[Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO tc46ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "ISO 30302 Justification Study"

Baden Hughes baden.hughes at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 16:07:38 EDT 2012

no objections from me


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Mark Needleman <mneedlem at ufl.edu> wrote:

> this is just a vote to authorize a study - does anyone have any problems
> with it?
> mark
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:        [NISO tc46ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "ISO 30302
> Justification Study"
> Date:   Mon, 30 Jul 2012 05:07:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From:   <admin at list.niso.org>
> To:     mneedlem at ufl.edu
> /"ISO 30302 Justification Study" has opened./
> *Ballot Title*: ISO 30302 Justification Study
> <http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=411>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Question*
> Do you approve the justification study for the proposed new standard ISO
> 30302, Management systems for records – Guidelines for implementation?
> *Description*
> Several years ago TC46/SC11 decided they would issue their standards as
> a portfolio of "Management systems for records". The standards in ISO
> "management systems" are intended to help organizations to develop and
> systematically manage their policies, processes and procedures related
> to the major topic, in this case records.
> Because an MSS family of standards has a broader scope than most other
> types of standards and a potentially greater impact, the revised ISO
> Directives now require all new standards in an MSS to have a
> Justification Study performed prior to initiation of the project.
> This ballot is for approval of the Justification Study for a new
> proposed standard in the SC11 management system of records, ISO 30302,
> Management systems for records – Guidelines for implementation.
> The justification study is available for download from the ballot
> webpage and the link in the announcement e-mail.
> Your voting options are:
> Yes - approve the justification study and the advancement of this
> standard project to the next stage of approval (comments optional)
> No - do not approve this justification study; this project should not
> advance (comments required)
> Abstain form voting (comments optional)
> *Closing Date*: Monday, 13 August 2012 @ 11:59 pm EDT
> *Vote <
> http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=411>
>    * Yes
>    * No
>    * Abstain
> *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Group*: TC46 Ballot Advisory Group
> *Date Opened*: Monday, 30 July 2012 @ 8:00 am EDT
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Referenced Items*
>         TC46SC11N1300_ISO-30302_Justification_Study.pdf (583K)  2012-07-29
> Download
> <http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/download.php/8841> |
> View Details
> <
> http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/document.php?document_id=8841
> >
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