barnes & Noble to Sell Federal eBooks

GPO Introduces New eLearning Tool for Federal Depository Libraries

Xerox Makes it Faster and Easier for Library Patrons and Staff to Scan

*Organization Changes*

Mary Beth Weber Appointed New LRTS Editor

LYRASIS Members Elect New Members to the Board of Trustees

Archivist of the United States Names William Mayer as Executive for
Research Services

Serials Solutions Appoints Paul Brennan to Head Content Operations

*Policy & Legislation*

CCC Statement on Court Ruling of GSU Case

SAA Council Adopts "Guidelines for Reappraisal and Deaccessioning"

SAA Opposes Elimination of Canadian Archives Programs

Guidelines for Security and Theft in Special Collections Endorsed by SAA

*Customer Announcements*

Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE in Australia Selects EBSCO
Discovery Service

California's National University Selects Alma and Primo from Ex Libris

The European Primo Community Continues to Expand

Westerville Public Library (OH) Live on Sierra Services Platform

Chinese Culture University (Taiwan) Selects Innovative's Millennium

Yale Law School's Library Now Live on the Sierra Services Platform

Bloomfield Township Public Library (MI) Now Live on Sierra

American Medical Association to Preserve E-Journals with Portico

American Oriental Society to Preserve E-Journal with Portico

The Antioch Review to Preserve E-Journal with Portico

Association of University Programs in Health Administration to Preserve
E-journal with Portico

International AIDS Society to Preserve E-journal with Portico

CUNY Graduate Center Library to Preserve E-journals with Portico

Empowering Libraries and Delivering New Tools to Researchers: Mendeley
Institutional Edition Powered by Swets Goes Live

VTLS Provides "Vorpal Solutions" for Kansas City Public Library's Drupal
Projects <http://www.vtls.com/node/111>

Copyright © 2012 National Information Standards Organization
One North Charles Street, Suite 1905, Baltimore, MD 21201

*Phone:* 866.957.1593 *Fax:* 410.685.5278
*E-mail:* nisohq at niso.org <mailto:nisohq at niso.org>

*Newsline editor*: Cynthia Hodgson <mailto:chodgson at niso.org>

For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from
Newsline, ISSN 1559-2774, please access www.copyright.com
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